On the Tiber's shore

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Talking from what I see and do as a Protestant minister, I’ve never witnessed a single invalid baptism.

We do, however, regularly turn down requests for “dry baptisms” made by parents because the babies cry when their heads are wet and thus look ugly on pictures.
I think they’re assumed to be christian based on creed rather than assuming valid baptisms. Creed doesn’t necessitate proper form or matter though.
I’m pretty sure the Baptists do not subscribe fully to the Nicene Creed (nor the Apostles Creed for that matter). One of my Baptist parents sure didn’t when I recited it. They are still considered Christian though.
We do, however, regularly turn down requests for “dry baptisms” made by parents because the babies cry when their heads are wet and thus look ugly on pictures.
Yikes! At least they learn the necessity of water baptisms.

It’s good news you haven’t seen one. I don’t know if I’m being foolish but I’d be most concerned about denominations with “married” lesbian ministers using heterodox formulae.
I’m guessing it’s to do with believing in the holy catholic church and the communion of saints?
I’m guessing it’s to do with believing in the holy catholic church and the communion of saints?
And the forgiveness of sins through baptism. And looking forward to the resurrection of the dead (my parents take a literal interpretation of Revelation, so the Rapture, 1000 years of peace, 1000 of Hell on earth, etc. Not something they look forward to).
There are pastors who get groups into bodies of water and say the trinitarian formula from the shore. Still invalid.
And now my wife sent me a story of someone who is forgiving his sister’s rapist and murderer. The guy doing the forgiving? A Catholic. Maybe it’s cause I’m looking for it now, or it’s a clear sign. Praise God either way.
And now my wife sent me a story of someone who is forgiving his sister’s rapist and murderer. The guy doing the forgiving? A Catholic. Maybe it’s cause I’m looking for it now, or it’s a clear sign. Praise God either way.
I saw that on Twitter yesterday. Pretty amazing story.
Sounds like a concert where a Christian band was playing and they passed out crackers and little cups with grape juice in them and they said we were all going to take communion together. Nothing else to it. I was like, come on, this is almost sacrilege.
It was a story related by Fr. John Hardon about protestants converting whole tribes in Africa. The baptisms were invalid because the pastor would get the villagers to go and stand in the river while the pastor stayed on shore and pronounced that he baptized them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost. Problem was, he didn’t baptize them at all, he just said words from dry ground while the villagers got wet standing in a river.
If the water doesn’t flow (sprinkled, poured, immersed), likely invalid matter, yep.
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