On the Tiber's shore

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And there is this obscure site:
What could possibly go wrong?

I remember something about preference for running water as in a stream, river, or lake, if not available then cold poured water, if not available then sprinkled.
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But apparently hold them to be illicit. Which is a change. Which is what I was looking for.

I like valid/invalid/licit/illicit distinctions.
The point, when that was true, was to make the water flow as a true ablution.
In short, the Catholic Church doesn’t say that baptisms by sprinkling are valid, but she doesn’t say they’re invalid either
It was Catholic Answers all along, putting it all together for us…
In its seventh chapter, the Didache reads, “Concerning baptism, baptize in this manner: Having said all these things beforehand, baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit in living water [that is, in running water, as in a river]. If there is no living water, baptize in other water; and, if you are not able to use cold water, use warm. If you have neither, pour water three times upon the head in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

Hippolytus of Rome said, “If water is scarce, whether as a constant condition or on occasion, then use whatever water is available”

Pope Cornelius I wrote that as Novatian was about to die, “he received baptism in the bed where he lay, by pouring”

Cyprian advised that no one should be “disturbed because the sick are poured upon or sprinkled when they receive the Lord’s grace”
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Indeed, the Church will forever be incomplete without the four named in this thread!

I understand that it seems like diving into the deep end of the pool when you have only learned to dog paddle.

Faith, hope and charity. It is a leap of faith.

May we interact and invite by employing the greatest of the theological virtues: charity.

For what is it worth, my insignificant prayers are ascending.
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From new advent’s article on baptism:

The proximate matter of baptism is the ablution performed with water. The very word “baptize”, as we have seen, means a washing.

Three forms of ablution have prevailed among Christians, and the Church holds them all to be valid because they fulfill the requisite signification of the baptismal laving. These forms are immersion, infusion, and aspersion.

It goes on for quite a while, undoubtedly more than the 3200 character limit.
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Ok, I can’t find a lot of documentation about indulgences. Maybe because it seems to be a dirty word or something. But I don’t quite understand them. Why do we need them if Jesus died for our sins? Why do we need indulgences?

Not arguing against them, just can’t find anything definitive. Thanks!
Ok, I can’t find a lot of documentation about indulgences. Maybe because it seems to be a dirty word or something. But I don’t quite understand them. Why do we need them if Jesus died for our sins? Why do we need indulgences?

Not arguing against them, just can’t find anything definitive. Thanks!
Think of them as beginning purgation here on Earth. They’re not for the forgiveness of sins; they’re for reparation, to put it very loosely.
Every sin as a temporal punishment dimension to it. Your sins are absolutely forgiven at absolution, but there is still all the temporal damage you caused through that sin that still needs to be dealt with.

A favorite analogy is that of a child throwing a baseball through a window. The parent might forgive the child, but the window is still broken and the child should bear the responsibility of fixing it or otherwise make reparation for what they have done (grounding, extra chores, taking away privileges, etc).

Your time in purgatory is related to how much reparation for sin still needs to be dealt with by the time you die. Indulgences result from doing certain acts of reparation in this life so that your time in purgatory or the time of others is lessened.
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Well she has a different understanding of salvation than Catholics do. We believe that purgation takes place after death for nearly all Christians. And so its important to clean up any sin in our lives and utilize the sacraments. It’s also important to have a correct and healthy undestanding of the Communion of Saints as we need these people now and in the afterlife etc. So, its just a difference in theological viewpoint. Our theology is deeper than theirs.
Good afternoon,

I just got back home from my meeting with Father.

He told me to request that my documents be sent from the parish I had been Confirmed in (I’ve moved since then). He also said that my idea of taking things gradually with my wife is a good idea, of me attending Mass and inviting her along, but not forcing her, and continuing to go with her to our Lutheran parish (though not comuning there), so she does not feel abandoned. He told me, though in quite kindly terms, to get to Mass and Confession. He said that while blessing our marriage is possible with just me, it is preferable to have her there. He also loaned me a “Catholic Answer Bible”, especially to help me figure out how to explain things to my wife, and was going to loan me a DVD series until he found out I’ve watched a number of Bishop Robert Barron’s videos.

I am wanting to at least get to the Saturday afternoon Mass this week. If I can get to Confession/work up the courage to actually confront my sins, I’ll go this week. I’ve been off and on doing an examen as time allows, using the resources that have been kindly recommended to me, and I am ashamed at how long my list is, let alone the content.

Oh! And St Augustine’s feast day is next week. So many questions have just melted away after I’ve requested his intercession.

I have been trying to get into contact with the parish I was Confirmed in, and unfortunately, it seems like their office is closed at the moment. I’ll have to wait to request the copy of the documents, or else send an email and hope they check it tomorrow.
Praying for you. It’s a monumental shift in how you view yourself and reality.
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