Person? How about 1 billion odd people deciding it and believing it?I would like to know who decided that missing Mass was a mortal sin and how did this person come that conclusion since no where in the New Testament does it says missing Mass would cause a person to be damned to Hell.
How about the Old Testament? Honour the Sabbath and all that? It’s a commandment for a reason, and we know the Jews honoured it by going to their synagogues and had a whole lot more restrictions as to what could be done than we do. We know Jesus and Paul went to synagogues and regularly celebrated the breaking of the bread.Why should we not at least go to Mass on Sunday, OUR Sabbath, then?
If you don’t go to Mass, Sunday becomes either just like any other weekday with work, shopping and chores or just like Saturday with the ballgames. Sunday needs something special, holy, and UNIQUE about it, otherwise there’s no honour in it. The unique thing is Mass.