Only 31 deaths of children under age 15 involving COVID-19. Common flu-related child deaths from 37 to 187 during regular flu season. Should Governors

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Also from your article:

“Despite the relatively low number of cases, their impact was still substantial: In total, 89 classes were shut down and 853 staff and children had to quarantine for 14 days.”

We’re lucky enough where I live where K-6 is able to go 5 days a week, mainly because so many parents pulled their kids for distance/home learning we’re able to do many of the same safety measures as listed in the article. However, it would be nearly impossible at the HS level which is why we’re (and most of our state BTW) is going with an “A/B” schedule, which makes sense.
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It could be argued that this is a form of child abuse: the media’s efforts to scare the children into fearing death from covid-19.

Each year about 100 children are killed and 254,000 are injured as a result of bicycle-related accidents.

Less children die from covid -19 than from bicycle accidents. Yet, we close schools.

I don’t think any serious person would consider banning bikes.
Less children die from covid -19 than from bicycle accidents. Yet, we close schools.
Are schools closed where you’re at? We start school in 2 weeks.

Granted at the elementary level enough parents chose “remote learning” so we’re able to go 5 days a week for K-6 (so the kids can distance properly in their classroom) and an A/B schedule for 7-12 (as they move classrooms). I suppose, if parents wanted to, they could send their kid on a virtual bike ride too… 🤷‍♂️

I would also just make mention, there’s more than children in a school as well.
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Less children die from covid -19 than from bicycle accidents. Yet, we close schools.
This keeps getting sold, yet no one is buying. It is the strawiest of straw men. For the umpteenth time, it is the danger to the family members, particularly the elderly, and society at a whole that is being weighed, not the death rate of children. I believe children do need to go back to school, but the death rate among child is not, will not be, and never has been the danger. It is better to stick with the real reason and bury this particular straw man already.
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Are schools closed where you’re at?
My area is probably somewhat similar to yours: most public school districts have a combination of remote and in-person learning. Some private schools are open in-person, with plexiglass set up so that the poor kids are not forced to wear masks all day. But one of the heartbreaking things is to see the cancellations of their extracurricular activities, where they can learn more than in the classroom.
danger to the family members
It’s good that people are concerned about lethal transmission, but I was hoping that the numerous studies referred to in this thread (Iceland, Ireland, France, Sweden, China, Germany, Rhode Island, etc.) would alleviate those concerns regarding the rare transmission of covid-19 from children.
Some private schools are open in-person, with plexiglass set up so that the poor kids are not forced to wear masks all day.
I don’t think our kids are going to have to (in elementary). Enough kids are being held out by their parents that they can put the desks far enough apart.
But one of the heartbreaking things is to see the cancellations of their extracurricular activities, where they can learn more than in the classroom.
Like which ones…football?
It’s good that people are concerned about lethal transmission, but I was hoping that the numerous studies referred to in this thread (Iceland, Ireland, France, Sweden, China, Germany, Rhode Island, etc.) would alleviate those concerns regarding the rare transmission of covid-19 from children.
I would say that it does alleviate, or lessen, concern. The CDC is being a little more cautious on this. You can understand with them being raked over the coals for every modification they make why they might be hesitant to commit until more data is in. Nonetheless, with schools opening across the country, I look for there to be enough data to make a more definitive statement.
My city went through a burst of positives in March mainly located in the meat processing plant here. It’s been relatively low and stable recently.

School started last week. Elementary and Middle school are in person five days a week but HS is A/B with online and in person schooling. Two days at school, three days online with all being online on Wednesdays. So far, so good! The high schoolers all pretty much hate the online as they want to socialize with their friends but they are getting two days to do so. While in the school, they are masked and distanced but as soon as they step outside, the masks come off and they form into groups. I never expected them to behave otherwise.

I know there are guidelines on the response to Covid showing up…I haven’t looked into what exactly it is. My two grands live halftime with us, other half with dad. I’ve kind of resigned myself to the fact that at some point, we’re going to get exposed. All I can do is accept the likelihood and deal…
I know there are guidelines on the response to Covid showing up
Here there is a threshold (25% of school population maybe) then the school will quarantine (distance learn) for 14 days. After that if they hit that threshold again it’s 30 days distance learning.
Here there is a threshold (25% of school population maybe) then the school will quarantine (distance learn) for 14 days. After that if they hit that threshold again it’s 30 days distance learning.
Wow, 25% sounds awfully high. I went to our school website and even followed links to the CDC and can’t find anything about an outbreak. I was happy to read that there will still be sports and music…even choral with some limitations. All extra curricular activities will sign waivers acknowledging the risks involved.

Our school district was one of the few in northern Colorado to get their act together very quickly for distance learning and they earned my trust because of it. Within a week, they had every kid that needed online access a chrome book and free internet.

I’m a bit bothered that I can’t find any plans on quarantine, however. I should call because I’m a bit curious!
Ok, whew! Personally, I think 5% is getting kind of high. I have a feeling, it will start as a classroom quarantine and only escalate to the entire school if it’s multiple grades…but, I’m just guessing! 😂
I’ve kind of resigned myself to the fact that at some point, we’re going to get exposed.
The good news is that the chance of dying BECAUSE OF COVID-19 is very slim:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published a report stating that just 6% of COVID-19 deaths listed the only cause of death as coronavirus and no other comorbidities.
“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death,” the CDC website reads.

Based on the CDC’s data, 94% of people have died with coronavirus, along with one or more other underlying health issues. The CDC’s Aug. 28 update stated that there were 167,558 COVID-19 total deaths, which means 10,053 died solely of coronavirus alone with no other health conditions.

The CDC’s figures are derived from provisional death counts, which are based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics.

The high overall COVID death# is highly overstated, as it includes such things as vehicle accident deaths and struck by lightning: dying coincidentally WITH COVID instead of dying BECAUSE OF COVID.
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This 6% is nonsense. Dr Fauci explained that the 94% who have underlying conditions have also died from covid-19. When multiple factors involved the main one is put on the death certificate and the main cause was covid-19.
Guess what? I even watched an expert on Fox News who said the same thing.
It has just been reported that there was an indoor wedding reception here in Minnesota where 275 guests gathered without masks. So far there have been 56 confirmed cases of covid-19 arising from that gathering, and who knows how many more yet to be found because of community spread.

The same report says that in Minnesota there have been 50 confirmed cases linked to the Sturgis motorcycle rally and one death, with again, who knows how much community spread from those cases.

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You might put a little more thought into this.

Alaska and Wyoming are at the bottom of the list. Why, because no one lives there. It isn’t because of the political party in charge of the state.

The states which have high rates are due to more people in close proximity. Large cities, less space between people equals more cases.

To try to put a political spin on this is nonsense.
Even with the benefit of hindsight, do you have any SPECIFIC ideas regarding what Trump should have done differently? Or, do you just find it entertaining to distract away from reality?
While a large number of “reasons” are given above by various posters, Joe Biden’s plan has been around a long time and he has offered to give Trump guidance to do the right thing but is ignored as you will do with this link: The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats | Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website
No, I do not distract from reality, but call to reality from the likes of the fake news coming from places like the WH twitter users and accounts. Clorox or reality.
As expected, you cannot name anything specific that you think Trump should have done different.

Joe Biden’s had no plan whatsoever even as late as mid-March:
Former Vice President Joe Biden was harshly critical, tweeting March 12, “Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it.” This followed Biden’s earlier attack on Trump’s international travel restrictions during a campaign speech in which he said, “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia … and fearmongering.”

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