I guess the details can be embarrassing for the victim if it is indeed a case of rape or sexual misconduct. Maybe it’s better to go anonymous. What is the standard between sexual harassment and crude joking?
Equally inaccurate.Creeps have always existed, but there was a common courtesy toward woman, which no longer existed since the 60’s.
In fact, I just counted the number of men she took photos with. There are 33 of them altogether, some in groups and pairs. So over the course of 1 month, 33 people made comments towards her. This is what I mean about low-level stuff - someone saying “you’re sexy” isn’t necessarily the worst thing that can happen, but when it happens again and again it really does build up.Here is the instagram I referred to: https://www.instagram.com/dearcatcallers/?hl=en . I believe it was all the catcallers this women met in a month. Most of the pictures are captioned with what the catcaller said to her.
I actually think we’re seeing a more PUBLIC display of it than what was displayed back then when discrimination was 100% legal. 9 to 5 was a comedy, but it was a hit for a reason - because it was accurate. And go back and read about how women in the military were treated in the 1940s and how female factory workers were treated…it was just as real in the 1940s and 1950s as it is now. My own mother has talked about it - she was born in the 1930s.But I have seen a different level of respect and treatment of women since the 50’s and 60’s, which isn’t good.
Absolutely correct, these people exist. I even remember a case about twenty years ago, where an innocent man had been convicted of rape based on ‘false memory syndrome’. The victim was horrified that she had had a part in ruining this man’s life, and did everything she could to make reparation to him. However, there were prominent feminists(mostly in academia) who were insisting that he should stay in prison because (thus went their ‘logic’) 1) admitting that the victim had been wrong would tarnish the credibility of any woman reporting rape in the future, and 2) it was better for an innocent man to serve prison time as a deterrent to other possible rapists. Completely illogical and incredible.I think it’s important, but I think there are joyless scolds who interpret a harmless compliment as equivalent to rape. There are those who think that saying something as innocuous as “that’s an attractive dress you are wearing” is the same thing as catcalling on the street.