I’m saying a lot of mothers and sisters and daughters don’t like being treated differently than if they were men either.
Hmm. I was the oldest of 5. Sure there were somethings that my sisters wanted to do that we boys did. But there were plenty of other things that I did with my brothers that would have been WRONG to do with my sisters.
- my brothers and I got in many fights (sometimes with each other and sometimes to defend each other against other boys) should I have hit my sisters just so they could feel I treated them the same way as my brothers?
- when playing sports, should we have slapped the girls on their butts has hard as we could, like guys did to other guys?
- should the boys do “cup checks” to girls like lots of guys often did to oneother on the baseball field?
- should we give the girls wet willies?
- should we have had peeing races with our sisters to see who could pee the longest?
These are just a fraction of what boys do, esp when unchaperoned.
If mothers actually knew 1/2 of what boys do, they wouldn’t allow their daughters to date until they were 35.