There are five signs to a cult. Opus Dei possesses none of them. Members are often told to keep their membership to themselves, but it’s only because they have no obligation to wear a shirt with , I’m an Opus Dei member" on it.
This is how they do their apostolate. Did the first Christians wear such a shirt. No. I understand they were under severe persecution at times, and so is Opus Dei. Opus Dei makes no secret of of the penance and mortification. I’ve seen priests on national TV openly talking about it. It’s in the founders writings too…
For the apostolate to be effective you must be as simple as a dove, but as wise as the serpent. Opus Dei is being wise. The serpent fights like hell to keep people away from Opus Dei.
Contempt of suffering is cotempt of the cross. We are told to take up that cross and march on with it everyday. But most Catholics are not carrying their cross. This includes religious.
So in this strife torn Church , where most have become lukewarm, Opus Dei preaches that we should live the faith like our ancestors. Especially like the first Christians. But adapt it to the modern world.
The mission of Opus Dei is the same as that of the Church, to evangelise the world. And they do this very effectively.
If members add you to a prayer list, this is not like the satanists putting spells on you to destroy your life. I hope I’m on the prayer list.
If your a lukewarm Catholic, then it’s no good telling you about all the prayer and penance, daily Mass, weekly confession and spiritual direction, talks and circles etc. You have to gradually build people up to the point where they are capable of doing this. It can take a long time. The trainer will not start an unfit person off with a 10 km run. We don’t expect a 3 mth old baby to walk etc.
It’s best not telling most people up front, because most are a bit lukewarm and it’s easy for the enemy to convince them it will be too hard. The enemy will fight like hell to stop them becoming a Saint. That’s my take after 15 yrs as a cooperator.