
I think that we’re confusing two different things here. Do humans make mistakes? Of course. This doesn’t mean that the goal of OD as a prelature or OD’s spirituality is to do these things.well Annunciata, the fact that you can’t seem to admit that there could be anything wrong with Opus Dei in the slightest, despite what several other posters have said here, is cause for concern. It is not your faithfulness to the Catholic CHurch that is an issue - rather your attachment to Opus Dei, and that you can’t admit it has problems.
I don’t see why you have a problem with people privately praying that you become a member if it’s your vocation. It’s pretty much praying that you find your proper vocation in life. I’d, personally, appreciate it and I know for a fact that my mother and sister prayed for me to find this and they didn’t run out and tell me. I pray for this for my children and I can’t remember mentioning it to them.
Once again, I think their biggest problem is actually them trying not to overwhelm people with information. Sometimes that’s good for some and sometimes people want to know all off the bat. I think that sometimes, not always, this can lead to problems like you had with your friend who got you to go to a circle and things like your friends lack of knowledge in corporal mortifications. I’ve never had a problem like that in our area so once again, I’d keep in mind that people are fallible and you shouldn’t color all of Opus Dei with the faults of some.