It is a fact that the overall picture of man projected expecially in the NT including in the letters and Revelations is that he is having much less goodness in him than required and is inclined towards evil.It is expected that you should have always a feeling that you are a sinner, be in a repenting mood through out your life here and pray for God’s mercy.The parable of the prayer of the Pharisee and publican(Luke18:9-14) etc.refers.The most common daily prayers to Mary namely,Hail mary and hail holy queen basically contain this principle.I am yet to see a church writing encouraging us to live here as happily as possible enjoying all the facilities given by God.Hi joseie,
I agree with fhansen, that is, we are not taught that we are useless people in any way, nor are we to live with a guilty conscience with no self-respect. We are taught to forgive, and self-forgiveness is very important. Ideally, self-forgiveness is part of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Indeed, our own clinging to self-condemnation is something worth confessing!So, the end of your paragraph, “be happy and don’t live under a guilty conscience” is more in line with Christianity.Even in the most common
BTW: The Sister working at our parish is from India, so I have an appreciation for the struggles of Christians in your land. I also know of the firm dedication people there have to their faith. God bless you and your brethren.
Any how my point in short is that we need not be that much worried about the original sin etc.Try to live here as happiliy as possible. Don’t live with a guilty conscience that because of the original sin we all have become sinners or that enjoying all the facilities given by God in full is a sin or that we should utilise only the barest minimum facilities just enough to pass through g our short journey here.
About your BYW:
There is no’ struggle ’ at all for Christians in India and Christianity is very strong and prospering in India.You may be aware that India which is the largest democratic country in the world is a unique country as well.
Unlike most countries in the world, India is a country with constituent states/federal units/regions each having entirely different languages,culture, customs,climate, topography,food habits etc.The physical appearance and characteristics,dressing,social life etc of the people are also entirely different from region to region.To top it all ,in each state ,people from different religions co exist peacefully .Two great religions in the world Hinduism and Buddhism originated in India.India is a secular country meaning equal treatment to all religions by the state.We own a very strong spiritual and cultural heritage .Nobody even dare to speak about legalising ssm,giving rights to gays etc.which are criminal offences in India.In such aspects we are safe and secure and do not struggle as elsewhere.