Orthodox/Catholic Marriage

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Why do we need immediate infallibility?
I didn’t claim you need it until now. But you don’t have one and neither do Protestants- in that you are alike.

Also, as a Catholic I do believe that immediate infallible authority keeps confusion out and is theoretically better since I believe it is how our Lord and Saviour set up his One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. But I understand our views differ on that.
Do we? What fundamental disagreements do we have? What do we refuse to recognize in each others practices?
So all Orthodox churches are in full communion with one another?? Please dont make me do your homework for you.
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Would it contradict Catholic Church teaching to have or express a mistaken opinion/position regarding the Eastern Orthodox Church?
I’m still not clear on where that occured. There have not been any statements made that contractidct Church teaching. What I have seen is your pride cloud your judgment and lead you to rash, disingenuous assumptions based on what others have stated… such as concluding that Orthodox are Protestants, which was NOT stated or even implied.
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So all Orthodox churches are in full communion with one another??
Russia broke Eucharistic communion with the EP. Antioch and Jerusalem both broke Eucharistic communion with one another. However, they all see one another as part of the Church. As a matter of fact, as a Greek Orthodox Christian, my hierarchy has no issue with me approaching the Chalice at a Russian Orthodox Church. Again, it’s Russia who broke communion. In fact, in many cases there are Russians communing in Greek Churches and visa versa because there are no other Orthodox Churches in town. As embarrassing as this is, and I believe it is very embarrassing, this is an ancient practice.
Please dont make me do your homework for you.
Haha! I am not an amateur. I get you are obviously on fire for Catholic apologetics, as I once was, so I do not take offense with the tone.



Where do Orthodox Churches not agree on doctrine? Whether Greek, Russian, Antiochian, we share the same faith.

In Christ,

Haha! I am not an amateur. I get you are obviously on fire for Catholic apologetics, as I once was, so I do not take offense with the tone.
Well, I am an amateur. I’ll take the compliment nonetheless ) I’ll look up a few things and answer your question as best as I can, the next chance I get.

  • T
Where do Orthodox Churches not agree on doctrine? Whether Greek, Russian, Antiochian, we share the same faith.

In Christ,

what about the relationship with the Oriental Orthodox? has it gotten better over the recent decades? do EOs consider OOs to be closer than say Rome?
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Russia broke Eucharistic communion with the EP. Antioch and Jerusalem both broke Eucharistic communion with one another. However, they all see one another as part of the Church. As a matter of fact, as a Greek Orthodox Christian, my hierarchy has no issue with me approaching the Chalice at a Russian Orthodox Church. Again, it’s Russia who broke communion.
Yes - and we’re all still (indirectly) in communion with one another - Russia communes with the OCA which communes with Greece. It’s like a cut on a body: the body is still intact even if 2 pieces of skin aren’t touching.
As embarrassing as this is, and I believe it is very embarrassing, this is an ancient practice.
Also true. An occasional flare-up happens almost regularly throughout Church history and it’s always resolved. The last time was in the 90s.
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what about the relationship with the Oriental Orthodox? has it gotten better over the recent decades? do EOs consider OOs to be closer than say Rome?
That’s a good question. I wish I could answer that.

However, this has nothing to do with doctrine, etc.

That’s a good question. I wish I could answer that.

However, this has nothing to do with doctrine, etc.

in terms of marriage - I saw on Youtube - a Coptic priest saying things are in good terms between EOs and the Orientals. such matters have been taken care of.

I even had a Syriac Orthodox friend who got married in a Greek Orthodox church (as there were no Syriac Orthodox churches close by to where he lived in the US)
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Not surprisingly, sarcasm doesn’t come through text.

My point in the question I asked is that you can make a point that doesn’t contradict Catholic teaching while still being mistaken about Orthodoxy.

I also stand by the point I’m trying to get at regarding the comparison of Orthodoxy vs Protestants. No Orthodox is going to take seriously someone who says our authority is no different than Protestants. Plenty of us, like myself, are converts from Protestantism and very much understand and have lived the difference.

I’m sorry if I’m not expressing myself clearly enough. I’m happy to try and clarify if asked.
I have a friend who’s OCA parish allows a Coptic family to commune there since there are no Coptic birches in the area.

what about the relationship with the Oriental Orthodox? has it gotten better over the recent decades?
In my limited experience it is getting better. My EO parish is the only Orthodox parish of any kind (Eastern or Oriental) for at least a four hour drive in any direction. We provide spiritual care for Copts and Eritrean/Ethiopian OO, baptizing their children, sharing the Eucharist, etc. we’re not under the illusion that the communion has been restored between our churches, but we also recognize that due to circumstances of distance it makes no sense not to be open to their participation in parish life.
Btw could you tell me about the saint on your user profile? Thanks.
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Let’s take principle of Sola Scriptura vs Catholic view. Sola Scriptura says that Scripture itself is sufficient and doesn’t provide authentic interpretation. Catholic Church provides way of authentic interpretation through living Magisterium.

Now let’s take principle of “solely Tradition”. Anglicans, Sedevacantists and Orthodox all say that Ecumenical Councils, Church Fathers and Scripture are infallible- which we agree with. But they provide no authentic way to Infallibility interpret those Church Fathers, Ecumenical Councils and Scripture. Catholic Church does provide that.

See the parallel?
No I don’t see the parallel.

While we don’t call it the “living magisterium” we compare to what came before us: does something new fit with the councils, with the fathers, with scripture, and with our liturgies? Is that not the same thing? Remarkably, we’ve managed to keep the same apostolic faith for 2000 years.

As for the Protestants, you’ll find they almost always provide a caveat with regard to the their acceptance of Councils, Fathers, etc. to say that they see value in these only in so far as they agree with scripture or their founder (e.g. the Augsburg Confession for Lutherans). This is why you’ll see almost no protestant that actually accepts the seventh ecumenical council.

I still don’t understand the only authority that seems to count is authority that can make an immediate infallible decision, as if there’s no value in the entirety of the church taking time and reflection to ensure one follows in the footsteps of those who came before us.
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