Orthodox or liberal?

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Your right, forgive me. Married priests dont take that vow . But a man who becomes a priest marries the church, and so cannot marry another without commiting adultry and since the priest cannot have sex with the church the only option would be is celebacy. true?

It’s amazing that we’re even having this discussion in all its configurations. "Are you orthodox or liberal? Why is that even a question? The Church is Christ’ gift to us, the continuation given to us in time and space to guide us until He comes again to judge the living and the dead. The Church is the bride of Christ and as such she gives Him voice throughout the ages, in season and out of season. The Church is our Mother, and the bride of Christ, her spouse; and as such she guides us. We are to follow what she says; if not then we are disobedient children. One has to become like little children to enter the kingdom of God. Why then would I not want to accept what my Mother says. Will disobeying her get me to Heaven to see my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Will disobeying my Mother and the Bride of Christ enable me to partake of the Beatific Vision?
Satan, he who has no chance to enter Heaven, is the one who wants us to think in terms of dichotomies. For it is in this confusion that he can keep the children of the Church off balance…It is true that the smoke of Satan has entered the Church, and we must do all that we can to prevent the smoke from choking us.
We are Catholics and Christ has placed us in His Church for a reason. We are to proclaim the faith, and pray for the discernment to align our consciences with Truth. What does that make us? Obedient to the Word made Flesh…What will not listening make us? Disobedient to the Word…So let us always keep in mind who we are and what our mission is and who our enemy is…Satan wants us to think that we have met the enemy and that it is us.
I don’t think labels are a good thing, I don’t beleive that we should be placing labels such as liberal or conservative on people.
My feeling is that if you do not follow the CHURCH than you are not Catholic.When people disagree with the Church,especially on moral issues, I have no problem telling them that they are not really Catholic. I just pray for them.There is nothing more we can do short of hitting them over the head with a sledge hammer.
One common definition of conservative is “tending to oppose change.”
Liberals, then, are people who want change or “favor proposals for reform.”
There is a Chesterton quote about this – I can find it if anyone is interested – that essentially says that being “progressive” is often not progressive at all, since the “progressive” movement does not usually have a goal in mind. Change … to what??
Your right, forgive me. Married priests dont take that vow . But a man who becomes a priest marries the church, and so cannot marry another without commiting adultry and since the priest cannot have sex with the church the only option would be is celebacy. true?
True, true!
Since were discussing titles - and maybe somebody else already said this - the best titles I’ve heard used is FAITHFUL and NOT FAITHFUL. I’d say that if one dissents from one magesterial teaching, he/she is not faithful. For example - using contraception for the purpose of avoiding pregnancy.
One could dissent from those “prudential” decisions though - i.e. whether pro-abortion politicians should receive communion, or the death penalty - and STILL be faithful.
Just an observation for those arguing the correct wording of the poll: As of this writing, 195 people have cast their votes for “orthodox,” so I don’t really think there is any confusion as to what the pollster is intending.
You may want to reword the poll. Some people may adhere to all moral teaching(like contraception) but say be say a member of a life teen parish which is liberal in the sense some do not have a traditional Mass.
It’s amazing that we’re even having this discussion in all its configurations. "Are you orthodox or liberal? Why is that even a question? The Church is Christ’ gift to us, the continuation given to us in time and space to guide us until He comes again to judge the living and the dead. The Church is the bride of Christ and as such she gives Him voice throughout the ages, in season and out of season. The Church is our Mother, and the bride of Christ, her spouse; and as such she guides us. We are to follow what she says; if not then we are disobedient children. One has to become like little children to enter the kingdom of God. Why then would I not want to accept what my Mother says. Will disobeying her get me to Heaven to see my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Will disobeying my Mother and the Bride of Christ enable me to partake of the Beatific Vision?
Satan, he who has no chance to enter Heaven, is the one who wants us to think in terms of dichotomies. For it is in this confusion that he can keep the children of the Church off balance…It is true that the smoke of Satan has entered the Church, and we must do all that we can to prevent the smoke from choking us.
We are Catholics and Christ has placed us in His Church for a reason. We are to proclaim the faith, and pray for the discernment to align our consciences with Truth. What does that make us? Obedient to the Word made Flesh…What will not listening make us? Disobedient to the Word…So let us always keep in mind who we are and what our mission is and who our enemy is…Satan wants us to think that we have met the enemy and that it is us.
I just wanted to give Cecelia props for her post, very well said!
Its a matter of obedience!:cool:
WOW! 98% orthodox? That’s even more lopsided than the ‘Political leanings’ poll which still sits at over 70% conservative Republican.
I voted orthodox. I don’t believe there can “liberal” Catholics. This is not a cafeteria style religion where we can pick and choose on issues that the Pope or the Church has spoken on already. I think that is one of the greatest problems in the Church today. People want to call themselves Catholic and yet believe only what they want to believe. I do not find all Church teachings easy to accept or understand but I do accept them and ask for the grace to follow them faithfully and set that example for my children.
Oh, dear …can’t we cut Tom of Assisi a break here? Not everyone is a scholar, to be sure. But as many people in my world speak English as a second language, I guess my policy has been:

*If you know what someone means, just respond. It is not necessary to correct every little detail. *

Yes, some intermediary choices would have been better.
Good work completely agree with you. What a rediculious thing to fight about!
space ghost:
liberal in any dictionary is open minded… conservative just means if you don’t think like me something is wrong…
Talk about apples and oranges … For liberal, you quote an actual dictionary definition, but for conservative, you make one up.

According to your definition, then, you must be very conservative since the dictionary definition doesn’t agree with your opinion so it must be wrong:

Here is my dictionary’s definition of conservative – I don’t see anything about people who disagree with others’ opinions :hmmm:

3 a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : TRADITIONAL b : marked by moderation or caution <a conservative estimate> c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners <a conservative suit>
Actually orthodox is a Greek word that means authority.

Actually, it means “right thinking”
Just an observation for those arguing the correct wording of the poll: As of this writing, 195 people have cast their votes for “orthodox,” so I don’t really think there is any confusion as to what the pollster is intending.
As I posted on another thread earlier today:
I suspect most Catholics posting on this forum, regardless of where they see themselves on the spectrum …, consider themselves to be orthodox Catholics. The word “orthodox” means “Adhering to the accepted or traditional and established faith” (it is also sometimes defined as “right thinking” or “right believing”).
Many years,

I agree with those who disagree on how the poll in worded and the assumptions from that. But I also think that a poll like this, in itself, can be divisive which I don’t believe we should be trying to do.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the poll feature on here is one of the worst - beating out the reputation system. The time and effort that goes into polls that are divise, others that are just plain silly, and others that have no relationship whatsoever to religion is incredible. The time and effort devoted to them could be better spent in any number of ways - prayer included.

Many years,

I agree with those who disagree on how the poll in worded and the assumptions from that. But I also think that a poll like this, in itself, can be divisive which I don’t believe we should be trying to do.
I dont really think that the poll is the problem, polls cannot cause division, they only identify them.
Tom of Assisi:
Apologia 100,

you are right, but I have met several people who seem to think that the Church doesn’t always know best. One Catholic woman told me that all she HAD to do was go to Church and follow the ten commandments–other doctrinal points the Church made were really suggestions (she was pro-abortion for example). I thought she sounded like a Protestant, but she said she had attended the Catholic Church her whole life. I have also known several Catholics who expect that the Church will start oradaining women priests (or would it be priestesses) soon.

God bless
Makes one wonder how this lady justified abortion with following the 10 commandments…:confused: Many “Catholics” who follow practices and belifs such are actually in need of a catechism class. I have met people who had a hight level of education, a priest who graduated from Nortre Dame and a lady who was the head of our religious education programs at a former parish of mine, both held quite liberal beliefs such as the ones you mentioned. I want to understand it because I want to help people!
Good Morning Church

I am a Roman Catholic. I believe the Creed and all the Doctrines of the Church. I try to obey all the teachings. Do I agree with all the teachings? No, but I do my best to obey and do not make a public display of what I think. Am I sinless? Not at all, but I try not to sin.
I say I hate labels but am continually accepting them or inventing them. I am a Charismatic. You ought to see the labels I get pasted all over me for that!

The thing is, what would Jesus say we are? The Apostles use to love to walk around arguing who was the best and who should be first. They didn’t get it either, according to our Lord. He spent much time chastising His followers and those who were not His followers for fussing over making the rules the great and wonderful way, putting their eyes on rules more than on God. Remember the guy who prayed, saying, “Lord, I am glad I am not a hypocrit like that guy”? (my words)

I’m a Catholic. I am a sinner. Thank God, we have a Church where I can get cleaned up and healed.
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