footnotes on the above:
26 1982 National Survey of Family Growth.
28 Philip S. Kaufman, Why You Can Disagree and Remain a Faithful Catholic, (Bloomington, IN: Meyer-Stone Books, 1989), p. 71.
29 Peter Steinfels, “Papal Birth Control Letter Retains Its Grip,” New York Times, August 1, 1993.
30 “Condom Use To Halt Spread of AIDS,” The Wanderer, January 5, 1989.
31 “Debate Rages as Catholics Mark 30 Years of Humanae Vitae,” Kaiser Family Foundation Daily Reproductive Health Report, July 29, 1998.
40 Social Weather Stations, Inc., July 1991 national survey of 1,200 adults, including about 1,000 Catholics.
45 Angus Reid Group, March 1993, nationwide poll of 1,501 adults , including 533 Catholics: The Reid Report, September 1993.
46 The Independent, (UK), October 11, 1993.
47 Czech Statistical Office, 1993 Reproductive Health Survey, printed by the Center for Disease Control, US Department of Health and Human Services, January 1994, based on interviews with nationally representative sample of 4,497 women, married or in union, 15-44 years old, February-June 1993.
48 New York Times/CBS News poll, April 21-23, 1994, subsample of 446 Catholics, MOE ±5%.
49 Los Angeles Times mail-back survey conducted from September 1993 to January 1994: for 2,087 responding priests (of 5,000 surveys mailed), MOE ±3%; for 1,049 responding women religious (of 2,500 surveys mailed); MOE± 4%.
50 David Crary, “France – Fired Bishop,” Associated Press, January 16, 1995.
51 Time/CNN nationwide poll of 1,000 adults, conducted by Yankelovich Partners, September 27-28, 1995, MOE ±3%; subsample of 500 Catholics, MOE ±4.5 %.
52 US News and World Report survey of 1,000 American adults, conducted by Market Facts Telenation, designed by Lake Research and Tarrance Group, September 23-24, 1995, MOW ±3.5 %; subsample of 493 Catholics, MOE ±4.5 %.
53 “Des Grands Désaccords sur ‘L’ Evangile de la Vie,” La Cité, May 4, 1995.
54 Demographic and Health Survey of 12,612 women, including 9,808 Catholic women, conducted in 1995.
55 Robert Kelly, “Nothing really new in AIDS document,” National Catholic Register, March 3, 1996.
56 Joan Brechenridge, “Catholic Groups Demand Birth-Control Crackdown,” Globe and Mail, July 29, 1998.