Orthodox or liberal?

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tru_dvotion said:
I can attest that orthodox Catholics are by far the majority.

**Not where I live it isn’t. ******

**Remember political correctness? You do not find it exclusively in secular society. **

You must be aware there is modernist correctness operating inside the Catholic Church at the present. Think of the numerous lay organizations operating virtually unsupervised inside the parish. Most of these groups are caught up in false ecumenisms. They have been corrupted by either protestant or heretical teaching. Woe to anyone who dares to disagree or points out something contrary to Catholic teaching. He will be accused of being unloving and bringing disunity to the Body of Christ… he is branded a wolf in sheep’s clothing. No, I do not believe that orthodox Catholics are atypical.****

Even if Jesus himself come talking to you, you would have crusify him the second time!

Jesus say this : “You people of little faith!”
Even if Jesus himself come talking to you, you would have crusify him the second time!

I agree this happens…that we tend to use terms in their broadest meaning as a sort of shorthand. The problem is that the broader definition one uses, the more open it is to interpretation or misunderstanding. When that happens, useful discussion is almost impossible, since different people mean different things using the same terms, and we end up in a mess like we have above. Never assume that someone else understands a term in the same way you do. The only way we can be sure that we’re talking about the same things and have any kind of fruitful debate is by defining the terms we use in the most specific and precise way we can. That way, when you say liberalism and I say liberalism, we can be sure we’re talking about the same thing.
Hmm. I realize that I’m going to go down (or perhaps up?) in flames here, but I definitely consider myself a liberal Catholic
I think the question is with regard to Catholics in union with Rome. Are you High or Low Anglican?
“Southernrich]Why don’t you just say, “Orthodox means loving God, liberal means urinating on the Host”? Your prejudice is showing.”

Wow, talk about hostility. Tom is simply asking a question.

BTW, why would a progressive Catholic want to unrinate on a Host he no longer believes in, all the while he or she keeps the name “Catholic?”

Antonio :confused:
Good Morning Church

Does that mean the 93% of Catholics who believe in using artificial birth control are not Catholics at all then?

We got trouble.
No, they are Catholics who refuse to acknowledge an important part of the whole truth, that’s all!

Antonio 😃
Wht don’t you just ask her to begin her response, “Bless me, Martino, for I have sinned. My last confession was…”

Who the HELL are you to ask someone if they are obedient in all matters of faith and morals? Are you going to provide absolution? Have you taken Holy Orders?
Southernrich, It seems that you should ask yourself that question.Who are you?
Every few responses you have shown up with an obnoxious statement denigrating someone who is merely trying to express an opinion.
Please get a grip and use some restraint and Christian charity.
You certainly aren’t going to influence anyone toward your viewpoint with bitter personal attacks.
Even if Jesus himself come talking to you, you would have crusify him the second time!

Jesus say this : “You people of little faith!”

There is certainly something in that - He does seem to have upset the “orthodox” of his day rather badly.​

I wonder if we would like Him much, if He were alive now ? Somehow, I doubt it. Heaven is probably the only place where He is not in danger of crucifixion from “decent people”. ##
Antonio B said:
Why don’t you just say, “Orthodox means loving God, liberal means urinating on the Host”? Your prejudice is showing.”

Wow, talk about hostility. Tom is simply asking a question.

BTW, why would a progressive Catholic want to unrinate on a Host he no longer believes in, all the while he or she keeps the name “Catholic?”

Antonio :confused:

## Progressive does not mean apostate - apostate means *apostate. *##

This poll might as well have asked something like
“Which one are you A. Overweight or B. Right-handed”

Orthodox = conservative? NO!
Not orthodox = liberal ? NO!

I liked it when I heard Raymond Arroyo say something about being “not so much conservative or liberal, but Catholic.”

One common definition of conservative is “tending to oppose change.”
Liberals, then, are people who want change or “favor proposals for reform.” (quoted material is from my dictionary)

In the year 2004, this would make pro-abortion people conservative, and pro-life people liberal.
But you’re comparing politics with religion, another apples-to-oranges comparison. The terms liberal and conservative can be generically applied to the Church itself without respect to politics.

If your are conservative with respect to religion, you would want to uphold the Church’s doctrine. To be liberal with respect to the Church would be to push for change in the Church’s doctrine.
If your are conservative with respect to religion, you would want to uphold the Church’s doctrine. To be liberal with respect to the Church would be to push for change in the Church’s doctrine.
But this is where terms like “liberal” and “conservative” fall apart.
By the definition you just stated, SSPX would be considered liberal! I think they’re actually pretty conservative. I consider myself to orthodox in that I believe/submit to the dogmatic teachings and discipline of Holy Mother Church. I don’t consider myself to be conservative because I make that confession/submission. “Liberal” and “conservative” are not immutable terms. Take Saint Paul’s admonition that “slaves should submit to their masters.” How many Catholics today believe slavery is ok? Are they liberal or conservative? Food for thought.
But you’re comparing politics with religion, another apples-to-oranges comparison. The terms liberal and conservative can be generically applied to the Church itself without respect to politics.

If your are conservative with respect to religion, you would want to uphold the Church’s doctrine. To be liberal with respect to the Church would be to push for change in the Church’s doctrine.
And that’s how I am a conservative
Good stuff…I couldn’t agree more…people that know me don’t even ask those absurd questions…they know I am am anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia, anti-embryonic stem cell research, etc…and I make it clear to strangers what I believe…THey equate Catholicism with me…and I do my best to portray the good and faithful Catholic.
Andreas Hofer:
You’re mixing up politics with religion. Orthodox religious belief doesn’t say anything about your politics.QUOTE]

If you are an orthodox Catholic in America religious belief had better say something about your politics because it means you will not vote for a pro-choice candidate, a pro-euthanasia candidate, etc. If someone knows I’m Catholic, he should not have to inquire as to whether or not I am for legalized abortion. It’s a no-brainer. People continue to try to deceive themselves on that one, but the writings of the Church on the subject have been 100% unambiguous (their practice of continuing to offer communion to those politicians contradicts this, but Ratzinger seems to be trying to fix that glitch at the moment).
I couldn’t agree more…people that know me don’t even ask those absurd questions…they know I am am against unjust wars, racial discrimination, for the rights of workers, etc…and I make it clear to strangers what I believe…They equate Catholicism with me…and I do my best to portray the good and faithful Catholic.
southernrich> sounds like you were sugesting in an earlier post that capital punishment is heresy. it is NOT! have you ever read the catechism? it is allowed. if capital punishment were a heresy the catechism would be strongly and outright against it. so yes one can be orthodox catholic a for the death penalty.
not under the present circumstance of our society
Actually, yes, you can be a good orthodox Catholic. Your contention is based on the assumption that the system works as it is supposed to; It doesn’t!

God Bless and keep you.
I am neither liberal or orthodox. But, I do try to be devote.

The words orthodox and liberal are new to me in regards to Catholics. In my day you were either non-practicing, practicing or devote. I hope to walk in the footsteps of those wonderful “devote” Catholics who have gone before me and those living that I so admire.
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