Parents’ ‘Sex Ed Sit Out’ Protesting Forced Gender Ideology in Schools Spreads Across Country

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As someone who has literally been paid to teach gender and sex ed; gender and sex are two different things. Sex is the physiological nature of the body, and which even then we find sex often lies on a spectrum with people falling outside of the usual male/female XX/XY dichotomies. Gender is the social manner of acting out masculine or feminine roles, often associated with ones sex.
Yes, this is the current narrative. This is what is being taught as our best understanding of the problem. But really, we don’t understand the problem. And prior to the last 10 years or so, the vast majority of us were taught something else. And there are dissenting opinions on this within the fields of medicine and psychology. This is not settled science, as if there really is such a thing. This is the current view of a prominent and influential group who study this phenomenon. It is folly to assume that there is no agenda here or that we have a firm understanding of what occurs in these individuals.
Kids are kids. They do not yet have the emotional or psychological maturity to understand all this. This means they are being brainwashed. Conditioned to accept a version of reality by total strangers. Schools are not the appropriate place to be taught about such things. Parents still have parental rights and can raise their children as they see fit.
Why would you cut up the genitalia and put fake breast on a man when the problem lies with the brain? It also lies beyond our ability to fix it with a surgical solution. If my toilet is broken and I fix my car, I have wasted my money because the car was not broken. In addition the toilet remains unfixed.
By declaring this a normal condition that only needs to be addressed with plastic surgery, the queer Community has confused the entire population into thinking that this is a possibility for them. This means that many children who would have never thought of themselves in any other way but as themselves, now question their gender according to their abilities and talents. I am a woman. I can shoot, I can hunt, I’ve demonstrated abilities that the culture mistakenly calls masculine. I’m still a woman. Personal characteristics do not determine gender. We are confusing children into thinking that gender is a choice. This is spreading into the lives of children who would never have even considered changing genders as a possibility. Just as now the queer community preaches that in order to find out if you’re homosexual you must experiment in homosexual sex. It’s not true and it does damage.
And you seem hell-bent to keep teaching children to question their gender. your philosophy is flawed. Your facts are flawed. You brag about preaching this to children and classrooms. You are wrong.

There is a compassionate way to deal with this without further hurting the people who experience body dysmorphia. Instead your philosophy feeds mental illness and affects those outside of that mental illness by presenting this as a normal condition.

I get the feeling you’re not Catholic. That is fine as your post is quite intelligent. However, we have explored this in reality. We have looked at the fruit. You are simply looking to be kind. Kindness kills in the wrong setting.
Intersex covers over the real problem in the mind. Not sure why you’re still posting as you seem to have gotten your answer. Mutilating healthy bodies is unacceptable. Treating mental illness through surgery of the body is unacceptable. I’ve addressed everything you have said and you can’t accept it so move on. You have lied to yourself and said that you are doing good by encouraging children to reject their gender. I have made it quite clear that you have done damage by doing so. You wish to believe something else and the key word there is wish.

You refuse to face the reality of the body and the mind. You insist upon furthering propaganda that has no basis in science. You believe that children that are confused should not be told the truth. You believe that surgery is their answer inspite of the high suicide rate of post-surgery, even among those where the surgery is so successful that you cannot detect their original gender. You ignore the dysfunction of the queer community and the predatory nature of their interactions with teenagers.

You seem to just ignore truth. I have answered everything you’ve said and it’s time for you to just go home and realize that there is no logic to what you say.
Or I can just keep proving you wrong. You have no science behind you. You have Frankenstein surgeons who benefit financially from your opinion. This is a money racket and a pride racket. How some surgeons love to play God. You are confused and refuse to have that confusion set straight.
So I think it’s time to say that you’re not Catholic and can’t understand the Catholic opinion. You have come here confused and you will leave here confused because you are set in your opinion and not truly asking a question.
Let it be known that we tolerated a very different opinion and answered as best as we could. You are so set in your ways that you refuse to face the truth of the science.
May God Enlighten you and bring you peace. May he bring you sufficient knowledge that you will never harm another child with your opinions.
Well said. Sex Education did not stop the STD epidemic going on right now in the US. The CDC is trying to warn people. As a boy enters puberty, he does not have a few dozen gender choices as you see on facebook. It’s one thing to have compassion for people with Gender Dysphoria, it’s totally wrong to teach kids they can choose their gender or in their teen years, engage in same-sex experimentation. Their minds are not yet fully formed. Generally, their life experiences are limited as a teen. Awareness is one thing but advertising this to young people is wrong.

LGBT groups are part of a program of indoctrination. Examples:

From the GLESN web site: “Championing LGBTQ issues in K-12 education since 1990”

From the GLAAD web site: “GLAAD rewrites the script for LGBTQ acceptance. As a dynamic media force, GLAAD tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural change.”
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If you continue in this indoctrination you go against God. All the more reason for me to pray for you. Gender is not optional. You are confused. May God bless you and bring you wisdom before you contact another child.
If you are the person who started this line then yes I am talking directly to you
And anyone else who agrees with you. Do you think I will not be bold in defending the truth?
I see now that it was Cecilia. No beloved I was not addressing you.
I’m confused by who posted this so let me say this, to the poster who has been addressing me all of my posts are addressing you. Please forgive me my confusion as there are so many posts. However Cecilia, if you are the original poster, or you agree with the original poster, then yes this is directed at you
Well, take it for what it’s worth, if you agree with the original poster, you are wrong.
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