Parents’ ‘Sex Ed Sit Out’ Protesting Forced Gender Ideology in Schools Spreads Across Country

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I don’t believe in harming homosexuals any more than I believe in harming anyone else who lives against God. I do believe however that you have found all the answers you can from the Catholic church and it is time for you to just go home. You believe this is normal and that is your problem. We look at the facts and believe it is not. We look at the facts and seeing a mental illness. Why are you asking us to see this differently when you yourself cannot open yourself to the facts?
The medical community has failed this desperately in this regard. You want to use the term intersex which implies that the individual has two sexes. If an individual has two Sexes it is a birth defect that needs to be corrected. It is not an occasion for those with perfectly functioning bodies to claim that they are in the wrong body. You do not agree with the Catholic viewpoint on this and nothing Catholic will satisfy you so why are you still running this post?
Actually the term “hermaphrodite” is the one that implies two sexes, it comes from myths about a two sexed being. That’s one of the reasons we swapped to using intersex; because it implies between sexes rather than both.

Also, I didn’t start the post (or the fire? Get it? Song joke!) But I do like clearing up misconceptions about this. After all; I’m a teacher and this is one of the areas I work in, why would I not share my knowledge on the matter?
Right, via hormones from a medical community the prophets greatly from their dysfunction.
If it helps at all hormones aren’t that expensive. They may be in the US (I know most medical things are rather… horrifyingly expensive over there). But to produce and buy in Aus they’re really cheap. Many transwomen essentially take the contraceptive pill which costs about $7 for three months supply.
I don’t believe in harming homosexuals any more than I believe in harming anyone else who lives against God. I do believe however that you have found all the answers you can from the Catholic church and it is time for you to just go home. You believe this is normal and that is your problem. We look at the facts and believe it is not. We look at the facts and seeing a mental illness. Why are you asking us to see this differently when you yourself cannot open yourself to the facts?
I’m still home 🙂 We are still studying this and, as with other things such as homosexuality that were once classed as a mental illness, we may well find it’s not. The possibility that there is a biological component is very real.

I’m attempting to provide you with facts, ones you disagree with but facts nonetheless. You are providing me with your insight and I find it fascinating and would not tell you to “go home”, as that denies the chance to learn.
You have nothing new to offer and you are part of the problem.
It may help if you use the quote function so we know who you’re talking to and what part in particular you’re referring to 🙂
Now, I’m off to work. It’s school holidays atm but we’re having a PD day at my school (huzzah for a late start to the day!) So I may reply a bit later depending on how busy our program is. But I did want to say I continue to enjoy this discussion and I hope none of my answers have come across as flippant, I’ve been angling for light 🙂
First of all, I heard the arguments for sex education in schools and they were lousy: “Mom or Dad were just too embarrassed to tell their kids about the birds and the bees (translation: about sex)” so schools had to take over. Or the even lamer: ‘Mom or Dad were incompetent teachers.’ ??? What, mom and dad didn’t have kids? They forgot what sex was like - overnight?

First of all: self-control must be taught. Artificial birth control, for most people, is not necessary. If anyone wants to avoid STDs, just don’t have sex. 100% guaranteed solution. Problem solved. Then I kept hearing the absolutely false: “I can’t control myself.” Seriously? Who decides when you have sex? You do.

Self-control, and testing before marriage - which was always done in the past - and then after you get married, you can have sex. Sure sex is enjoyable and it’s the only way for the next generation to be born.
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Intersex isn’t trans; intersex is those (rare) individuals who have some chromosomal or morphological ambiguity that makes it difficult to define them as male or female. Example: Androgen insensitivity syndrome, where the person has XY chromosomes but develops as a female (but cannot conceive or carry children). To call such a person a hermaphrodite is simply wrong. This is quite different from those who are genetically and phenotypically one sex, but believe themselves to be the other sex.
First of all, I heard the arguments for sex education in schools and they were lousy: “Mom or Dad were just too embarrassed to tell their kids about the birds and the bees (translation: about sex)” so schools had to take over. Or the even lamer: ‘Mom or Dad were incompetent teachers.’ ??? What, mom and dad didn’t have kids? They forgot what sex was like - overnight?

First of all: self-control must be taught. Artificial birth control, for most people, is not necessary. If anyone wants to avoid STDs, just don’t have sex. 100% guaranteed solution. Problem solved. Then I kept hearing the absolutely false: “I can’t control myself.” Seriously? Who decides when you have sex? You do.

Self-control, and testing before marriage - which was always done in the past - and then after you get married, you can have sex. Sure sex is enjoyable and it’s the only way for the next generation to be born.
Okay, one more while I’m on the bus…

Parents can be exceptionally bad at teaching sex ed. Some indeed are too embarrassed to do so but in other situations it’s simple; parents aren’t teachers and don’t necessarily do their research. They can thus pass along a lot of misinformation and old information.

I have had to tell students that “double bagging” (wearing two condoms) will not “double” protect against STIs but will in fact lead to a greater rate of the condoms failing. I have had to explain that pulling out is risky as anything. I have had to explain that all exchanges of sexual fluid runs the risk of HIV.

In terms of “just don’t have sex”; places that teach abstinence only record a higher rate of teen pregnancy and STIs. I’m sorry but teenagers are terrible at self control.
Kids are kids. They do not yet have the emotional or psychological maturity to understand all this. This means they are being brainwashed.
What? By that logic, then they are also being brainwashed whenever they are being taught anything, especially Catechism of the Catholic church!
Which is why these conversations need to be had at an appropriate age, and, IMO, at the behest of the parent
Uh huh. These are all false arguments. 100% false. Teaching sex is not rocket science. It’s easy. Part A and Part B make contact - the end. It’s incredibly simple. What research needs to be done if they have kids? They’ve had plenty of sex. So, where’s that need for research? There isn’t any.

Sex education in schools should be abolished. Even if there’s only one parent, he or she has had sex.
I know what intersex means and I reject it flat out.
Clearly you feel very strongly about the issues being discussed here, and no doubt other issues which are related. Might I suggest that you take a little bit of time just to familiarize yourself with (at least) the medical terminology related to all of these issues so you can debate it with meaning. It is confusing to those of us who are familiar with the terms and what they mean , if you are trying to discuss a particular issue but you are using incorrect vocabulary to do so. Communication is key, if we are going to understand eachother.

There are a lot of posters, on this thread it seems, who could benefit from this advice. Not just you.
I was replying to the poster and I’m done replying to the poster. They aren’t asking questions, they’re simply posting to fuel their own opinion. The bottom line is that the transgender community is a mentally ill community and the politically correct have failed them desperately.
The greatest fortress of human liberty, proof against all earthly powers, is the family. In its small private space, it can defy the will of authority and the might of wealth. It is without doubt the most effective means of passing lore, culture, manners and traditions down through the generations. Its loyalties are stronger than those of the state, more powerful than patriotism. All serious tyrannies have sought to undermine or infiltrate it, socialist tyrannies most of all. -Peter Hitchens, The Abolition of Britain
If you try to question sex education, you are screamed at by fanatics. This is because it isn’t, and never has been, what it claims to be. Sex education is propaganda for the permissive society. It was invented by the communist George Lukacs, schools commissar during the insane Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919, to debauch the morals of Christian schoolgirls.

It works by breaking taboos and by portraying actions as normal that would once have been seen as wrong. [W]e learned that the [UK] Government has officially endorsed material which says sex at 13, ‘for those of similar age and developmental ability’, is normal.

This is, no doubt, a point of view. In a free society, people are entitled to hold it, even if it is rather creepy. But do you want your child’s school to endorse it?
[E]ven in the 1950s, people were able to find out quite easily how babies were made. In fact, this was evidently true even in the pre-TV dark age before then, or we would have died out, wouldn’t we? The idea that schools need to teach people how to have sex, or what results from it, is a self-evident absurdity so huge that nobody questions it.

What emerged from my researches was that the supporters of sex education were the same industry that supported the prescribing of contraceptive pills first to the unmarried and then to girls without their parents’ knowledge. And it was also the same industry which demanded that abortion should be unrestricted.
As the late Helen Brook […] once so succinctly put it […]‘ From birth till death it is now the privilege of the parental state to take major decisions – objective unemotional, the state weighs up what is best for the child’ .
That is what all this is really about – the replacement of individual parents by the utopian parental state. If that doesn’t worry you, then you lack imagination.
Uh huh. These are all false arguments. 100% false. Teaching sex is not rocket science. It’s easy. Part A and Part B make contact - the end. It’s incredibly simple. What research needs to be done if they have kids? They’ve had plenty of sex. So, where’s that need for research? There isn’t any.

Sex education in schools should be abolished. Even if there’s only one parent, he or she has had sex.
So, as someone who has taught sex ed to multiple classrooms I can safely say it’s not that simple and those three examples of misinformation I have were due to multiple parents doing a poor job of teaching the topic.

Importantly this isn’t because they’re bad parents; they’re just not teachers who have recently studied the subject material. Being able to have sex is different to knowing the science of it and all the safety precautions. After all; most of us know how to play a sport, but we still have coaches because teaching is a different activity.
I was replying to the poster and I’m done replying to the poster. They aren’t asking questions, they’re simply posting to fuel their own opinion. The bottom line is that the transgender community is a mentally ill community and the politically correct have failed them desperately.
I’m afraid you likely mean me. I’m not the original poster though so there is done confusion. I have been asking questions but I admit that was earlier in the thread and I have started simply answering questions now as I’ve had a lot of them. And correcting misinformation about how this stuff is taught; as I teach it it seemed sensible to weight in.
Uh huh. These are all false arguments. 100% false. Teaching sex is not rocket science. It’s easy. Part A and Part B make contact - the end. It’s incredibly simple. What research needs to be done if they have kids? They’ve had plenty of sex. So, where’s that need for research? There isn’t any.

Sex education in schools should be abolished. Even if there’s only one parent, he or she has had sex
Sex is, among other things, biology. Do you know how many well meaning parents wouldn’t be able to pass a 10th grade biology exam? Too many, that is how many. Sex education needs to educate the child on, at the very least, the biology of sex. And yes, that means a study of communicable diseases and all that goes with it.
I have some teaching experience. I did not realize how much work I had to put in, but back to my point. Before schools even existed, sex education was passed on - successfully. In 1960, there were only 4 STDs (VD back then) of concern. Today, there are a lot more. Does Sex Ed. help? No, definitely not. Why? Because over the last 40 years, the media has portrayed sex as a no consequences game. And more recently, as just something unmarried people do. Relationships? Why bother? Just be “a dog.” The other person uses the other person like two dogs meeting in an alley. And people are taught by movies and TV - “It’s no big deal.”

It’s not rocket science and I’m sure the makers of the various kinds of contraceptives just want to keep making money.
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