If you try to question sex education, you are screamed at by fanatics. This is because it isn’t, and never has been, what it claims to be. Sex education is propaganda for the permissive society. It was invented by the communist George Lukacs, schools commissar during the insane Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919, to debauch the morals of Christian schoolgirls.
It works by breaking taboos and by portraying actions as normal that would once have been seen as wrong. [W]e learned that the [UK] Government has officially endorsed material which says sex at 13, ‘for those of similar age and developmental ability’, is normal.
This is, no doubt, a point of view. In a free society, people are entitled to hold it, even if it is rather creepy. But do you want your child’s school to endorse it?
[E]ven in the 1950s, people were able to find out quite easily how babies were made. In fact, this was evidently true even in the pre-TV dark age before then, or we would have died out, wouldn’t we? The idea that schools need to teach people how to have sex, or what results from it, is a self-evident absurdity so huge that nobody questions it.
What emerged from my researches was that the supporters of sex education were the same industry that supported the prescribing of contraceptive pills first to the unmarried and then to girls without their parents’ knowledge. And it was also the same industry which demanded that abortion should be unrestricted.
As the late Helen Brook […] once so succinctly put it […]‘ From birth till death it is now the privilege of the parental state to take major decisions – objective unemotional, the state weighs up what is best for the child’ .
That is what all this is really about – the replacement of individual parents by the utopian parental state. If that doesn’t worry you, then you lack imagination.