Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report on Catholic sex abuse released

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I 100% agree. They should’ve been grievously punished. Like public flogging or something.
Wuerl should have been out years ago after that whole lesbian Buddhist incident. Replace him with the priest who protected the Eucharist from sacrilege at said funeral.
That predators can fool people is no surprise; they wouldn’t be good predators if they couldn’t conceal their malice. However, it is outrageous that such things were known and covered up. Send them to contemplative monasteries away from children to do penance for the rest of their lives.
For those of you out there who are concerned or have family members contemplating leaving the church I just want to reiterate… These behaviors are everywhere not simply within the Catholic Church! Protestants are struggling with the same thing right now but we don’t hear about it nearly as openly as we do with the Catholic Church. It’s a problem of men being corrupted by the devil. These problems and corruptions occurr everywhere where men and women are. As hard as it is to hear These things as a Catholic, we need to so that they can be addressed and justice can be done so that the church can continue to move forward.
Would my baptism be invalidated if the priest who baptized me is on this list?
Is St. John Bosco saying that a Pope shall be assassinated after being injured in an attempt on his life, and only after this shall the Church reach safe harbor?
By no means. It would be the heresy of Donatism for a sacrament to be invalidated on account of the wickedness of the priest administering it. Furthermore, baptism is validly performed even by an infidel, so long as the correct form and matter are used.
It’s up to interpretation. However, the Church will suffer tremendously. It does echo the 3rd Secret of Fatima…
All of the Chilean bishops tendered their resignations to Pope Francis. I’m beginning to wonder if the American bishops should do the same. Even the wonderfully good ones who are innocent. Clean house and start anew.

It seems like the Sex abuse just never goes away. And that’s on the bishops for not dealing with this properly.
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From the CNA article:

“Sources close to the cardinal also point out that the grand jury report does not distinguish between proven incidents of abuse and other allegations, saying that the report presumes that any priest accused of abuse should have been permanently removed from ministry, whether the allegation is proven or not. That assumption, they say, is not consistent with canonical norms on the subject.”

For all I know, everyone accused may be guilty. But an allegation is only an allegation until proven. In times of crisis, there is a temptation to forgo due process, but that can lead to innocent people being punished.
Agree. I believe God is cleaning His house and it is very difficult to watch. Praying for all those victims.
We already had the attempted Pope assassination with St. JPII. I’m pretty sure that was the one everybody was seeing in visions. Our Lady saved him.
We need also to pray for all the good, innocent priests out there. That they stay strong, so they can bear up to the after effects that will probably be headed their way.
For all I know, everyone accused may be guilty. But an allegation is only an allegation until proven. In times of crisis, there is a temptation to forgo due process, but that can lead to innocent people being punished.
This seems to be a hit piece. Why is a grand jury investigating and then issuing a report about allegations of crimes that are well past their statute of limitations? There can’t be a trial to determine truth. So all this does is make the Church look bad. They can include any salacious claim in this report with no accountability.

Do they do this to all religions? Of course not.

I’m sure there was plenty of truly awful things that went on. But this seems to me just a smear campaign and not a quest for justice.
Yes, in reading the report don’t forget to take note of all the priests and nuns who DID report the offenders to their superiors, or take whatever steps they could to get rid of them. For instance, that “Sister Raymunda” who told the superior of the abusive priest that she wanted him gone from his post by the time the girls returned to school. Reminded me of the nun in “The Keepers” who finally told the abuser to get out of her school.
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Also, tomorrow is the feast of the Assumption. No matter what has happened or is happening, I am still Catholic and I am still planning on getting up in the morning and attending Mass.
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