People cutting in line

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You can’t use that verse to justify cutting people in line
It doesn’t justify it, but I think it can help restore some peace to you over this situation. I know that when my mother was ill, I would have done anything for her and I wanted the best for her. Please try to be at peace that even though she didn’t make it to the front of the line, God heard your prayers.
Turn the other cheek.

Just remember what Jesus said, “But many that are first will be last, and last will be first.” Mark 10:31
You can’t use that verse to justify cutting people in line
It doesn’t justify what they did, and PeterT wasn’t trying to.

But Jesus’ teachings tell us how to respond to injustice and unfair things.

When we are treated unfairly, like your situation, we can turn the other cheek, offer it up, pray sincerely for those people, and let it be a good chance to practice humility and patience.
The ushers didn’t do a single thing
I’ve been Catholic and going to Mass for over 60 years. Most ushers do nothing more than take up the collection and seat people at mass. Ushers are not enforcers, it is the pastor and parochial assistant who should set down the rules. For whatever reason, they don’t. In many places it is because the pastor is reluctant to “step on anyone’s toes.” That’s just the way it is. Not worth getting in a tizzy over it. As much as I love the church, too many priests are experts at hand wringing non confrontationalism.
Would be nice if some of these fathers acted like fathers instead of tired baby sitters
No one is trying to justify the people’s cutting in line. But it can be totally wrong for them to have done so and still bad for you spiritually to hold onto that anger. And it is harder for people to let go of anger when they are angry on behalf of someeone else, esp. their mother!

You must have been very disappointed for your mother’s sake with how this turned out, and you have my sympathy for that. But at this point, you have a choice: to act as Jesus would have act, or to act as the enemy would have you act.

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Sorry if this was answered already, but did anybody get healed???
Uh, do you mean annointing of the sick?

Everyone or no one should be able to go up and be healed. Complain to the rectory with love and try not to be nasty, just express disappointment and ask what to do next time. Maybe there should be more of these masses? Maybe they should ask a retired priest to join in next time so there are more priests and people served?
Sorry if this was answered already, but did anybody get healed???
It is highly likely that they experienced some healing, but at a Catholic healing Mass they are not likely to be bounding up off their walker and sprinting around going “I’m Healed, Praise the Lord”. At most, a few of them might be slain in the spirit. Many more of them would show no visible sign of healing (just as many do not show a visible sign of whatever they need to get healed from) but would feel the Holy Spirit working in them and effecting some kind of healing, whether right after the prayer/ laying on of hands, or later on.
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So what is the appropriate response?
Patience, Forgiveness, Prayer, Peace.

Bearing wrongs patiently is a spiritual work of mercy, as is forgiving. Pray for those people as Jesus did, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” Pray also for your mother and help her. If she feels as badly about this as you do, help her to forgive and move on. It does no good, and possibly some harm, for either of you to dwell on this. Pray for your mother, that she may have a peaceful heart. Pray for yourself also, that the Lord may bring you peace.
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As they say in the Charismatic world:

Mary had a little lamb
Which grew to be a sheep
Then turned Charismatic
And died from lack of sleep
That’s fantastic. :crazy_face:

I’ll remember that if I find any Charismatics in real life. 😴😵
How was I supposed to know when she’d be able to get healed or not.
This priest praying over her is not some sort of guarantee of a physical healing, you know that, right?

God is far more powerful than you give Him credit. He gave us the Sacraments. EVERY Mass is a healing Mass, every time you go to Confession it is a healing Sacrament.

If God wills to manifest a miracle for your mother, He will and no “line cutters” will be able to stop it.

Take some time, talk to your priest, remember that we do not worship a certain priest. Learn to trust God.

Have you ever read “Searching For And Maintaining Peace” by Fr Phillipe? I’d recommend it.
The Vatican Doctrinal Commission into the Vatican Approved Catholic Charismatic Renewal states that Our Lady is the spouse of the Holy Spirit, and was present with the Apostles in the upper room praying for the descent of the Holy Spirit, and recommends praying of the Rosary to get close to the Holy Spirit.

Prior to Vatican II and the Catholic Charismatic renewal the Pope asked every mass to pray a prayer to the Holy Spirit and to Mary (spouse of the Holy Spirit) for the Holy Spirit to renew the church, as on Pentecost.

See the Vatican’s Doctrinal Commission into the Catholic Charismatic Renewal website where it recommends catholics to promote Our Lady to christian faiths; Commission/QDC05_En Mary and ecumenism.pdf
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And somehow that means that Charismatic prayer services do not tend to go on for a long time?

A healing Mass needs good planning. If it is your parish’s first time to host, best to assume you will have a full house. Church seats 300? Plan on 300 people. If each person there is to be prayed over, you do the math.

Mass is going to be an hour, if they have Charismatic praze and worship, that will add at least 30 minutes.

If every person goes to be prayed over, if each prayer/falling out takes 15 seconds you are talking about 75 minutes of time. Best to have 4 clergy (priests or deacons) there to pray over people because some are going to be longer than 15 seconds.

You do the math and you bring in extra clergy to help.

The parish staff who are supposed to be the event managers let the ball drop.

Charismatic Healing Masses as well as Lent/Advent penance services draw a crowd.

They need to begin early (5:30 or 6 PM) and there need to be enough clergy to to pray over/hear confessions. This is planning 101.

The documents you posted have literally nothing to do with the fact that Charismatic healing services with Mass take several hours.
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The Vatican’s Doctrinal commission into
The Catholic charismatic renewal have published a book on the topic of praying for healing that is just 10 usd

You can always pray for healing in the meantime, go straight to Jesus in prayer ☺️

Fr robert de Grandis is a retired healing priest, who was friends with Mother Angelica of EWTN,
He has some short books filled with some testimonies of those who received healings while praying for healing with the sacraments/ rosary,
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I left because my mom needed to go home. She had a doctor’s appointment in the morning and couldn’t be out all night. And she can’t drive at night, she’s blind at night. Don’t assume I left out of being impatient.
I sympathize with you SacredHeartBassist. I know you are upset for your mother and you’re correct, people should not take cuts in front of others. I guess I’m just wondering what you expected since you left a healing service early because your mom had a doctor appointment the next morning. I’d like to think that if I believed I would experience healing, I would stay and forgo the doctor. Did your mom drive or did you? Any time I attend any event I stay until the end, leaving early only hurts yourself. I pray you will let go of this anger/frustration as it will only build and consume you. People are people whether Catholic, or anything else. We tend to be selfish and think “me first” which is probably why the folks rushed to the front. I can’t imagine 200 rushing the front. How many people were there - must have been a large group. Sometimes ushering is a thankless job - people tend to ignore you and do what they want. God can heal any time, any way, any place. Prayers for your mom.
I’d like to think that if I believed I would experience healing, I would stay and forgo the doctor.
This is grossly unrealistic. No Catholic in their right mind would plan to stay late at a healing service and skip the doctor the next day. I would think anybody who did that was being superstitious and lacking in common sense. The healing might very well take place through the doctor’s treatment with the Holy Spirit’s help. At the very least, the doc would be needed to confirm that the condition had actually gone away.

My mother taught me “God helps them who help themselves.” That means if you have an illness, you see a doctor. It is fine to go to a healing service, praying for healing and/or for strength to continue to fight your malady or cope with your pain or disability. You do not go to the healing service INSTEAD of the doctor. That is just plain bizarre thinking for a Catholic. We’re not Evangelicals or Christian Scientists. We go to doctors.
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