Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud 'more than sufficient' to swing victory to Trump

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It is rather like a religious belief in many regards… repeating the mantra is all that matters. (And I say this not to denigrate legitimate faith, as a man of faith myself). There is a well known online celebrity priest of a very conservative bent who called on Biden to repent of his “likely mortal sin” of “stealing the election.” This same priest is still publicly posting daily exorcisms he’s performing against election fraud. It truly saddens me as I once respected this priest… and I struggle to wrap my head around intelligent people so absolutely believing this stuff.
Preforming exorcisms? WOW that’s out there. . . I mean far out there.
I don’t believe that you believe this.

You are just stating this for effect.
He’s probably doing some kind of minor exorcism thing. Major exorcisms that require the permission of the Bishop are only done on people. At least I think

Still very goofy
It will certainly be interesting to see how that plays out.
The Council said he had to establish that as his residence post- presidency for them to act.

They could just revoke the occupancy permit for the property, which would get his attention.
He’s probably doing some kind of minor exorcism thing. Major exorcisms that require the permission of the Bishop are only done on people. At least I think

Still very goofy
Plus, since it isn’t working, it will lead to distrust in the efficacy of exorcism. I do wish people would think through their actions a bit better.

Think of all the evangelical pastors claiming that God will put Trump in office for four more years…setting God up to take the fall for the failure? Not the smartest cookies, for sure! 😂
Is this a zoning matter, essentially?
No. Or…yes.

There was a large negotiation with the city to allow him to develop Mar-a-lago. First he wanted to created private residences, and they said no. He settled on a club, with I guess hotel like rooms or suites. As part of that deal, he promised never to live there full time.

Later he granted an easement for tax purposes to a national trust for historic preservation. I think that also had him not living there.

People, including Trump, are limited to 3 stays a year not to exceed 7 days.
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Trump will be president for 4 more years, this election was rigged but hopefully, the consequences will be averted this coming week and by inauguration day. The election was fraught with fraud. It doesn’t matter if there are failures in court, some of those are by Obama judges or for reasons of standing, not the details of fraud in the case.

We spent millions on a Russia-gate scandal for three years that led to nowhere. Surely we can let this play out.
Trump will be president for 4 more years, this election was rigged but hopefully, the consequences will be averted this coming week and by inauguration day.
No, but I will miss you. Keeping this up takes a lot.
The election was fraught with fraud.
Rudy G: "This is not a fraud case’
We spent millions on a Russia-gate scandal for three years that led to nowhere. Surely we can let this play out.
Just a reminder that many of the criminals Trump has pardoned were ensnared in the Mueller investigation.
But why should we? There is no evidence of fraud, only allegations that have gone nowhere. Biden is the duly elected next president of the United States and nothing can change that at this point.
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The election was fraught with fraud. It doesn’t matter if there are failures in court, some of those are by Obama judges or for reasons of standing, not the details of fraud in the case.
Trump’s lawyers have not alleged fraud in any federal case I saw. They did not allege fraud in state court in PA.

You can claim ‘fraud’ all you want but Trump’s lawyers have waived that contention.

" On Nov. 7, the day most media outlets called the race for Joe Biden, Rudy Giuliani stood outside a landscaping business in Philadelphia, making false claims about widespread election malfeasance.

“This is a gross miscarriage of the process that would assure that these ballots are not fraudulent,” he said. “It’s a fraud, an absolute fraud.”

Under questioning from a federal judge in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, Mr. Giuliani made a different admission: “This is not a fraud case,” he said."

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Have you ever contributed anything of substance? Why don’t you actually explain your reasoning for once instead of just lobbing out a question and either vanishing or responding with single sentence answers?
I’m still flummoxed that people fall for this after all these years. I opted out of his rabbit-hole-requiring-a-detective-mission threads three years ago when this classic appeared:
If Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert were still alive, would they support Popular Media
Mar a lago started as a private residence.

He purchased it and then thought of converting it to a country club because💰

Since it went from a home to a country club, it could no longer be a home.

So he’s not supposed live there more than three weeks per year.

If he turns it back to a home, no more membership fees and catering affairs.

Why would a billionaire turn his private home into a country club?

As part of that deal, he promised never to live there full time.

Later he granted an easement for tax purposes to a national trust for historic preservation. I think that also had him not living there.

People, including Trump, are limited to 3 stays a year not to exceed 7 days.
Finally, the details of real election fraud!

Residency in Florida, required to vote there, calls for 6 months residence every year. I have friends who watch it very carefully for tax purposes, I am sure it is the same for voting.

So Trump and Melania probably voted fraudulently, improperly claiming residency at Mar Lago.

Maybe enough billionaires in Florida did this to turn the election there to Biden.
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