Gays do not sexually abuse more children or create more AIDs cases or any of that claptrap I hear spouted. The bottom line is heterosexuals who don’t want them to have the same rights they do don’t care about morals. They don’t care about their religion, whatever it may be. They just use morals and religion and myths about the gay culture to pound home their own bigotry. I have yet to see a good reason purported by anyone why the state should not marry homosexuals.
How can you say that heterosexuals don’t care about morals just because they don’t agree with yours? That’s pretty egotistical. You obviously have your beliefs, I respect that. But you offer no respect for our beliefs. We don’t like something so we’re bigots? I could argue that you’ve had someone’s agenda pounded into your head. The same agenda we’re trying to avoid being pounded into our children’s heads by not giving homosexuals any more rights then anyone else. I don’t want my children being taught that it is O.K. to be homosexual. I can teach them to love them as people and treat them as God’s children, but I don’t have to tell them that their right for being homosexuals.
So, if we’re talking tolorance here, where’s the tolorance for people like me who don’t want to say it’s O.K.? What happened to my right to say “No, I don’t want my child taught that.”?