Please pray for my 15 yr old daughter

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I just found this thread, but God knew that I would pray for you. Praise God that you found her, and she is safe.

Ashley has been found. Thank you for all of your prayers.

Dont thank me. Thank Saint Anthony.
first saw this thread a couple of hours ago, have been praying with the 5th joyful mystery, finding the child Jesus in the temple. So glad to here you have found Ashley, and hope now she finds herself, and the family finds the strength to identify and deal with the issues behind this. Love to all, and will keep up the prayers.
I will keep Ashley in my prayers until she is found. I echo all these prayers before mine and add that God will protect her and keep her safe always!

Thank you God that you have listened to our prayers and that Ashley has been found. Thank you Lord for being so merciful. I bless you and I praise you.
:bowdown2: Thank you God:bowdown2: :amen:

Thank you for my little girl!

Thank you all! :blessyou:

:amen: :amen:
What a wonderful end to this tragic situation! Praise God for bringing her home to you! Let us all also pray that she stays there…and realizes the torment that her parents suffered while she was missing…Thanks to all of you for your prayers!!! God Bless!
I am so happy for you Laurel:) Talkwith Ashley and find out what is wrong and make sure she knows she can confide in you.God Bless

PS If you want to PM me and ask any questions,I was a troubled teen too,I might be able to explain some irrational thinking,I ran away and was gone for three days:crying:
Thank you all again from the bottom of our hearts. 🙂

Ashley will be in-patient for probably the next ten days, then we’ll see what happens next. She knows what is going to happen and is ok with that. I am staying up all night anyway just to make sure she is here in the A.M. It is nasty out here though, and she is exhausted as she slept outside last night, so she probably wouldn’t go anywhere anyway. However, I do believe in better safe than sorry…again. This is her :sleep: , this is me:yawn: . lol. It’s nice to want to laugh again.

I will keep you all updated. Thank you all, and please keep her in your prayers as she has a long road ahead of her…my precious daughter…my Ashley! :love: :dancing: :blessyou: :yawn:

🙂 Thanks lisa, I will take you up on that offer soon.
Ashley has been found. Thank you for all of your prayers.

Gloria in excelsis Deo!

I knew that extra DMC for her tonight would come through. It just never fails!

Now we continue to pray for all of you that understanding, love, and reconciliation will fill all your hearts and that all will be well.

Heavenly Father, Help us to be a family of love, support, forgiveness, and courage, equal to the joys and sorrows of life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Ashley has been found. Thank you for all of your prayers.

Praise God!!! Many blessings to all of you, and much peace.
Yep, it did it alright! :yup:

I’m still up and she’s still here. :coffee: 👋 :whacky: :coffee: She was shocked to find that even though she lost* a lot *of our money, all we care about is that she is where she belongs and that she is ok. She didn’t even think we really missed her given how much trouble she causes sometimes. We know teens are teens. We were there not too long ago. We are in listening mode and we have a lifetime to listen now, praise God!

And May God Bless you all!
Ashley has been found. Thank you for all of your prayers.

Thank you, Father. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Mary. Thank you, Joseph.

I am relieved beyond words. Now comes the hard part! God love you.
Our prayers continue to go out to you and your family for family healing
Yep, it did it alright! :yup:

I’m still up and she’s still here. :coffee: 👋 :whacky: :coffee: She was shocked to find that even though she lost* a lot *of our money, all we care about is that she is where she belongs and that she is ok. She didn’t even think we really missed her given how much trouble she causes sometimes. We know teens are teens. We were there not too long ago. We are in listening mode and we have a lifetime to listen now, praise God!

And May God Bless you all!
May God bless all of you, and I am glad to hear that God has helped you.🙂
Ashley has been found. Thank you for all of your prayers.

What wonderful news:clapping: . I have three teenagers myself and can just imagine the sheer panic you must have been in. God bless all of your family especially Ashley. I will keep her in my prayers.
Thank you all. I can’t begin to tell you how much your support means to me…to us. I plan on showing Ashley all that is written here. I hope she will see how God watched over her. She was an altar server and sung in the choir at church, yet she is really not convinced of the place that God holds in her life. I hope I can help her find some faith.
We have let her rest here at home for a while, and talk to us about her experience and now it is time to bring her to the facility. She doesn’t want to go, but she knows it will be ok. She trusts that we would never do anything that is not in her best interest.
Thank you, my friends. Thank you for all you have done. I look forward to talkng to and hearing from you again. a few unexpected events have occurred as a result of this situation that I would like to share with you sometime in the future. I will be around, but I have to focus on her now.
Also to let you all know, when I realized the seriousness of this situation, I had no question where my faith was. In the Catholic church that I was brought up in. I no longer question where it is I belong. I have some new C.S friends, and I am grateful for
that, and for the fact that my interest in C.S brought me back to talking to God. However, I am a Catholic and I and always will be.
I know it is a little late to offer this prayer…but it is a good one to share with you and you can use it in the future whenever you are in despair and feel hopeless…I am sorry to post my prayer so late, but I just came upon this thread and I was thrilled to know that your daughter was found and is safe…I am glad that I am posting this prayer with the knowledge you have found your baby girl instead of posting this prayer and *hoping *you would find her…you know what I mean? 🙂 Well…here it goes, it is a prayer for the Chaplet of St. Jude.

Oh Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr,
great in virtue and rich in miracles,
near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful
intercessor of all who invoke your
special help in time of need.
To you I have recourse from the depth
of my heart and humbly request assistance
Help me in my present and urgen petition.
In return, I promise to make your name
known and cause you to be invoked.

Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glorias.
Hi d,

Your prayer is *not *too late, thank you. Like someone elese said, now that she is found the hard work begins. That is so true, we have so much ahead of us. We are leaving for the hospital and were told she may not even be admitted if they don’t think she needs to be, and they sounded like they thought she didn’t. Why should it be so hadr to ge her the help she needs, so yes please keeep praying for us…her. We need all the help we can get, esp right now.
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