Please pray for my 15 yr old daughter

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Hi d,

Your prayer is *not *too late, thank you. Like someone elese said, now that she is found the hard work begins. That is so true, we have so much ahead of us. We are leaving for the hospital and were told she may not even be admitted if they don’t think she needs to be, and they sounded like they thought she didn’t. Why should it be so hadr to ge her the help she needs, so yes please keeep praying for us…her. We need all the help we can get, esp right now.
Laurel, God bless you for being such a wonderful and careing mom.
We will always be here for you. Let us pray for continued family healing.
Hi d,

Your prayer is *not *too late, thank you. Like someone elese said, now that she is found the hard work begins. That is so true, we have so much ahead of us. We are leaving for the hospital and were told she may not even be admitted if they don’t think she needs to be, and they sounded like they thought she didn’t. Why should it be so hadr to ge her the help she needs, so yes please keeep praying for us…her. We need all the help we can get, esp right now.
Please let Ashley know that she has a large RCC family out here that truly cares about her.

In the little that you have shared about Ashley and seeing that she has been active in her Church, I wonder if something has happened to her that she has not told you? She sounds depressed. It is so troublesome to see a child as young as she express such despair. I am sure that if the hospital does not keep her you will take her to your family physician who will direct you in the right direction to get the proper medical help she seems to need. Also, you should get intouch with your pastor. He maybe able to give your whole family support during all this.

I pray that she finds peace and hope and help.

ok that Saint Anthony just gave me goosebumps! anyone that ever questioned the power of praying for a Saint to intervene, well there you go. LAUREL!! God bless you and keep you well. you HAVE to do what ever it takes to get her the help. my parents had the same problems with my sister, she ran off to New Mexico and wouldnt come home, when she did she was three months pregnant, alone and had the law after her. she got out of all that mess thank God, but shes a struggling single mother with a past that haunts her to this day. BE STRONG!!! tough love is often neccesary to make a change in these troubled children. good luck God bless and i will pray for you often. please keep us updated.

Wow, it feels like Pandoras’ box has been opened. The good news is that the hospital admitted her with a dx. of depression. She is safe and the fact that she does not want to be there just tells me she is reacting like any 15yr. old would.
However, my Mom called D.C.F.S and told them we lock her in a closet for days and don’t feed her or let her use the facilities and that we force her to drink alcohol. They came out and investagated and the case was deemed unfounded. I think she has lost her mind. I think the stress of Ashley running away was too much for her, (She has been physically ill and depressed for about 3yrs now). She can’t imagine a child running away unless they are abused, and she had to make up something big enough to get them in the door to find out what was really going on. My Dad, whom I see 3-4 times a year claims he has witnessed verbal abuse. The man who beat my brothers with a wiffleball bat and allowed my oldest brother to have his “way” with me for years, molst and rap. I don’t want to trigger anyone here. I asked him if he was concerned why didn’t he come to me?. He said because I don’t trust you. What a joke!. He who cheated on my Mom for about 12 yrs before they divorced and many other things, doesn’t trust me. I am not surprised though, he has no use for God and he would tell you himself, he has no conscience. I am finally getting clocer to God, and my family has gone insane. I have not lost faith though, I know God will see us through this. Please keep praying for my family. We need all the help we can get!.
However, my Mom called D.C.F.S and told them we lock her in a closet for days and don’t feed her or let her use the facilities and that we force her to drink alcohol.
Laurel, I worked with another teacher that had the same thing happen when she put her child into a program. However, the police got involved and it actually took a day longer to get her into a place. I will pray for you and for your daughter. I think your parents generation handled troubled children so differently that they can’t imagine using a treatment center. I will pray for your whole family, because it affects the whole family. You are not alone.
Hi, 👋
Ironically, my Mom put me into a facility because I was a troubled teen too. She tricked me though, she said we were going to talk to some people and then come home, I was taken in a tough love van. When we stood up to leave, I was informed that I was staying. I was there for 95 days. Which is why it was so shocking to me that she wanted to know how Ashley felt about being sent there. She said she tricked me bacause she thought I was on drugs, so that was ok.
I went to see Ashley today w/her little sis, and it was family time so we all played games and such. She would not let me hug her though. Her Dad will see her later. I don’t expect her to not be angry, and I am told she is adjusting really well. So I have faith that God will watch over her and give her some peace of mind.
I hope I am not asking too much if I ask again that all here keep praying for her…for all of us.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon!
👋 Please forgive me if I don’t answer each post individually. I don’t have much time right now, but I do read everything that is written to me, and I really appreciate and need it all right now. I really have no friends to speak of, and I really need to hear from all of you. Thank you, my new friends. :o

Laurel said:
👋 Please forgive me if I don’t answer each post individually. I don’t have much time right now, but I do read everything that is written to me, and I really appreciate and need it all right now. I really have no friends to speak of, and I really need to hear from all of you. Thank you, my new friends. :o


Hi sweet Laurel–

You are still in my thoughts and prayers.

I noticed a few posts back that you shared with us the abuse that your father and brother forced upon you… This, of course, would explain the reason why you would have been a troubled teen. I am wondering if you see some correlation between Ashley’s troubles and what happened to you? Could Ashley ever have been abused by these family members? I pray not. But, if it is a possiblity, it may help you to understand her despair.

I grew up with a girl who was abused by her cousin for years and I never knew this until she told me as an adult. It does explain some of the behavior she expressed during her teens. Mainly, her inability to have a loving relationship with a boy friend, drug abuse and anxiety depression problems. All her boy friends physically abused her in some way. Until she met her husband who was kind and loving towards her and it was then that she understood real love.

when you come the the Eucharist at the moment of consecration and again when you receive communion, pray for healing for yourself, and for family healing, for part of what your daughter is going through is the heritage of several generations of hurting. The Eucharist is a powerful healer, because of jesus’ healing touch and presence, and prayer before the Eucharist is powerful.No need to answer, and no need for reports on her progress, beyond what you wish to share, but you know we are all praying for Ashley, for you and for your family. I hope someday she will be able to read this thread and see how people who don’t know each other yet support and pray for one another.

Just some fyi to be fair to my family, my brother was the direct abuser, my Father the secondary, as he simply did nothing to stop it and kept my mother from following up on her suspicions. Mom says my other brother knew too, but of that I am not 100% sure.

We are trying to find out if her uncle initiated any innapropriate contact; however, at this time Ashley says she does not remember anything like that hapening to her, (however, * when she was 5 she did say some things to us that could indicate otherwise*). If she has repressed memories, I am sure that they will come out eventually.

She also has told me of a boy in school who hit her in the back and that other things like that have heppened before. She says that it is no big deal and she can handle it…sigh…if that were only true, but I know it’s not.

I pray that someday my daughter will also find the love of her life and that she will be safe and truly happy.

Thank you for all you have said.
When our youngest daughter (who began her six year period of trouble, aggravation, grief and general way-out-thereness at age 15) used to say “it’s no big deal” that was our signal that it was a very big deal indeed. She had the need to feel she could control things, but that was her code word for “I am in something I cannot handle or control, help me.”
Hi Puzzleannie,

Thank you for your kind words. I know that there is great healing for us throught Jesus Christ. I will be forever amazed in the power God has and in the love he is capable of. I also know how undeserving I am of these things, which makes them that much more amazing that he gives them to me!.

My Grandmother usted to sing this song to me…

Dear Angel ever at my side
how loving must thou be
to leave thy home in heaven above
for a little child like me

I sing that often to my children.

She also sung this…

I’m forever blowing bubbles
pretty bubbles in the air
they fly so high
nearly reach the sky
just like my dreams
they fade and die
I am always searching
I’ve looked everywherre
I’m forever blowing bubbles
pretty bubbles in the air

I sing that sometimes too.

I think she made them up, I’m not sure though.

Her name was Albertine, that is Ashleys’ comfirmation name. they were close, right up to the end.

I don’t know why I told you, everybody this. Soimething just moved me to.

There was a question here that was a result of my own insecurities. I say this to explain myself and why it is not here now, if it was already read.

I hope that she does read this and that it will help her realize how many people care for her, and that we all are really a family with God as our father.

Thank you again.
Laurel vbmenu_register(“postmenu_392101”, true);
Regular Member

Laurel, You probably feel like someone beat you up with a hammer from the inside. You can’t take care of Ashley if you are not up on your toes. So take care of yourself too.

I have had a similar thing happen with my 15 year old daughter - she was in the hospital more than 4 times for depression. That was about 3 years ago and she is much better now but not 100%. What I mean to say is this: you may have to deal with this for several years. It gets better as time passes.

I know you and Ashley will have prayers for her recovery. There is no shortcut, just stick with it. And pray! This man will pray.and I am sure many others will too.

Ashley, don’t be downhearted. Now things are looking up. Do what you are told to do, especially about any medication, dont forget. We Love You. We are glad You are Home.
I am finally getting clocer to God, and my family has gone insane. I have not lost faith though, I know God will see us through this. Please keep praying for my family. We need all the help we can get!.
That’s just the attack of the enemy because he lost ground with you.
Hit that St. Michael prayer frequently and watch him get lost. It just never fails God is so faithful to send us the help we need when we need it.
I have three daughters and I know how difficult it can be. I think ages 15-18 are really tough. I know hormones get in the way and then normal human development, where children want to grow up and away from parents gets in the way too. I used to wonder if life would ever be normal with them, because at our low points I wondered if that was possible.

Life is normal for us now and the girls all made it through those testing years. I am just so glad that you have help for your daughter, and that you are using your faith in Jesus to help guide you. I will keep praying for all of you.

“Faith, Hope, and Love and the greatest of these is Love”.

I know that your family and Ashley will get through this. Stay strong for your daughter and know that I will all keep you and your family in my heart and prayers.

Hi all, 👋

Thank you again. I read all of your posts. Yes, a hammer that is what it feels like. I can honestly say now that all adult family members have betrayed me in my time of need, (on my side not my husbands). My husbands family has been wonderful, it’s just not the same though. I feel so alone. I sometimes wonder if I was a really evil man in a former life and I am now being punished. I know we as Cathoilcs do not believe in re-incarnation, but that is the only reason I can think of for the life I have been given. I wont go into details, just trust me, besides my husband and children, my life would make a good horror flick. I thank God for all my new friends here, without you, God and my husband I would have no other adults I could talk to like this. Pathetic huh. I know. It is just so hard to make friends. My friend Kim whom I have known since age 10 or so, has no time for me. My other friend Chris, I met her 13 years ago is a transport nurse and I know she is busy, but like Kim no calls or e-mails and I have e-mailed them both now and then and called too. I told my husband, whenever God calls me home I want my tombstone to read…She finally has some peace. I also want them to play the song In The Arms Of The Angels form the movie City Of Angels. I really think that heaven is the only place there is peace for me. I don’t mean to bring anyone down, it’s just that like I said, you are my only friends now.

I will fight that enemy, you bet I will. The devil has no place in my heart or soul or in my home. I will bring Ashley clocer to God too so that the devil leaves her alone as well. I once thought that kind of talk was hokey, but now I know that evil is there and wants us to invite it in. I will beware of that wolf in sheeps clothing. I am sorry I ever underestimated it.

It makes me feel good to know that others have gotten through this. Right now it feels like it will never end, even though logic says otherwise. Thank you for your kind words.

Also, has anyone ever heard those songs before?. I just wondered because I really think she made them up. She was a wonderful person who prayed right to the end. I know she is with God now. Although, I wish she were here, for my sake and my Moms’. My Mom needs her now more than ever!
Ashley is fine. She has a little rash on her neck and back that they think is caused by the laundry soap they use. They have given her benadryl, and she says it makes her sleepy. I bought her some Aveeno cream and we’ll see how that works. They also are giving her the sheets that they use on burn patients to help her skin. Otherwise her mood is good and she is well.

Remember to take one day at a time and to take care of yourself… If you don’t take care of yourself you can’t take care of others. You are a strong woman. I wish it was easier to help you through your pain. Don’t forget that there are many readers here willing to listen. And, God is with you…

I have never heard those songs, but, they are so beautiful.
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