This is a very succinct answer, schaeffer, and an accurate one. All catechesis must be integrated with primary evangelization, I believe, in this very hostile culture that is so corrosive to faith. And that, presented by witnesses to the life and truth they proclaim!I think a lot of it is due to lack of belief in the Real Presence, Communion of Saints, and the authority of the Church.
Catechesis alone cannot produce belief.
Even many with excellent catechesis do not believe and stop practicing the faith.
Paul VI wrote in his “On Evangelization in the Modern World” -
#41… “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.”[67] St. Peter expressed this well when he held up the example of a reverent and chaste life that wins over even without a word those who refuse to obey the word.[68] It is therefore primarily by her conduct and by her life that the Church will evangelize the world, in other words, by her living witness of fidelity to the Lord Jesus–the witness of poverty and detachment, of freedom in the face of the powers of this world, in short, the witness of sanctity.