This is all good stuff, but it is not the full Church. Why do you deny that the apophatic tradition of the Church is important? Have you ever studied mystic theology, or participated in any ongoing contemplative prayer program? If not, you really don’t know what you’re missing.Holiness is for everyone and the Church has provided everything we need to be holy. Most importantly, the sacraments. We can only be as holy as we are accessible to God and He is fully and completely accessible in the sacraments. Of course, we have to enter into the sacraments with an obedient heart towards Jesus.
Plus, just because they provide it doesn’t mean Catholics know about it, much less that they take advantage of them. Catholics on the whole are completely uneducated on the spiritual journey, which is what the Church I think should be helping us travel, but they certainly know what the Church thinks about a particular political candidate.
Anger is a natural tendency. Yes, Christ threw one temper tantrum, but if we are to be angry and standoffish against our brothers, then why did Christ compare harboring anger against our brothers to murder?Regarding the insinuation that anyone who gets frustrated or angry with another Catholic is doing something wrong, I beg to differ.
Yes, you have the right to be angry at everyone who doesn’t live up to your specifications, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for your soul – or your ability to teach and demonstrate the Love of God – when you are.There are Catholics out there that are purposely misleading children away from Church teaching and into their notions of truth. This leads to potentially serious harm to body and soul. I have a right to get angry when it occurs (Jesus got angry at times - it provokes a reaction - how we react is also key) and respond accordingly. It is not correct for me to stay angry all time about it. I also, however, have the right to be frustrated when Church leaders allow same Catholics to obstinantly teach heresy despite the concerns of the faithful. This is natural and human. This is no attidude.
If you want someone to agree with you, try losing your anger and talk to them instead of at them and maybe you’ll have a better job of evangelizing and who knows – you may even learn something yourself or see an issue from another point of view!
Your anger is telegraphed in your word choice, and it automatically activates the intended targets shields. Why should they listen to an angry person about how to live a better life? So they can be angry like you? No thanks.
It’s old but it’s good: that’s the saying that it’s easier to catch bugs with honey than vinegar.