The point being that, according to you, unless a woman is recognized in exactly the way that a male is recognized, i.e. a ‘title’ like Doctor of the Church, then she isn’t ‘equal to’ a man? That the Church’s ‘power’ rests in what TEMPORAL power (including a ‘spiritual power’, i.e. the power of presiding at Mass, hearing confessions, voting in conclaves, wearing mitres, etc) a MAN possesses, and not in how a person (the majority of men as well as women) are doing in their lives to try to follow Christ?
Pretty sad. As I said, the majority of men in this world will not be priests, will not be ‘theologians’, will not be working in some ‘office’ of the Church. But I suppose the fact that we now have to meet quotas, and are beating our breasts for all the women we supposedly ‘wronged’ throughout history because they (along, as I said, with the majority of men) did not have those ‘positions’, is more important (perception is EVERYTHING in today’s shallow egalitarian world) than whether or not all those supposedly ‘wronged’ women would have even WANTED those jobs, or whether or not today’s women in being pushed to ‘demand’ them (notice how little is said of call, service but all of "demand’ and ‘power’) at the expense of, dare I say it, men who have, for various reasons, been marginalized out of much of modern Christianity/the Catholic Church?
We hear, “What would Jesus do”? We don’t want to hear, “What has Jesus said”. We always want to change it (because what He said was either 'limited by the society of the times", ‘misunderstood’, ‘subject to the whims of those horrible patriarchs and misogynists’ etc). We want to show how much better we are NOW.
And pat ourselves on the back for our enlightenment. Pride, just pride.