Is there a FULL version of this homily anywhere? All I can find are snippets, and it seems unfair to judge any part of it without seeing the full context.
Actually you are wrong. Who is condemning him? That is for God alone to do. A key component to committing slander or calumny is being deceitful in an attempt to discredit someone. We don’t know if Vagano was deceitful yet so we can’t honestly say that he is committing slander. Pope Francis accused the accusers in Chile of calumny. So unless he had supernatural incite about the case, he possibly committed calumny himself about the accusers as they seem to have been speaking the truth and the Pope has walked that back several times now. Regardless of the Popes intent to deceive or not, it was an incredibly tone deaf, insensitive thing to say. So you can accuse me of something here, but slander and calumny are not options.Condemning Pope Francis is slander
I agree that people have a right to be angry. I am angry. I believe it is a righteous anger that will help me see this horrible stuff rooted out and sustain me in what is going to be a very messy cleansing. Please don’t be done with the church. The bride of Christ will prevail. She is not done with you.like I said, I am done with it. People that have a right to be angry at the way this has been handled. Yet this pope is telling us the devil made me do it. Maybe just maybe I have Prayed and GOD is telling me to be angry and let the church leaders know you are angry. Until this Pope is gone, I am dome with the church. PERIOD. Lets get us an African Pope that will rid the remove all the evil church leaders that have caused so much damage.
That is what will happen if the following is true…the 300 page dossier supposedly resurfaced in the hands of Italian journalists. There was a generous window of time to correct errors.This is going to get worse. If the leaders think blaming the accusers for this scandal is a winning strategy, it is not.
I sure LOOKED! I originally posted from the Vatican’s twitter but it led to a dead end. Catholic.net carried the same article from the Vatican.Is there a FULL version of this homily anywhere? All I can find are snippets, and it seems unfair to judge any part of it without seeing the full context.
When the sinner repents there is untold joy in heaven. The bigger the sinner, the bigger the rejoicing I imagine.The original human criminals are guilty, as are anyone who covered up for them. But GUESS WHAT? Jesus died for them to, news flash THEY CAN BE FORGIVEN. But not by social media.
I understand your point. You didn’t suggest that the priest REPENTED or made restitution…which is necessary, of course, for the following love story I posted about on another thread:
Research Don Marco Bisceglia , the founder of the organized gay movement in Italy and Catholic priest who was stripped of clerical office, contracted AIDS, repented, and prior to death, requested of the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith( Cd Ratzinger) and received a suspension of the a divinis to offer the Holy Sacrifice. He died peacefully in 2001, in the grace of the sacraments![]()
Imagine the good that would come from a current version of that witness. Say Cardinal McCarrick. I keep asking myself if these confirmed abusive priests even believe their vows or is it just a big sham? I have struggled with sin often and only get peace through reconciliation. Their public reconciliation for very public & horrible sin could be powerful!Research Don Marco Bisceglia , the founder of the organized gay movement in Italy and Catholic priest who was stripped of clerical office, contracted AIDS, repented, and prior to death, requested of the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith( Cd Ratzinger) and received a suspension of the a divinis to offer the Holy Sacrifice. He died peacefully in 2001, in the grace of the sacraments![]()
Apologies that I couldn’t find the complete sermon. However, this is what the Vatican released so I post it. I pasted the part where he references the Great Accuser.The Pope recalled that in the first Reading, the Book of Numbers tells of the moment during the Exodus when the people who complained “were punished by serpents”. This, he said, refers to the ancient serpent, Satan, the “Great Accuser”. But, the Pope continued, the Lord told Moses that the serpent that brought death would be raised and would bring salvation. Francis explained that this “is a prophecy”. In fact, he said, “having been made sin, Jesus defeated the author of sin, he defeated the serpent”. And Satan, the Pope commented, was so happy on Good Friday “that he did not notice” the great trap “of history in which he was to fall.
The serpent, the Pontiff clarified, is a “symbol of sin, the serpent that kills. But the serpent that saves: this is the mystery of Christ”. St Paul, the Pope recalled, also spoke of this mystery. “He said that Jesus emptied himself, humbled himself, annihilated himself in order to save us”. Moreover, the Apostle offers an even stronger expression: “he became sin”. Thus, using the biblical symbol, we could say: “he became serpent”. This, Francis said, is “the prophetic message of today’s readings. The Son of man, who like a serpent ‘became sin’, is lifted up in order to save us”.
The serpent that kills and the one that saves (15 March 2016) | Francis
Does he understand what St Paul was saying?“ This is why the Lord says to them: ‘when you have lifted up the Son of man, then you will know that I am he’”. We could say, the Pope added, that “Jesus ‘made himself to be serpent’; Jesus ‘made himself to be sin’, and took upon himself all of humanity’s filth, all the filth of sin; and ‘he made himself to be sin’; he let himself be lifted up so that all people could look at him, the people wounded by sin: us. This is the mystery of the Cross. Paul says: ‘he made himself to be sin’, and he took the appearance of the father of sin, of the astute serpent”.
In the sign of the Cross (4 April 2017) | Francis
The Pope brought up that it was also the people who yelled “crucify him”. Jesus then compassionately remained silent because “the people were deceived by the powerful”, Pope Francis explained. His response was silence and prayer. Here the shepherd chooses silence when the “Great Accuser” accuses him “through so many people”. Jesus “suffers, offers his life, and prays”, Pope Francis said.
Are you referring to when Pope Francis falsely accused the Chilean sex abuse victims of slander, while defending Bishop Barros?Slander, leaving the faith, slander, slander, slander and more slander.