Believing in theoretically sexless Civil Unions, for the sake of mitigating LGBT-family discrimination, is not technically a heresy.
I have not read his comment. Was there anything in it that suggested he was supporting homosexual unions only if they were chaste? If not, would that make it a heresy?Believing in theoretically sexless Civil Unions, for the sake of mitigating LGBT-family discrimination, is not technically a heresy.
Heresy has a very particular meaning in the church, and while this may seem a heresy to the layman it is not yet clear that Francis’ support of legal recognition of homosexual unions is canonically heretical.Yes, if Francis was supporting non-chaste homosexual relationships it would be heresy.
Those who would move from tolerance to the legitimization of specific rights for cohabiting homosexual persons need to be reminded that the approval or legalization of evil is something far different from the toleration of evil. (CDF)As I’ve said earlier (in this thread I think), in the same interview he says that the idea of homosexual marriage is contradictory, and the context (when he talks about homosexuals’ right to have families) make it seem as if he is only advocating for Civil Unions to avoid homosexuals get cast out or broke by their biological family.
Thank you for this.Why should we believe anything today if it can be so casually reversed tomorrow?
I’m guessing if that was his thinking, he’d probably have elaborated. Fairly unlikely many would connect his comments with the practice to which you refer…Just some post earliers I’ve also linked at an ancient practice of canonically uniting persons of the same sex for the sake of mutual aid (Adelphopoiesis) so it seems the Pope not only is making a prudential judgement, but also wanting to restore a traditional practice through secualr law!
Advocating for a procedure to recognize two men as brothers is nothing whatever like advocating the recognition of two men as spouses. There is no context in which these could even be considered similar, let alone “exactly the same.”I know, but I was being a little sarcastic because I was responding to various posters who claimed that the Pope is a heretic. He can’t be a heretic because what he advocates for is in theory exactly the same as Adelphopoiesis but done in civil law instead of canon law.
BINGO!the distinction between civil union and marriage would make no sense.
I don’t really understand the concept of this ceremony, but I would assume that it is designed to support the participants spiritually. A same-sex civil union would do the opposite - it will support them in their error.wanting to restore a traditional practice through secualr law!
The pope made his suggestion in connection with the discussion on ministering to homosexuals. It is disingenuous to remove the suggestion from the context in which it was made.Pope Francis never said that the couple have to be recognized as spouses, otherwise the distinction between civil union and marriage would make no sense.
That he mentioned inter-familial objections in no way suggests that his suggestion stopped there. In fact he absolutely blurred the distinction between families based on marriage and those based on homosexual unions when he encouraged two men to raise “their” children in their parish church. This has already gone off the rails.Yeah, that’s why I said he discusses it to solve inter-familiar discrimination to homosexuals.
Such a law even with that specified - which in fact never happens - already runs afoul of church doctrine.If anything, the law itself can make the difference by distinguishing it from marriage.