Pope Francis Must Resign: Archbishop Vigano

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Again, this is making me feel even worse. If our Church is the One True Church, why isn’t God protecting her? Especially with all the prayers. If God answered prayer, one would assume He’d for sure, answer prayers to protect His Church and followers.
Let me preface what I’m about to say by stressing that I am not a “conservative”, nor am I a fire-and-brimstone type who sees Satan, or God’s wrath, behind every painful event.

That said…

God doesn’t only bring comfort and peace, He also brings the sword and Justice. God will allow weeds to be sown among the wheat, and He will harvest and burn. There is also wisdom to be gained from error, and we should never despair in the face of chastisement from a Just and Merciful God.

Whatever happens now happens by His Will, especially to the Church. If God is not sparing the rod, it is because He is saving the child, not condemning it.

Peace and God bless!
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From the context of how Erikaspirit used the term, it’s clear she meant the normal US meaning. This is primarily a US forum and there are a lot of attorneys on here, so it’s better if you don’t make up new meanings for words with a standard legal meaning in USA, if you want people to understand your posts.
…I’m not making up anything. I was attempting to explain to Erika what people meant by “due process” in this thread. It is not wildly confusing.
Laura Ingraham is a right wing outrage celebrity who got herself a show on Fox News. I think she should resign instead.
Michael Voris hasn’t been a guest on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show, has she?
I have been struggling with this as well. My faith is shaky. However, a deep, very deep, truth is screaming inside me that I am beginning to recognize. God IS protecting His One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church. He is identifying the cancer that has been eating away at His flesh and calling doctors to rid His body of it. The True Church will survive and be well again at the end of this ordeal. I pray I am counted in that number.
I never thought of it that way. Thanks, that helped.
Again, this is making me feel even worse. If our Church is the One True Church, why isn’t God protecting her? Especially with all the prayers. If God answered prayer, one would assume He’d for sure, answer prayers to protect His Church and followers
Well you can’t really go by that in my opinion. There is no organization in the world that doesn’t have issues like this. If your looking for an organization that God has kept this from happening in then you won’t find it. The question is how do we fix it.
I don’t know who you mean by “people” but your explanation was completely nonsensical to me. Erika’s post made sense.
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I have been struggling with this as well. My faith is shaky. However, a deep, very deep, truth is screaming inside me that I am beginning to recognize. God IS protecting His One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church. He is identifying the cancer that has been eating away at His flesh and calling doctors to rid His body of it. The True Church will survive and be well again at the end of this ordeal. I pray I am counted in that number.
Exactly. 🙂
Where do you get your news? And how do you know it’s free of the devil’s work? Also, how does one identify news outlets that have been infiltrated by the devil?
Cool. Several posters farther up the thread said we should allow due process to take its course, ie give fair and reasonable treatment to all involved as opposed to taking accusations as true with no investigation. That is what I meant by “people”. If you care for specifics feel free to scroll up.
If that’s what they said, they used the term understandably also. I still don’t have any idea what you were talking about. That’s my last word on the subject. Bye.
I was literally saying the same thing. I don’t get the hostility. But ok, bye…
Regarding bishop accountability–I think the best thing for a lot of them (those guilty of cover up of any kind) would be to admit their failures, resign, and enter into a simple life of parish ministry somewhere. It would be a perfect exemplification of Matthew 23:12.
Statement from the Madison Diocese here:

An excerpt of the letter:
However, I must confess my disappointment that in his remarks on the return flight from Dublin to Rome,
the Holy Father chose a course of “no comment,” regarding any conclusions that might be drawn from
Archbishop Viganò’s allegations. Pope Francis further said expressly that such conclusions should be left to the “professional maturity” of journalists. In the United States and elsewhere, in fact, very little is more
questionable than the professional maturity of journalists. The bias in the mainstream media could not be
clearer and is recognized almost universally. I would never ascribe professional maturity to the journalism of the National Catholic Reporter, for example. (And, predictably, they are leading the charge in a campaign of vilification against Archbishop Viganò.)

Having renewed my expression of respect and filial affection for the Holy Father, I must add that during his
tenure as our Apostolic Nuncio, I came to know Archbishop Viganò both professionally and personally,
and I remain deeply convinced of his honesty, loyalty to and love for the Church, and impeccable integrity.
In fact, Arch. Viganò has offered a number of concrete, real allegations in his recent document, giving
names, dates, places, and the location of supporting documentation – either at the Secretariat of State or at the Apostolic Nunciature. Thus, the criteria for credible allegations are more than fulfilled, and an
investigation, according to proper canonical procedures, is certainly in order.
Also, Cardinal Cupich is being interviewed on Cuomo Prime Time right now on CNN about Archbishop Vigano’s testimony. So it doesn’t look like this story is going away anytime soon.

EDIT: For what it’s worth, he claims that the notion of one person having the power to tell the Pope to appoint a certain person (speaking about himself allegedly getting his position due to McCarrick) to a diocese as bishop is “absurd”. He also reiterated his claim that homosexuality has nothing to do with the sex abuse crisis and it is clericalism that is the cause. Nothing earth shattering here.
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