Pray for the soul of the Church - there are MANY of ‘our’ hierarchy who have been for all too long leading our laity astray - their agenda is not Jesus’ agenda or the long established truth/traditions of Mother Church. The Church is being besieged from without AND within by demonic forces - Satan knows his time is now rather short, and he feels propelled/forced to wage a much more open war - pray that the 'good men and women among the clergy and religious will have the moral guts {like our martyrs of the past and present], to step up to the plate and strike a home run for God - for those of us more into cricket, hit a 6 out of the grounds. Jesus will NOT let His Church fall into the hands of the demonic, this He has promised - a full on battle is in the imminent offing between good and evil, and I strongly suspect this will happen in my lifetime, and in the very near future - it will make ‘Noah’s Flood’ seem as nothing. Dear God, ‘Be Thou My Vision’, Blessed Mother and St Michael, come to our aid. Amen.
Oh, tafan2 - I don’t think even Michael Voris has accused the Holy Father of direct personal involvement in sex abuse, BUT it also regrettably cannot be claimed that Pope Francis has never by his actions, been a force of ‘encouragement’ and security/comfort/protection for those wicked prelates who have most certainly been involved in, and indeed are still involved in gross scandal and evil doing and promoting. Sins of omission are just as much sins, as those of commission, and it appears by his actions and inaction, the Holy Father has been complicit in BOTH. I was distressed to see and hear a video - available to be seen on the WEB, that was taken in St Peter’s Square of Pope Francis claiming to have known nothing about an issue that happened in Argentina under his watch, when it can be, and has been, proven he did know. We live in VERY DARK TIMES, and it is our duty to be aware of it. The Holy Father reinstated priests and senior hierarchy that Pope Benedict demoted for being involved in scandal very early on in his pontificate, men who are mostly still kept in senior office, and in some instances given influential positions amongst the young. The laity who are involved in youth work have to undergo checks - why then not these errant clerics? - Hmmn, just who is ‘protecting’ them? These days it seems we can only really trust the ‘true’ magisterium, those long established traditions, AND the words, works and promises of Jesus. ‘Put not your trust in princes’, seems very much an appropriate instruction for our times - even of all too many of the princes of Mother Church. We have all too many wolves in shepherds’ clothing, actively, or by negligence, leading their sheep/charges astray. I hope the diminishing numbers of faithful American Catholics are able to dig ever deeper into their pockets to pay the vast sums of money that will likely be asked for by Federal and State courts, and probably even RICO actions and claims. As I have said - we live in very dark times. BUT AS WE KNOW, IT IS OFTEN THE DARK THAT COMES BEFORE THE DAWN - THANK GOD!