We keep hearing about the “Biden tax proposal” which would only affect high-income taxpayers, large estates, etc.
But the Democrats also favor a repeal of the Trump tax cuts.
So, no matter what we keep hearing, if the Democrats take the White house and both houses, working-class taxes will go up.
Our ballot has a “Fair Tax Act” that the Democrats claim will only affect the milliionaires and billiionaires, who will finally be forced to pay their fair share! Meanwhile, 97% of Illinoisians will see no increase in their taxes!
The wording of the tax law is such that there is no protection for anyone in Illinois against a tax increase.
There are not many billionaires currently living in Illinois. One billionaire is our governor, J.B. Pritzker.
There are plenty of millionaires, and some are multimullionaires (e.g., sports stars like Michael Jordan, politicians like Pres. Obama, who apparently is still registered as a citizen in Illinois, as he stated in a recent commercial that he voted for Dick Durbin for Senator (who has been in the Senate for years and will be in his 80s if he wins, which he will, and serves out his 6 year term).
But many of the “millionaires” are people like my brother, who own many properties that don’t earn money for him and are actually a tax burden for him, but selling them at a profit would also be a tax burden. For those of you who follow my posts, my brother rents his properties far below the rental rate, and selects people who need break–people who work hard at low-paying jobs, and are willing to do the lawn work or paint the apartment–my brother charges them terribly cheap rents so that they can be more financially-secure and pay their bills and pull themselves into a better position in life.
People like my brother don’t have a lot of cash-on-hand–their worth is in property, or invested in their business, or perhaps in their retirement accounts. Under the Fair Tax Act, they will be taxed.
But under this act, ALL of us CAN be taxed, and if you think that won’t happen–you haven’t lived in Illinois. Every few years, our state taxes go up, and the State loses more people ane more business, and so there are less taxpayers, so a few years later, the taxes go up again. This keeps happening over and over–it kind of makes you wonder why Peeps and Mr. Peeps are so foollish to keep living here.
Well, we love our Prairie State, the Land of Lincoln, and we we don’t want to be forced to move out because of a gang of lying, thieving DEMOCRATS who rely on keeping much of Chicago living in POVERTY so they can continue to claim that we need to all pay more taxes to help these poor people get out of poverty!!! Newsflash!–poverty in Chicago has been there since Peeps was a tiny little marshmallow!
Our financial woes are due to a State Constitutional Amendment that was rammed through in 1972, with the help of Michael Madigan, who has held office in Springfield since 1971!!!
So please pray that this so-called “Fair Tax Act,” a blatant lie, will NOT pass in Illinois.