Possible Trump Win?

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Does not God allow people to have the freedom to choose? 🤣
Yes sir, God gives us that freedom. And it seems he is more angry at those who refuse to do good, over those who do evil.

The Golden Calf.
only 3,000 people participated in the golden calf ceremony. That was a minute number considering the nation. But no one did anything. So, we all lost the priesthood that was given to every man. Now only the Levites, who made the decision to kill all of those tho partook in the ritual, were the ones who kept the priesthood.

Adam is only one man, but the sin that came trough him, we all inherited as our fallen nature. One man, mind you.

Inaction is a sin as well. Inaction is many times worst than action.
If you were God you would eliminate laws against murder and drunk driving?

You said it’s free will and freedom of choice and we should allow people to keep the choice to murder a child. My question to you was then why don’t we eliminate all murder laws because it’s a choice that people make. Yet we - as a civil society - decide to have laws against some murder but not the killing of a child in the womb merely referring to it as a “woman’s choice”

We ignore and hide the fact that it’s a “choice to end the life of a child” …leaving what the “choice” is unspoken …

So play God or not …you continue to support the choice to kill a child …free will and all that
Yes sir, God gives us that freedom. And it seems he is more angry at those who refuse to do good, over those who do evil.
You know that the sun shines equally on the wicked and the righteous.
If you were God you would eliminate laws against murder and drunk driving?
Nope, I would eliminate the need for those laws. Yes, the world would be all good smell and roses…
We ignore and hide the fact that it’s a “choice to end the life of a child” …leaving what the “choice” is unspoken …
Oh, I am against the killing of CHILDREN.

But we should return to our regularly scheduled programming…
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I’m not sure the entire library system would be shut down for minimum wage.
It’s not the entire library system, it’s the branches in the low-income areas of town that are being closed.

There is the promise of a “mobile library” that will be able to travel from neighborhood to neighborhood, and I would love to see this! We had a “bookmobile” when I was growing up, and my mother would walk up there and check out a whole stack of really good current books and read them all in a week and bring them back and check out more!

I’m hoping that the “mobile library” is something along the same lines as a bookmobile, but it will probably have more “computer stuff”.

And in all likelihood, each bookmobile will employ a driver and an attendant, no where near that number of people who were employed by the branches.

But having a library outreach to many more neighborhoods would be good, even if less people are needed to keep it going.
That bill put an extra 3k a year in my average employees pocket.

We keep hearing about the “Biden tax proposal” which would only affect high-income taxpayers, large estates, etc.

But the Democrats also favor a repeal of the Trump tax cuts.

So, no matter what we keep hearing, if the Democrats take the White house and both houses, working-class taxes will go up.
Yes, and those huge Democratic high tax states fought against the tax cuts because they knew high earners would pay more federal taxes due to the high state and local taxes that would no longer be a right off against their federal tax burden…

That’s why you heard so much about the Federal taxes that made the trek from Washington to “Red” states …but then again states like FL WA and TX have no state income taxes to itemize …so that Table A write off is a federal subsidy to the liberal tax and spend state budgets

But the “Rich” only need to pay more if they aren’t liberal high state tax payers
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We keep hearing about the “Biden tax proposal” which would only affect high-income taxpayers, large estates, etc.

But the Democrats also favor a repeal of the Trump tax cuts.

So, no matter what we keep hearing, if the Democrats take the White house and both houses, working-class taxes will go up.

Our ballot has a “Fair Tax Act” that the Democrats claim will only affect the milliionaires and billiionaires, who will finally be forced to pay their fair share! Meanwhile, 97% of Illinoisians will see no increase in their taxes!


The wording of the tax law is such that there is no protection for anyone in Illinois against a tax increase.

There are not many billionaires currently living in Illinois. One billionaire is our governor, J.B. Pritzker.

There are plenty of millionaires, and some are multimullionaires (e.g., sports stars like Michael Jordan, politicians like Pres. Obama, who apparently is still registered as a citizen in Illinois, as he stated in a recent commercial that he voted for Dick Durbin for Senator (who has been in the Senate for years and will be in his 80s if he wins, which he will, and serves out his 6 year term).

But many of the “millionaires” are people like my brother, who own many properties that don’t earn money for him and are actually a tax burden for him, but selling them at a profit would also be a tax burden. For those of you who follow my posts, my brother rents his properties far below the rental rate, and selects people who need break–people who work hard at low-paying jobs, and are willing to do the lawn work or paint the apartment–my brother charges them terribly cheap rents so that they can be more financially-secure and pay their bills and pull themselves into a better position in life.

People like my brother don’t have a lot of cash-on-hand–their worth is in property, or invested in their business, or perhaps in their retirement accounts. Under the Fair Tax Act, they will be taxed.

But under this act, ALL of us CAN be taxed, and if you think that won’t happen–you haven’t lived in Illinois. Every few years, our state taxes go up, and the State loses more people ane more business, and so there are less taxpayers, so a few years later, the taxes go up again. This keeps happening over and over–it kind of makes you wonder why Peeps and Mr. Peeps are so foollish to keep living here.

Well, we love our Prairie State, the Land of Lincoln, and we we don’t want to be forced to move out because of a gang of lying, thieving DEMOCRATS who rely on keeping much of Chicago living in POVERTY so they can continue to claim that we need to all pay more taxes to help these poor people get out of poverty!!! Newsflash!–poverty in Chicago has been there since Peeps was a tiny little marshmallow!

Our financial woes are due to a State Constitutional Amendment that was rammed through in 1972, with the help of Michael Madigan, who has held office in Springfield since 1971!!!

So please pray that this so-called “Fair Tax Act,” a blatant lie, will NOT pass in Illinois.
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So, no matter what we keep hearing, if the Democrats take the White house and both houses, working-class taxes will go up.
We hear this all the time, but it is misleading.

Republicans cut taxes and run up the deficit. Democrats come in, put taxes back where they should be and reduce the deficit.
If he’s not making a large income, or is working on a loss, how will he be taxed more?

It seems to be an income tax not an asset tax.

Unless I’m reading it wrong.
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If he’s not making a large income, or is working on a loss, how will he be taxed more?

It seems to be an income tax not an asset tax.

Unless I’m reading it wrong.

It’s a recipe for disaster in Illinois, especially farmers.

It’s not the income, it’s the assets that COULD be taxed. Of course, they might NOT be taxed. It’s not clear in the wording of the proposed Act. That’s on purpose–it’s “legal speak” that can be used to impose almost any tax on almost anyone. Very scary.
Republicans cut taxes and run up the deficit. Democrats come in, put taxes back where they should be and reduce the deficit.
It’s not that simple though there is some truth.
Democrat spending increases occur over many years and administrations
Entitlement programs are now the biggest line items in our budget.

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I think Trump has a very good chance of winning, simply because many of the vocal folks on the left who are in the news / on social media have prettymuch done nothing but call conservatives bad people in a myriad of ways over the past four years.

They’re just pushing the folks who voted for Trump last time to push the same button harder.
What we had before Obamacare was at least a lot less expensive. Also, you could still afford small group coverage and “child only” policies. Just getting rid of Obamacare alone would be an improvement for most people.
Most of the people who work for us don’t want Obamacare. it’s too expensive for them. There are at least 37 free or income based health centers in my city.
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