No political party will align perfectly, or even fairly well, with Catholic beliefs. However, the Republican party wins hands down in your list.Do you think that one of the American political parties aligns perfectly with Christian principles?
Which party believes in feeding the hungry?
Which party cares for the sick?
Which party welcomes the immigrant?
Which party protects life from conception to natural death?
Which party respect the dignity of the human person?
- The single greatest creator of poverty in the US is unmarried women with children. Only the Republican party is interested in laws to encourage and aid marriage’ The fact that the Democrats have for decades encouraged single parenthood - witness any feminist blog - should terrify anyone who loves children.
- The Democratic party is currently engaged in various ploys, especially legal actions, to shut down Catholic hospitals by trying to force them to go against Catholic dogma. The Catholic hospitals, by the way, tend to be the leading charity hospitals in the US, and their closure will likely result in a catastrophic drop in care for the poor.
- One glance at the terrible situation in California, where a flood of illegal immigrants has driven the school system, which once led the nation, to bottom status, and which has flooded the hospital and welfare system to the point of collapse, proves that the one sane way to help people is to have legal, organized immigration. My local Catholic church works tirelessly to aid new families that arrived recently. Aid to churches would be an important implement that could truly help recent immigrants.
- Biden supports abortion right through the ninth month. That is the position of a monster. Anyone who believes in the Catholic church cannot vote Democratic, period, as a result.
- Democrats support abortion through the ninth month in their candidate for president. Heard any screaming from Democrats about it? Then there is only one choice possible for a voter, and that is to vote for Trump.