Possible Trump Win?

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Do you think that one of the American political parties aligns perfectly with Christian principles?

Which party believes in feeding the hungry?
Which party cares for the sick?
Which party welcomes the immigrant?
Which party protects life from conception to natural death?
Which party respect the dignity of the human person?
No political party will align perfectly, or even fairly well, with Catholic beliefs. However, the Republican party wins hands down in your list.
  1. The single greatest creator of poverty in the US is unmarried women with children. Only the Republican party is interested in laws to encourage and aid marriage’ The fact that the Democrats have for decades encouraged single parenthood - witness any feminist blog - should terrify anyone who loves children.
  2. The Democratic party is currently engaged in various ploys, especially legal actions, to shut down Catholic hospitals by trying to force them to go against Catholic dogma. The Catholic hospitals, by the way, tend to be the leading charity hospitals in the US, and their closure will likely result in a catastrophic drop in care for the poor.
  3. One glance at the terrible situation in California, where a flood of illegal immigrants has driven the school system, which once led the nation, to bottom status, and which has flooded the hospital and welfare system to the point of collapse, proves that the one sane way to help people is to have legal, organized immigration. My local Catholic church works tirelessly to aid new families that arrived recently. Aid to churches would be an important implement that could truly help recent immigrants.
  4. Biden supports abortion right through the ninth month. That is the position of a monster. Anyone who believes in the Catholic church cannot vote Democratic, period, as a result.
  5. Democrats support abortion through the ninth month in their candidate for president. Heard any screaming from Democrats about it? Then there is only one choice possible for a voter, and that is to vote for Trump.
The answer is “Of course not”. I would think that would be clear.
I did say I was not sure about what you meant. So I asked. I do not think people should have a different view of faith and politics either.
No political party will align perfectly, or even fairly well, with Catholic beliefs. However, the Republican party wins hands down in your list.
I don’t want to hijack the thread, but your answer didn’t address the list at all.

Perhaps expand on how taking health insurance coverage from millions with no replacement is “caring for the sick”.

From there, move into how reducing SNAP and other programs is “feeding the hungry”

How does closing the borders and separating children from parents at the border “welcome the immigrant”?

How does letting hundreds of thousands of people die in a pandemic and saying, “it’s nothing, it’s going away” respect the dignity of the human person?
Perhaps expand on how taking health insurance coverage
How does closing the borders and separating children from parents at the border “welcome the immigrant”?
I repeat: No political party will align perfectly, or even fairly well, with Catholic beliefs. However, the Republican party wins hands down in your list. There is no getting around the fact that a Catholic should vote for Trump because:
  1. I am not surprised you ignored the fact that Biden supports abortion right through the ninth month. Yes, through the ninth month. Biden’s position is the position of a monster. Anyone who believes in the Catholic church cannot vote Democratic, period, as a result. I repeat: Biden’s position is so wrong it is the position of a monster and no Catholic could support him. I am simply stunned that you did not mention this. Perhaps you could explain.
  2. About health insurance: How Joe Biden Could Endanger Your Employer-Provided Health Coverage
  1. You mention ‘feeding the hungry’. Please look at the truth about poverty in America. Again, the single greatest creator of poverty in the US is single parenthood. Only the Republican party is interested in laws and ways to encourage and aid marriage. The fact that the Democrats have for decades encouraged single parenthood - witness any feminist blog - should terrify anyone who loves children.
Please explain why the Democratic party, not to mention all the university professors and chattering classes, have, for the last few decades, done nothing to encourage marriage and everything to encourage reckless sexual promiscuity. Please explain why the great bulk of Hollywood movies, TV shows, rock videos, porn videos, etc., support promiscuity but never marriage. How many millions upon millions of children suffer now because of Hollywood and the cultural elites and the educational establishment refuse to aid marriage and, in fact, frequently denigrate marriage?

Would you put the number of children suffering as a direct result at one third, or perhaps one half of our children? Do you know what the stats are regarding our children compared to fifty years ago? The rate of suicide among teenagers has risen exponentially. Nothing, nothing at all ever suggested by a Democrat would end poverty more than altering our ugly, pornified culture. Please explain why, if you disagree.
  1. One glance at the terrible situation in California, where a flood of illegal immigrants has driven the school system, which once led the nation, to bottom status, and which has flooded the hospital and welfare system to the point of collapse, proves that the one sane way to help people is to have legal, organized immigration. We need to help more immigrants from Nigeria and Hong Kong, and we need to aid those people who want to immigrate to do so in a legal manner. My local Catholic church works tirelessly to aid new families that arrived recently. Aid to churches would be an important implement that could truly help recent immigrants.
  2. Here are the things you don’t mention: the mass murder of babies, the ruination of our culture, the degradation of our universities, the children who grow up mentally unstable, poorly educated, drug addicted, the rioters looting and burning our cities. Yet you focus like a laser upon Covid??
Do you think that one of the American political parties aligns perfectly with Christian principles?

Which party believes in feeding the hungry?
Which party cares for the sick?
Which party welcomes the immigrant?
Which party protects life from conception to natural death?
Which party respect the dignity of the human person?
The Republican Party believes in feeding the hungry - they just have differences about accomplishing how to effectively and efficiently aid those in need - and not merely with food but with other basic needs … and a proposed increase in SNAP of $10 Billion that in reality becomes an $8 Billion increase in not a cut - except in the Swamp and political talking points.

Republicans believe in providing affordable medical care - we just differ on the method to do so and we do value Catholic hospitals - ALSO as noted and it is important to maintain innovation and world class health care. Truth in advertising - We need hospitals, doctors, clinics etc to post their costs for services much like the insurance industry is forced to disclose what procedures, medications are covered along with co-pays, premium costs etc … Health care is the one are where costs are never disclosed yet every grocery store has to post not only the cost of the product but the mathematical breakdown of that cost.

We are a nation of laws - and as such we need to enforce the laws passed by our federal and state legislatures. Legal immigration is supported by Americans. Lawlessness is not and should not be encouraged by either party. So the republicans welcome the immigrant and the republicans want to protect all the people who come here. Conservatives like me dont want illegal immigrants prayed upon by American citizens, businesses, Coyotes - i.e. drug lords, human and sex traffickers. I dont want immigrants to steal Identities and take jobs from American workers. Penalties should be high on businesses and E-Verify should be the ,aw of the land … if the laws need changing - change the law - dont ignore lawbreaking

The Republican party does a better job of protecting life from conception to natural death - though individual republicans may not - the Democratic Party platform specifically denies protection of life at conception until natural death - though individual Democrats may still hold that to be true - they just have zero voince in their party.

Republicans respect the dignity of the human person and especially of minorities - we believe that they are capable of living the American dream. They can obtain licenses, they - in huge majorities of their population - are clean, articulate and intelligent. In fact they were all of those and more - long before Obama came on the scene. They are talented, innovative, want all the things everyone wants. We did not need to hear Joe say “poor kids are just as smart as white kids” … of course not all white kids are rich or even middle class - some are even poor 🙃 that kid of soft racism and bigotry is not part of Conservative thought pr the republican party … we are a big tent … Thomas Sowell is well respected.
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Republicans believe in providing affordable medical care - we just differ on the method to do so and we do value Catholic hospitals - ALSO as noted and it is important to maintain innovation and world class health care. Truth in advertising - We need hospitals, doctors, clinics etc to post their costs for services much like the insurance industry is forced to disclose what procedures, medications are covered along with co-pays, premium costs etc … Health care is the one are where costs are never disclosed yet every grocery store has to post not only the cost of the product but the mathematical breakdown of that cost.
This might not be the appropriate thread but since it’s a general discussion of If Trump Wins…

What is the Republican plan for healthcare for everyone? Honestly, I’ve never heard of one. I’ve heard about what they want to end…Obama Care…but nothing on what would replace it, especially for the working poor. Could you give me a brief outline or a link? Thanks!
Even if price transparency lowers some costs…and I agree that we need transparency…that doesn’t really help the working poor get the medical care they need if it’s still out of pocketbook reach. I need to read the articles the self later. I’m currently on an iPad which has a terrible time opening articles…when I’m home I will read them.
What is so extreme or radical about
a minimum living wage for Americans,
Sorry to get into this discussion later.

Just this week, we learned that our branch libraries are closing, except for the one on the “rich side of town.”

Since college, I have known and loved a friend who is mentally-ill–she suffers from schizophrenia. She has worked hard through a local agency (private) that helps mentally-ill people overcome their illnesses and live independently (under supervision) in group homes, apartments with roommates, etc.

For years, we have gotten together once a week. COVID-19 has put a stop to that, and because of the stress of COVID-19, she has regressed and had to move back into a group home with more intense supervision. So sad.

But while she was living in an apartment, one of her great pleasures was to walk to the branch library in her neighborhood and read, and also check out books.

Now that’s gone.

Keeping in mind that libraries are among the most strong of the “liberal” strongholds–the reason cited by the public library director is – inability to retain adequate staffing due to the increased minimum wage ($15.00/hour).

Pretty sad when the public library, which gets it funding from taxes, cannot afford to keep branches open because of having to pay a “living wage minimum wage.”

And even sadder that these employees, who thought they had boarded the gravy train, are now back to collecting unemployment.

One more thing–our new lab techs are hired at $22.00/hour to start (usually 2nd or 3rd shift)–this after 4 years of college. Oh, yes, they can work their way up to what I get paid (after 31 years, I am paid $38.00/hour). But it’s no wonder that we have so few lab techs–when a college grad only makes $7.00/hr more than minimum wage. We actually have young lab techs who work a shift at the hospital lab, and then work at another job to make enough money to pay their expenses, including their massive college tuition loan. (Yes, I agree–it’s the hospital that’s at fault here, but at least at our hospital, we don’t have one of those CEOs who makes 22 million a year, like one of the other hospitals in our city! Our Chief of Staff makes well under a million a year.)
I am sorry about your friend. I think one should be open to negotiations and compromise in this instance regarding the public library wages of employees (as in all of life). As I have said other times, it doesn’t have to be an all-or-none situation. If the current minimum wage in your state, city, or local community is too much to keep the institution in business, it should be reduced. But that does not mean it should be a starvation wage either. A happy medium that will benefit both the employee and the institution can be achieved if one is willing to put in the hard work necessary to achieve it.
From there, move into how reducing SNAP and other programs is “feeding the hungry”
The dem party is certainly better at lying. Nobody is reducing food programs. The Repubs only want to require able bodied applicants without small children to be working, looking for work or taking job training. The Dems don’t want to require anything of them.
Perhaps expand on how taking health insurance coverage from millions with no replacement is “caring for the sick”.
That’s what happened to me and my employees with Obamacare. Destroyed small group insurance. Also the Dems destroyed inexpensive “child only” policies that so many single parents relied on. Also, 30 million people have no coverage at all. And you dare to claim the Dems care about the sick?
How does closing the borders and separating children from parents at the border “welcome the immigrant”?
Complain to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals about separating minors and adults. That court required it during the Obama administration and it has been there ever since. Old news.
Closing the border (but not to legal entrants or even illegal entrants at ports of entry) has impeded the child sex trade and the raping by coyotes of 1/3 of the women who try to enter illegally.
How does letting hundreds of thousands of people die in a pandemic and saying, “it’s nothing, it’s going away” respect the dignity of the human person?
The current death rate from Covid is now less than that of the flu. Allowing people to make a living shows respect for the human person. Putting Covid patients in nursing homes did NOT show respect for the human person. And killing nearly a million children/year by disemboweling them without anesthetic most definitely does not. There’s your Dem party. I will disagreee with the suggestion that Covid is “going away”. I believe it is endemic and we’ll not see the end of it in anyone’s lifetime who is now living.
Biden’s position is the position of a monster.
As are the positions of his running mate and his party.
I’ve heard about what they want to end…Obama Care…but nothing on what would replace it,
What we had before Obamacare was at least a lot less expensive. Also, you could still afford small group coverage and “child only” policies. Just getting rid of Obamacare alone would be an improvement for most people.
Biden’s position is the position of a monster.
As are the positions of his running mate and his party.
So allowing people to have the freedom to make their own decisions (even if they make the wrong decisions - in your eyes!!!) is the position of a “monster”. Does not God allow people to have the freedom to choose? 🤣 I thought he does, because the freedom of choice is more important than to interfere to prevent rapes, tortures, murders, wars… etc. You know, one of the staple defenses when the “problem of evil” is discussed - “free will!.. FREE WILL”. I guess, “consistency” is not your favorite virtue.
Even if price transparency lowers some costs…and I agree that we need transparency…that doesn’t really help the working poor get the medical care
I’ve been in the healthcare data business for decades. I don’t see how price transparency really helps.

Seriously, a lot of cities/towns have one hospital. What decision can a person make?

Most healthcare costs are the facility (hospital) portion of (name removed by moderator)atient stays and outpatient surgery. The biggest rule of thumb is to go to ambulatory surgery centers because they are cheaper. That produces a lot of savings.

Many plans are now incentivizing members to go to urgent care centers instead of Emergency Departments for cost savings.

To pick a hospital for a hip replacement, for example, they should have to advertise a bundled cost - a certain cost out the door. Yeah, like tires. 😀

Aaah, and you have to look at quality as well.
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Pretty sad when the public library, which gets it funding from taxes, cannot afford to keep branches open because of having to pay a “living wage minimum wage.”
The libraries in my area have been closed because of covid. We do have virtual events like lectures and kids crafts where kids pick up the materials and then participate virtually.

Over the years though, the budgets for the library have fluctuated. The salaries are set for the librarians. What usually results is hours being limited. Some years for example, the library is closed multiple mornings. Or half the day on Saturday. My library often has teens volunteering, or limited hours for teen workers. Like 10 hours per week.

I’m not sure the entire library system would be shut down for minimum wage.
That choice is to murder a child …should we the eliminate all murder related laws? Freedom of choice to drive drunk and kill others in the process, shoot your neighbor, or beat your child to death? All are “choices” people make…

This idea of free will and the freedom to choose is meaningless deflection without adding what the “choice” is …

It is the freedom to choose to end the life of another - purposefully end the life of another…

If you don’t support murder for any other choice why do you support this one?

And Joe Biden would force the Little Sisters of the Poor and every other Catholic institution to do likewise …Do you know why the previously Catholic Hospital in Bend Oregon is no longer affiliated with the Catholic Church? Hint …they now provide the choice to murder babies
That choice is to murder a child …should we the eliminate all murder related laws? Freedom of choice to drive drunk and kill others in the process, shoot your neighbor, or beat your child to death? All are “choices” people make…
If I would be as powerful as God, I would eliminate all those. I would also allow the people to volitionally decide if they want the sexual act to result in conception, or simply enjoy it for the pleasure. Unfortunately I don’t have that power.
Considering God is God, I’d say its a pretty safe bet you don’t know better than He does, and that there’s a reason those aren’t options.
The choice of supporting the killing of chldren is monsterous, freely chosen or not.
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