Possible Trump Win?

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I don’t get this. Do you think that Christians believe LGBTQ people are not entitled to civil rights in the United States?
It’s …complicated.

Many Christians are unable to separate political positions from religious positions.
Many Christians are unable to separate political positions from religious positions.
Well, Pres. Trump is apparently able to separate political positions from religious positions. That’s a good thing.

If we were all denied our civil rights because of our besetting and/or secret sins, no one in the U.S. would have civil rights!
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Trumps appointees’ are texturalists and constitutionalists.Much to the misunderstanding of those who oppose these appointees they don’t make decisions along party lines. This is how is should be.
He is probably right.However per Hillary Clinton , JB isn’t to concede under any circumstances…
That was pretty amazing. Who would have guessed that a Trump nominee would write such an important decision protecting the rights of LGBT people.
I don’t get this. Do you think that Christians believe LGBTQ people are not entitled to civil rights in the United States?
That’s apparently what many conservative Christians have thought for decades. That’s why it was still perfectly legal to fire someone for being gay in many places in the US. Twenty six states had no state laws protecting LGBT people from workplace discrimination on account of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Aimee Stevens, the transgender plaintiff in R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, was fired because she sent her employer at Harris Funeral Homes a letter telling him that she planned to return to work dressed in female attire in preparation for gender reassignment surgery. Fortunately, the Supreme Court decision written by Gorsuch found in her favor.
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’m a college professor. Nearly all of my friends are professors at other, American colleges. I’ve taught at three major universities (two public, one private), and have friends teaching at dozens across the country.

Your revelation is news to me. Students do just fine being challenged intellectually. In fact, they do better than the average person on the internet.

Don’t be so dismissive.
Sorry, but the evidence suggests the opposite. Here is the evidence: " Looking at a sample of more than 2,300 students, Arum and Roksa observed “no statistically significant gains in critical thinking, complex reasoning, and writing skills for at least 45 percent of the students” after four years of college.

So, about half of the college students had essentially learned NOTHING in four years.

The research also shows that things were better many decades ago: “Literacy experts and educators say they are stunned by the results of a recent adult literacy assessment, which shows that the reading proficiency of college graduates has declined in the past decade, with no obvious explanation. While more Americans are graduating from college, and more than ever are applying for admission, far fewer are leaving higher education with the skills needed to comprehend routine data, such as reading a table about the relationship between blood pressure and physical activity, according to the federal study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics”

And this is really scary: “Only 41 percent of graduate students tested in 2003 could be classified as “proficient” in prose—reading and understanding information in short texts—down 10 percentage points since 1992. Of college graduates, only 31 percent were classified as proficient—compared with 40 percent in 1992. “It’s appalling—it’s really astounding,” said Michael Gorman, president of the American Library Association and a librarian at California State University at Fresno. “Only 31 percent of college graduates can read a complex book and extrapolate from it. That’s not saying much for the remainder.”
Gorman is correct: it is indeed astounding that 69 percent of college graduates apparently can’t read any reasonably complex material with an acceptable level of understanding, and even more astonishing that 41 percent of candidates for higher degrees are not proficient in reading!”
Many Christians are unable to separate political positions from religious positions.
God exists, and his laws exist, and it is of course more important to follow God than to follow the trendy nonsense being promoted in every century.
Banning travel from China. Imposing the Defense Procument Act for Covid supplies, Fast Track funds and authorizations for vaccines and treatments.
Tax relief for middle class people like me.

Record low unemployment.
Record low welfare levels.
Rebuilding the military
Reinstating the Mexico City policy
Allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood
Removing regulations including the worst parts of WOTUS
Appointing Gorsuch, Barrett and Kavanaugh.
Attending the March for Life. Only president ever to do it.
Respecting Religious liberty by enforcing conscience protection.


And some wonder why people support Trump?
Dropping litigation against the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Not forcing them to provide abortifacients as Obama did.
Defeating ISIS
Eliminating Baghdadi & Solimeini
Getting rid of NAFTA, new USMCA agreement with Canada and Mexico.
Three Muslim countries recognizing Israel, with perhaps five more to come.
Peace between Kosovo and Serbia. (Remember Clinton bombed Serbia and hit the Chinese embassy)

Huge rise in the stock market.
New policies toward China, including imposition of tariffs, refusal to allow Huawei to operate here
Finally starting to get the border guarded.
Banning travel from China. Imposing the Defense Procument Act for Covid supplies, Fast Track funds and authorizations for vaccines and treatments.
Tax relief for middle class people like me.

These points were all listed by Ridgerunner and are so beautifully stated they need repeating.
Many Christians are unable to separate political positions from religious positions.
Are we to have a political view and a Christian view separate? Not sure what you mean.
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’m a college professor. Nearly all of my friends are professors at other, American colleges. I’ve taught at three major universities (two public, one private), and have friends teaching at dozens across the country.

Your revelation is news to me. Students do just fine being challenged intellectually. In fact, they do better than the average person on the internet.

Don’t be so dismissive.
Sorry, but the evidence suggests the opposite. Here is the evidence: " Looking at a sample of more than 2,300 students, Arum and Roksa observed “no statistically significant gains in critical thinking, complex reasoning, and writing skills for at least 45 percent of the students” after four years of college.

So, about half of the college students had essentially learned NOTHING in four years.

The research also shows that things were better many decades ago: “Literacy experts and educators say they are stunned by the results of a recent adult literacy assessment, which shows that the reading proficiency of college graduates has declined in the past decade, with no obvious explanation.
I’m sure that it makes a difference which college a student attends. If a student has the grades and the SAT scores to get admitted to a top ranked university, they’ll probably do quite well when it comes to the reasoning, reading and writing skills you mention. These students are already highly motivated even before they get to college.
If a student has the grades and the SAT scores to get admitted to a top ranked university, they’ll probably do quite well when it comes to the reasoning, reading and writing skills you mention.
Oh how I wish the research showed that! Alas, it doesn’t.

First, the SAT has been dramatically gutted in the last 30 years.

Plus, high schools as well as universities spend an inordinate amount of time politicizing the students, instead of teaching actual knowledge.

Here is one result: "In an article in the Washington Post for January 23, 2011 (“Our Superficial Scholars”), Heather Wilson, who has the broad perspective acquired by twenty years of service on that committee, reported that even high-achieving students now “seem less able to grapple with issues that require them to think across disciplines or reflect on difficult questions about what matters and why.” S
Here are just some recent headlines to weep over concerning the state of our universities:

Donna Zuckerberg (Mark’s sister) says the study of classics has deep roots in fascism & white supremacy:​

A feminist professor at the University of California-Davis Sara Giordano, " science rooted in racism",
“We need to disrupt the epistemic authority of Science…[and] the assumption that science = truth,” Giordano writes, further arguing that this can be done by implementing a “feminist science practice that explicitly unsticks Science from Truth.”​

Pennsylvania State University-Brandywine professor Angela Putman recently asserted in an academic paper that the notion “if I work hard, I can be successful” is merely a product of white ideology, reports Campus Reform.
It really doesn’t matter whether you lean left or right, the fact that our colleges fail to make our children learn to reason, that are students are politicized but do not possess analytical skills or useful knowledge, is frightening, and casts a dark shadow on our future/
Are we to have a political view and a Christian view separate? Not sure what you mean.
Do you think that one of the American political parties aligns perfectly with Christian principles?

Which party believes in feeding the hungry?
Which party cares for the sick?
Which party welcomes the immigrant?
Which party protects life from conception to natural death?
Which party respect the dignity of the human person?
That does not answer the question. Do you think Christians should have a different view on their faith and politics?
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