Possible Trump Win?

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He doesn’t call himself that, but even if he did, why is that bad? Maybe he has reasons for taking that position? Is it imperative that everyone be an Always Trumper all the time? Surely that’s not normal.
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JG is part of the effort, along with Bill Chrystal,Fred Barnes,George Conway etc,to bring down Trump.All because he isn’t a beltway politician. Having said that,his opinions are driven by his resentment of President Trump.
Wrong on all counts, @Jeanne_S. He’s pretty clear on why he doesn’t support President Trump, if you take the time to read his articles.
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Look it up, His name and the others I mentioned,they are in fact, never Trumpers
Look it up where? Is there a registry of the Never Trump Movement at the local library? As far as I know, he’s not part of any organized movement. Nor does he identify as a ‘never trumper.’

But even if he were a card-carrying member, why would that matter? Would that invalidate his opinion as a pundit in some way? Why? This is not, the last time I looked, George Orwell’s ‘1984.’ We are allowed to have different opinions.

This may surprise you, but I do not support President Trump because I think he’s unqualified, untruthful and in over his head. Should I stop posting my opinions to the board? Am I not allowed to think our president is doing an awful job? We still operate under the Bill of Rights in this country, do we not?
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Go to Duck Duck Go( I won’t use google search anymore) I just typed n Johnah
Goldberg never Trumper. First article that came up was titled just that
JG posted merely his opinion re the silent majority for Trump no longer being relevant.His opinion only.Hes entitled to it but doesn’t mean it’s factual.
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Sure, people call him that - you just did. But you are not addressing the more fundamental question of why that’s a cardinal sin. We have presidents in this country, not kings, nor do we swear oaths of allegiance to our leaders. What is so wrong about being opposed to Trump (on most issues, at least)?

Having read more than a few of his columns, I would say Jonah opposes Trump out of a combination of feeling he is not up to the job and that he is not authentically conservative - pretty much how I feel.
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Did I say anything was a sin? I merely stated a fact.He is a never Trumper,wishful thinking on his part.Please don’t state what you think I said.Rather state what I actually said.
You said he was a never trumper and implied that therefore his opinion could be dismissed. It’s the second part, not the first part, that I have a problem with. Why does being opposed to Trump invalidate one’s opinion? You have yet to answer that question.
OMG! I just said he entitled to his opinion.What more do you want me to say?
Sorry, I missed that part of your post. Of course, that is his opinion. No disagreement there. That’s really all I was trying to say is that some pundits were of this opinion.
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Speaking only for myself, I do spend a fair amount of time trying to understand why his followers find him so appealing.
Dropping litigation against the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Not forcing them to provide abortifacients as Obama did.
Defeating ISIS
Eliminating Baghdadi & Solimeini
Getting rid of NAFTA, new USMCA agreement with Canada and Mexico.
Three Muslim countries recognizing Israel, with perhaps five more to come.
Peace between Kosovo and Serbia. (Remember Clinton bombed Serbia and hit the Chinese embassy)

Huge rise in the stock market.
New policies toward China, including imposition of tariffs, refusal to allow Huawei to operate here
Finally starting to get the border guarded.
Banning travel from China. Imposing the Defense Procument Act for Covid supplies, Fast Track funds and authorizations for vaccines and treatments.
Tax relief for middle class people like me.

Record low unemployment.
Record low welfare levels.
Rebuilding the military
Reinstating the Mexico City policy
Allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood
Removing regulations including the worst parts of WOTUS
Appointing Gorsuch, Barrett and Kavanaugh.
Attending the March for Life. Only president ever to do it.
Respecting Religious liberty by enforcing conscience protection.


And some wonder why people support Trump?
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The main thing is that the recession was NOT caused by a Big Money Republican President, so all Chrisitans need to vote for a Kind-Hearted Democratic President who would stop all recessions by ending the reign of the greedy big-money capitalists, and make sure that everyone in the country has a good job, a decent house, and enough food, as well as a free education, a free car or free transportation, free child care, free health care, etc. This is all ridiculous–I would call it propaganda and outright lies.
You said
I’m not sure why the recession happens when Republicans lose, but I’m willing to bet that it has something to do with the changeover from a “business-friendly” government to a “business-hostile” government.
I was pointing out that was not accurate historically. The 2008 crash happened before Barack Obama was elected. In fact, the 2008 Obama v McCain Presidential race was a lot closer until the crash. It was a rout afterwards.

You could make a very strong case (some already have) that the financial crisis had it’s origins in the late 1990s with a Republican Congress and a Democratic Presidency, producing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed part of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, This was a GOP written bill signed by President Bill Clinton in 1999 that removed regulations governing financial institutions.
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I’m not sure that’s sound. How many people actually put up yard signs anyway? I’ve only seen a few.
In our area, people go kinda crazy with signs. There are plenty of yards with dozens of Biden/Harris signs, as well as for the other Democratic candidates running in Illinois and in our city, and in favor of the so-called “Fair Tax.” Some people even do red-white-blue lights!
I was pointing out that was not accurate historically. The 2008 crash happened before Barack Obama was elected. In fact, the 2008 Obama v McCain Presidential race was a lot closer until the crash. It was a rout afterwards.

You could make a very strong case (some already have) that the financial crisis had it’s origins in the late 1990s with a Republican Congress and a Democratic Presidency, producing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed part of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, This was a GOP written bill signed by President Bill Clinton in 1999 that removed regulations governing financial institutions.
Yes, I don’t know enough about economics to make a strong case in favor of the Republicans. I remember that a lot of people did not think Pres. Bush (younger) was a very fiscally-conservative or even socially-conservative Republican, although he was likeable. I remember that his wife was actually pro-choice, which didn’t set well with a lot of Republicans/Conservatives.

OTOH, it’s also likely that back then (and it was only 20 years ago–sigh), there was a lot more across-the-aisle cooperation between Democrats and Republicans, and the extreme stands on various social issues were less along Party lines, and that both Parties shared the responsibility for the economic downturn.

I was more involved with pro-life activism back then, and I remember there were quite a few pro-life Democrats, or at least Democrats who would vote pro-life on quite a few pieces of legislation. Now, that’s just not something we see anymore–the lines are drawn and there is an electified barbed-wire fence separating the two Parties! I’m not even sure that they socialize anymore.
In our area, people go kinda crazy with signs. There are plenty of yards with dozens of Biden/Harris signs, as well as for the other Democratic candidates running in Illinois and in our city, and in favor of the so-calle

I’ve never really felt that strongly about a candidate.
How about the fact that he provided a description of the type of judges he intended to appoint and provided an extensive list of potential appointees … and then did exactly as he promised …

Speaking as a conservative - I can tell you that - in my experience and I believe facts support this truth - with Republican judicial appointees - its a crap shoot whether we get constitutional originalists/texturalists rather than activist judges. The Democrats are never disappointed in their appointees - they get the activists they desire…

Thus - having a President who kept his word is a reason many like myself will support him in 2020 … in 2016 Trump was not my first, second, third or even fourth choice - my support was purely on the hope of judicial appointments as promised. While that jury is still out - I have great hope in the three appointees … and I am absolutely positive they are better than what a HRC administration would have given the Country and far better than what a Biden administration would - taking both HRC and Biden at their own word.

So I dont think it is very hard to understand …

Then you can add that adamant support for abortion on demand with no limits, elimination of the Hyde Amendment and the promise to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to either fold their charity or submit to providing abortions and birth control - even after winning a Supreme Court decision [Stare Decisis doesnt apply to the Little Sisters of the Poor decision I guess - just to Roe V Wade and killing innocent children] and many other positions that are intrinsically evil …

Why are you not able to understand support for Trump?
my support was purely on the hope of judicial appointments as promised. While that jury is still out - I have great hope in the three appointees …
As a liberal, I didn’t have any hopes at all in Trump’s judicial nominees, so I was pleasantly suprised when Trump’s first nominee to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, wrote the majority opinion in a landmark case for LGBT people extending the Civil Rights Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity. According to Wikipedia:
In 2020, Gorsuch wrote the majority opinion in the combined cases of Bostock v. Clayton County , Altitude Express Inc. v. Zarda , and R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , ruling that businesses cannot discriminate in employment against LGBTQ people. The ruling was 6–3 with Chief Justice Roberts and Gorsuch siding with the court’s four Democratic appointees. Justices Thomas, Alito, and Kavanaugh dissented from the decision arguing that it improperly extended the Civil Rights Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity.
That was pretty amazing. Who would have guessed that a Trump nominee would write such an important decision protecting the rights of LGBT people.
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I’ve never really felt that strongly about a candidate.
If you drive outside of our city into the Illinois farrmland, you will see some very big and very entertaining yard displays in favor of President Trump and also quite a few displays for pro-life candidates, which of course means Pres. Trump. There are also some delightful displays denouncing our Shut It All Down Governor Pritzker–if he were running this year, he would lose by a landslide!, especialy since Speaker Madigan is under suspicion of some kind of political scandal! Oh, well–Madigan will never die, and he’ll beat the scandal, I’m sure.

Some of them have life-sized models of Pres. Trump, or they have painted his likeness onto one of their big farm buildings. Yes, he’s pretty popular with farmers. Too bad there aren’t more farmers in the U.S>, and if VP Biden wins, the majority of farmers will not be happy. But they’ll keep working, and I can guarantee that they won’t riot in the streets.
That was pretty amazing. Who would have guessed that a Trump nominee would write such an important decision protecting the rights of LGBT people.
I don’t get this. Do you think that Christians believe LGBTQ people are not entitled to civil rights in the United States?
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