Possible Trump Win?

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I thought it was Trump who is on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party with his business ventures and his bank account. Do you think this is fake news but real with regard to Biden?
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Ill is a perfect example of why we need the Electoral College. The Chicago/Springfield bureaucracy usurps all the power from the state. Southern Ill is mostly rural and conservative, unlike the Chicago/Springfield bureaucracy.
I agree that we need the Electoral College in the U.S., but Illinois is actually a sad example.

When the population of EVERY COUNTY in Illinois except Cook County (Chicago) is tallied and combined–the total is less than the population of Cook County.

Watch the election returns county by county in Illinois (and I’m not sure that tv stations show state’s results other than their own state). You will see that pretty much EVERY COUNTY in Illinois votes Republican except for Cook County, and a few of the counties with large public universities (e.g., Champaign County, home of University of Illinois).

It’s sad that only a few counties in Illinois determine the results of the Presidential election, but it is what it is. Most of the population of Illinois lives in Cook County, and in the past, the University of Illinois has attracted as many as 40,000 students–more people than most of the rural/small town counties in Illinois.

You can see why a lot of people in Illinois would love to see Chicago become a separate State! It won’t happen, but it’s nice to think about.

Originally, Chicago was supposed to be part of Wisconsin. Darn it all! I wish…!
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I thought it was Trump who is on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party with his business ventures and his bank account. Do you think this is fake news but real with regard to Biden?
Trump has no bank account in China.

What do you think the CCP is paying Hunter for?
If the Dems take control over all three branches of our government ,they will get rid of the electoral college in favor of the popular vote,count on that.
Not only does he have a bank account there, he paid more taxes to China’s government than he did to ours in the past few years. Strange but true.
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If the Dems take control over all three branches of our government ,they will get rid of the electoral college in favor of the popular vote,count on that.
That would be nice. Of curse the Electoral College is not the problem - per se. It is the “winner takes all” approach. It makes a farce of the principle of “one person, one vote”.
Why is winner take all an issue…oh wait it isn’t.Seems to me if a candidate reaches the number of electoral votes and the other candidate doesn’t ,even if it’s within a fre numbers,winner take all!
There are good arguments on both sides of the issue. I doubt they will push for this, however. There are more pressing issues to take care of.
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Personally I’d like to see cities of a certain size, say, 1 million people, become federal districts like DC, then combine all those cities and give them EC votes based on total population.

This would keep the largest cities in every state running rough shod over the rest of the state in local matters, it would be a compromise with the people who want DC to be a state, and it solve the “winner takes all issue” in states like Illinois.
Just switch the channel from FOX to MSNBC and you’ll get the exact opposite report. Your own views about each party will determine whom you believe is more accurate. Probably a little truth and a little exaggeration in both.
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Just switch the dial from FOX to MSNBC and you’ll get the exact opposite report. Your own views about each party will determine whom you believe is more accurate. Probably a little truth and a little exaggeration in both.
I don’t generally watch FOX News, but we do have it on at work. From what I’ve seen, at least they have guests and commentators from the other side. Unfortunately, I’m forced to watch MSNBC because that’s what’s on at the gym. I find MSNBC to be annoyingly biased and speculative.

Is Trump raking in cash from the CCP through this bank account?
But the Trump Organization confirmed in the wake of the Times report that Trump does have a bank account in China. So this is not made-up.
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I don’t know because I wasn’t paying such close attention to the whole story as reported. But the Biden scandal has been reported to be fake news, and Giuliani is implicated in this.

MSNBC does, on occasion, have a commentator from the opposite side. I think both so-called news programs are, however, just a touch biased, not only in what they report but in what they do not report.
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But I’m sure they added it is totally on the up and up because he has accounts in other parts of the world as well.
It’s the cost of doing business there. But it does exist (or did until recently).
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I thought it was Trump who is on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party with his business ventures and his bank account. Do you think this is fake news but real with regard to Biden?
I am aware that a chinese bank made an interim loan to a consortium of investors of whom one was a Trump organization. The Chinese bank immediately sold it to a securitizer here in the U.S. Is that the “account” you’re talking about? It was big with liberals for awhile.

Do I believe the Hunter Biden laptop is real? I sure do. Neither he nor Joe Biden have even denied it. Nor have they denied what Bobulinski has said.
But the Trump Organization confirmed in the wake of the Times report that Trump does have a bank account in China. So this is not made-up.
never heard of it, but tell us what’s in it and what the source of the money is. Trump was public about one of his companies’ ownership of a business building in China, leased about 12 years ago before anybody even heard of Trump running for president. His son confirmed it last year, in fact. The tenants pay rent. To what account does that get paid? Why is it not okay for him to charge rent?

What did Hunter and Joe Biden do to earn the millions they received from China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazkhstan? Did they rent a building they own? Or was it just to buy favorable trade deals and the firing of prosecutors?
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I think the solution might be an electoral college in every state, but good luck with that. Many states are forming “compacts” to further disenfranchise their voters.
I’m not sure why the recession happens when Republicans lose,
Fact: The Great Recession started in Q4 2007 and exploded fully after the mortgage market went under in the fall of 2008, before the election, when George W. Bush was still President. Do you not remember GOP candidate McCain suspending his campaign because of the unprecedented nature of the crisis?
There were a number of reasons why the mortgage market went bad, but most of the mortgages weren’t bad. What really caused the crisis was the interaction of the “mark to market” rule and the sudden realization that SOME unknown number of the mortgages were bad. Nobody knew, then, whether the securities based on them were good (they were in retrospect) but because nobody knew at the time, the “mark to market” rule made it unclear whether banks were solvent or not. The interbank lending then froze because banks were afraid to loan money to each other. That caused a liquidity crisis because interbank lending is essential to liquidity.

A lot of blame got laid around, but nobody really was totally to blame for it. The Fed stepped in and guaranteed ALL interbank deposits regardless of amount, TARP 1(b) was initiated in order to incentivize solid banks’ taking over shaky banks by the fiction of calling TARP money “equity” when it was only loaned money.

But it scared the markets to death and they crashed. With Wall Street down, Main Street followed. And the rest followed jerkily into a slow recovery.

Turned out the mortgage backed securities were actually okay.
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