BUT, the Trump administration has been spending like a drunk sailor, so, what’s the difference? Republicans aren’t fiscal conservatives, it seems.
Are you referring to the spending that has been done to combat COVID-19 and help individuals and families who have lost their jobs, as well as help small businesses to stay viable, and also to help out farmers (especially dairy) who lost their markets when the schools and restaurants were closed down?
What would you have suggested? Let the hospitals and research centers go it on their own? Tell individuals and families who have lost their jobs, “Too bad, so sad” ? Allow small businesses to go under and farmers to lose their farms?
This was a pandemic, for heaven’s sake! In the first few months of the pandemic, most of us were scared–we had no idea how this virus would act, what it’s mechanism of killing would be, and how many of us would die and how many would be spared!
Thankfully it turned out that only around 4% of the cases are fatal, and most people recover, although people with underlying conditions do seem to face some pretty tough battles.
But we didn’t know that back in March and April, and people were scared and losing school, a job, church, and the opportunity to socialize was terrifying and lonely and very very dark.
Do you really think the Trump Administration should have said, “Sorry, we’re being fiscally responsible here. You should have saved the money yourselves.”
I personally think the Trump Administration demonstrated its heart by jumping into the fight with open arms, ready to help wherever needed. I’m sure a Democratic Administration would have done the same thing, perhaps even more. It was the right thing to do, and hang fiscal responsibility.
There have been times in my marriage when my husband and I were not doing particularly well financially–but that didn’t stop my husband from surprising me with a piece of jewelry and it didn’t stop me from fixing him a particularly good meal other than beans and crackers, and it didn’t stop us from keeping our daughters in the sport of figure skating. There are times when strict fiscal responsibility does more harm than good. If you KNOW that you will recover, it is a
good thing to spend money that you really don’t have yet in helping build each other up. And if Dave Ramsay wants to egg my house this Halloween, bring him on!