Possible Trump Win?

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I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be cute. Just trying to point out that if people were naming racism under Obama, that doesn’t mean he created it or fostered it. I get weary of the constant focus on racism too. But I don’t think it isn’t in our communities. And I don’t blame those who live with it for talking about it.
I believe everybody has a sort of visceral racism in him. A lifetime (even for a young person) of experiences and images and concerns gives him an unbidden preconception, mostly a very weak one unless stirred up. So, for example, a white man who ordinarily doesn’t think about race, walking in a black neighborhood after a car breakdown, is going to have a negative visceral reaction to blacks walking along, particularly black teenagers and most particularly if they’re acting up, being teenagers.

But if that same person would not dream of harming a black person in any way because of race, and never does, is that person still a “racist” because of the above reaction?

I don’t think so.

I have always thought the film “Birth of a Nation” stirred up, in whites, a racism much worse than was otherwise the case. Scare people and their visceral reactions heighten. And people like Obama telling blacks to be afraid of (white) police is the same thing.
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I doubt, however, that the Vietnamese vote will even be counted since they are a minority within a minority.
While the Vietnamese are indeed a minority, they tend to be pretty staunchly opposed to socialism and tend to vote Republican. They also tend to be concentrated in potential swing states. Their votes will be very important.

“And while Vietnamese American politics might seem unimportant in the larger national conversation, it’s worth remembering where these voters tend to live. Data from the American Pacific Islander American Vote organization show that aside from the nearly 780,000 – about 40% of the Vietnamese population in the US – who call California home, close to 300,000 live in Texas, almost 65,000 are in Georgia and about 85,000 live in Florida. With Texas, Georgia and Florida considered swing states in the 2020 election cycle, Vietnamese Americans could play a key role at the margins this November.”
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They both tax us plenty. I agree with what you say about excessive regulations, but surely there must be some middle ground rather than all or none.
I agree with you. I think that the Democrats and Republicans have no concept of “working together”, at least since the early 2000s. I am in despair about the current crop of Senators and Representatives, and the two Presidential candidates as well. I think that if Pres. Trump wins, there will be four more years of constant “hearings” and “investigations” and possibly at least one more attempt at impeachment. And if VP Biden wins–well, all along, I’ve said that he will complete at least one year and a few months in the White House–enough so that he and his family can celebrate a beautiful White House Christmas–and then he will resign (probably citing “family issues” or “health concerns”), and Ms. Harris will take the reigns–and then the battle will get really fierce, because I think she has the goal of totally re-making the United States of America.

I would LOVE to be utterly WRONG on all counts. But I’m not optimistic.

I believe that the smart-phone has totally taken control of this country and its young people (people under aged 50!), and with that ability to influence young people, a small and dangerous group of people currently dominate much of what younger people watch and do on those phones. To put it bluntly, I think they are being brainwashed.

Again, I would dearly LOVE to be completely off by a million miles, and entering my second childhood with a repeat of the over-active imagination that my parents always worried about (until I started winning awards in creative writing throughout my school years!).
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Yes that’s the commonly understood difference in their personas: one is a milquetoast and the other a bull in a China shop. You seem to have a different take on it.
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One point of disagreement. I’m not really so sure Harris wants to remake America. She is a prosecutor, and, if you look at her record, she is pretty tough on law and order. Moreover, she is not at all one of the favorites of the younger leftist women in Congress. True, she is no conservative and less moderate than Biden, who lately doesn’t appear to be too centrist, but she is no leftist extremist either.
Have you ever started a business? Created jobs? Dealt with government rules, regulations and taxes, fees, licenses etc … ? It appears from your question / attitude that you have not …

If you had - you would understand that there are distinct differences … generally government at every level and big businesses are not the friend of small business and start-ups … but the party that gets out of the way the most is the Republican party [though there are some so govern like the Democrats do - :roll_eyes:]… the politicians that are worse for business are the Democrats. Independents are a mixed bag - some are big government - so are less so …

As a small business owner for over 2 decades - I have much experience in the whims of governance at City, County, State and Federal level … while I am glad I had that experience - after 2008 - 2015 … I am not that unhappy to have left that grind behind me.
. I’m not really so sure Harris wants to remake America. True, she is no conservative … but she is no leftist extremist either.
Her presidential platform seems pretty extremist to me:
Copied from Kamala Harris presidential campaign, 2020 - Ballotpedia
  • List item
    Kamala Harris’ campaign website says, "If Congress fails to send comprehensive gun safety legislation to Harris’ desk within her first 100 days as president – including universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, and the repeal of the NRA’s corporate gun manufacturer and dealer immunity bill – she will take executive action
    That’s why as president, she’ll fight to make community college free, make four-year public college debt-free,
    …as Attorney General, Kamala led a coalition of 16 states to urge the Supreme Court to protect women’s access to contraceptive coverage under the Affordable Care Act, and, as Senator, fought back against President Trump’s attempts to repeal the law. As president, Kamala will nominate judges who know Roe v. Wade is the law of the land, protect Planned Parenthood…
Her website continues, "Kamala’s plan for Medicare for All expands on the progress made under Obamacare, immediately offers an improved Medicare buy-in, and transitions the country to a Medicare system we are all in
Kamala Harris’ campaign website says, "My plan — a Climate Plan For the People — is about putting people first, justice for communities that have been harmed and accountability for those responsible. My plan sets out a bold target to exceed the Paris Agreement climate goals and achieve a clean economy by 2045, investing $10 trillion in public and private funding to meet the initial 10-year mobilization necessary to stave off the worst climate impacts.
Kamala will… make a $15 minimum wage the national floor,
She’ll pass her Rent Relief Act to provide a tax credit for people spending 30 percent or more of their income on rent and utilities.
The only one that goes against our faith is the part about “reproductive rights.”

Universal background checks, minimum wage, Medicare are all subjects of prudential judgment.

Why is it that by being “prolife” I need to also be pro gun to the point that background checks are extreme. Or against minimum wage increases?

I think we need more than two parties.
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You could have left your post “undeleted”. It was right on the money!
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One point of disagreement. I’m not really so sure Harris wants to remake America. She is a prosecutor, and, if you look at her record, she is pretty tough on law and order. Moreover, she is not at all one of the favorites of the younger leftist women in Congress. True, she is no conservative and less moderate than Biden, who lately doesn’t appear to be too centrist, but she is no leftist extremist either.
It’s likely that I have a different take on Sen. Harris because I read women’s magazines, including magazines for younger women (e.g., Allure), and participate in a couple of women’s groups, including several very liberal groups (for the sake of the music).

So I am seeing her and interpreting her intentions based on my readings of articles and features written by women, and also based on my interactions with very liberal women.

I hope I am correct that because of your screenname, you are a male. Apologies if I am wrong about this!
I thought I was responding to another poster, but for some reason it doesn’t look like I did. I didn’t want to be “off topic”.
One point of disagreement. I’m not really so sure Harris wants to remake America. She is a prosecutor, and, if you look at her record, she is pretty tough on law and order. Moreover, she is not at all one of the favorites of the younger leftist women in Congress. True, she is no conservative and less moderate than Biden, who lately doesn’t appear to be too centrist, but she is no leftist extremist either.
Something else to consider is that people tend to adjust their talk to be in step with whatever “job” they are applying to.

During the worst of the BLM protests this summer, my husband and I heard Sen. Harris state on the air (TV) that “even after the election, these riots will continue…and they SHOULD continue!”

Does that sound like someone committed to law and order? To me, it sounds like someone who wants to appeal to African Americans.

And the same is true in those women’s venues–around women, she will say/write what appeals to women, specifically liberal women. (I can’t imagine that she would accept any invitations to meet with or speak to conservative women–if she does, my respect for her would go up a notch!).

This is probably why people can’t stand Donald J. Trump–he does NOT tailor his comments to appeal to or appease his “audience.” He says the same thing to Republicans and Democrats and women and men and blacks and whites and everyone else–and that’s something that most of us are not used to. I think that many of adjust our speech and comments based on where we are and who we are with. But Pres. Trump doesn’t. He just lets it all hang out.

And I like that!–I feel like a worm whenever I say one thing with one group, and another thing with another!
During the worst of the BLM protests this summer, my husband and I heard Sen. Harris state on the air (TV) that “even after the election, these riots will continue…and they SHOULD continue!”
Did she say riots? Or did she say protests?

There’s a difference.

A few town’s over from where I live was a BLM protest that was peaceful. And various people came to counter protest “get out of my neighborhood”.

Actually she didn’t say riots.

*I know there are protests still happening in major cities across the United States, I’m just not seeing the reporting on it that I had for the first few weeks," Colbert said.

“That’s right,” Harris replied. “But they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I’m telling you.”

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I get weary of the constant focus on racism too. But I don’t think it isn’t in our communities. And I don’t blame those who live with it for talking about it.
I agree with you here. The cheap charges of racism only belittle the crime of true racism.

BLM is making heroes of criminals. The real tragedy of children shot and/or killed in the black communities is being forgotten. The leading cause of death of black males aged 1-44 is homicide. The second leading cause is unintended injuries. Ages ONE-44. Babies.

This has to stop.
Asian votes are quite split as well. I doubt, however, that the Vietnamese vote will even be counted since they are a minority within a minority.
I truly doubt this. My city has a lot of Vietnamese. They are Catholic and very conservative. They escaped communism. Orange County California also has a sizable Vietnamese population. I know this because my manicurist shot is owned by first generation Vietnamese and they share their views with me. Below is a video they shared with me (and this is just one of many rallies)::

They actually share these videos with their clients. They tell me almost all their clients are pro Trump, but they don’t want to talk about it except in safe places.
One point: hasn’t it often been the case that we have had recessions during or immediately after Republican administrations. I think of Reagan in 1989 and GWB in 2008, for example. Why do you think the Reps are any better than the Dems in maintaining a healthy economy?
Bush warned Congress about the implications of the sub-prime loans, pushed by Obama and cohorts, which were at the root of the recession. His warning was ignored.
That was so insane that even I understood it was crazy. People were advertising mortgages at 125%, and since those who “sold” mortgages quickly bundled them up and resold them, there was a huge motivation to sell mortgages to anyone.

Bad, bad policy.
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