I think after 3.75 years of chaos and disruption, people are ready for a predictable, even dull candidate to hold the office. There is a palpable fatigue with the endless controversies, tweets, unpresidential behavior and so on.
I see nothing dull about dismantling all the pro-life gains, getting rid of the Hyde Amendment (that will be a challenge), and taking away aid for nations who do not allow a woman “the freedom to choose to kill her unborn child.”
And I see nothing dull about seeing taxes go through the roof–not for millionaires and billionaires–we’ve heard that line of bullpoop over and over from Democrats and it never turns out that way–it’s the millionaires and billiionaires who are investing money in businesses, companies, stock and bonds, money markets, etc.–and thereby keeping our economy going. So they’ll be left alone, and the tax increases will happen to those of us who are making a decent income ($50,000-$100,000) compared to all the people making minimum wage.
I know that to those who are making minimum wage, $50,000/yr sounds like a fortune, but it’s really pretty paltry when you are using it to pay for college for your kids (instead of getting Pell grants, which you are denied because you earn too much), and pay for a house instead of paying rent (and not necessarily a grand mansion–we’re talking a 3 BR 1 Bath house in a decent but transitional neighborhood), and a decent car, which you need to get to and from work every single stinkin’ day for 40 years or more.
Oh, yes, we also need to save about a quarter or even half of that $50,000 for our retirement if we don’t want to end up in public housing or a state nursing home.
My husband and I make about $100,000 between the two of us, but almost $45,000 of it goes to various taxes. I’d say we are paying much more than our fair share, especially since we live in the city with the highest murder rate (percentage) in Illinois. And we work our butts off for that income–nothing comes from Daddy or lotto.
Like I said, I do not think Biden will be dull at all if he manages to get more money away from the middle class to pay for programs that are mismanaged bigtime by the massive bureaucracy of the federal government.
And no matter how politely someone tells us that we need to flush more of our money down the toilet, we will still be offended by that person.