Possible Trump Win?

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I’m not exactly sure what Biden meant by destroyer, perhaps destroyer of democracy. But racist, ain’t it the truth?
My friend, who was a law librarian, tells me that when Trump came into his office with his legal team regarding his bankruptcies, Trump would kibitz and tell jokes while his team did all the work. He had no interest in getting involved whatsoever, leaving it all to others. Perhaps this is typical behavior for real estate moguls, but it seems Trump hasn’t changed much from those days. He really seems to have an aversion to doing the dirty work, or any work, but loves taking all the credit. On the plus side, my friend tells me he was very personable and a lot of fun on a one-on-one level.
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I’m sure there are other issues more important to him. Besides, Black voters, just like other groups, are not monolithic. A friend of a friend of mine, who is Black, is also voting for Trump. He believes Trump is better for the economy and stock market. Also, racism is not just being anti-Black.
leaving it all to others.
So when you fly on a commercial airplane, do you sit up front and tell the pilot what to do? How about at the doctor’s office? Staying out of the way of the professionals is smart. I’ve worked with senior leaders who thought they should demonstrate their (unfortunately outdated) experience. I’d prefer the boss who knows how to stay out of my way.
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I think you’re giving Trump too much credit for these negotiations. His people are doing it…I don’t think he’s all that involved other than to take credit.
Undoubtedly Kushner had much to do with it. Pompeo too. But one needs to remember that Trump’s disengagement from Iran was very popular among the Sunni states.

China is dependent on the U.S. more than the U.S. is on China. I think it’s safe to say Biden will not reduce it.
My nieces black husband doesn’t believe him to be racist. He’s one of the most vocal Trump supporters I know.
Neither does Candace Owns, Ben Carson, Harschel Walker, Diamond and Silk, or Clarence Thomas, to name a few.
. He really seems to have an aversion to doing the dirty work, or any work,
You can’t be serious about this. Did you ever work on a bankruptcy? It’s a world all its own. Few lawyers understand it, particularly Chapter 11, which is what his were. No reason to expect Trump to do the legal work on it. He was probably only there for answers and decisions.
I’m not exactly sure what Biden meant by destroyer, perhaps destroyer of democracy. But racist, ain’t it the truth?
Not if you look at his results. Black unemployment the lowest in 50 years? prior to the arrival of covid? Hispanic Employment came down as well! What an odd definition for racism.
Mr. Trump needs to be campaigning under a new slogan: A vote for Trump is a vote for minority employment!
This weekend, I was in Seattle’s central district where a Pro-Trump gathering was cheering at a major intersection. U.S. and Vietnamese flags were waving and the majority of those present were Asian. I’m betting that, when the post election results are analyzed, Mr. Trump will have received the majority of the Vietnamese American vote.
He speaks up for small businesses and there are many headed by Asian-Americans, Mexican-Americans and Central American immigrants, and recent immigrants from Africa in this area. I wonder if the democratic party hasn’t become used to taking minority votes for granted?
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538 gave Trump an almost 30% chance of winning on election day 2016. That is almost a 1 in 3 chance , which is not insignificant, of winning.
I’m glad you pointed this out. Trump’s chances in 2016, by any objective measure, were hardly great, but they were far above zero.

This time, 538 (as of right now) gives Trump a 13% chance to win. That’s not good, of course, but it is better than zero. If Trump wins, it will be unexpected, but not absurdly so. It would be shocking if he wins in a landslide.

Interesting, one of the notable differences since 2016 is that there are far fewer undecided voters at this point. As you pointed out, these are the people that ultimately won the election for Trump. I guess pretty much everyone knows what he brings to the table by now. You either want more of it, or you don’t.

Certainly the Dems do not take Latinx votes for granted, as there are so many cultures within the community. Black votes they do take for granted, which they should not. Asian votes are quite split as well. I doubt, however, that the Vietnamese vote will even be counted since they are a minority within a minority. Otherwise, I can see your point. It’s just so hard to know which sources are accurate and which are “fake news.” Harry Truman was purportedly anti-Semitic based on some of his letters, yet he was a supporter of Israel. Probably a similar case with LBJ regarding Black people. People are complicated, none more so than Trump probably.
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You know more about this than I do, so I believe you are probably correct.
I take it you mean Historically Black Colleges. Well, as I said before, people are complicated such that their actions do not always reflect their beliefs.
Thin evidence to be sure. But I know of a couple of lawyers who do consumer bankruptcy, but they won’t touch a Chapter 11. Too complicated and therefore risky for the lawyer.
That Trump is racist? No, I believe he is, but so are many other White people whether they know it or not. You don’t have to support the KKK or the neo-Nazis to be racist.
Certainly nonwhites are capable of being racist. (To say otherwise would be racist.) I was referring only to White people because Trump is White.
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