You are right to be unsure, but you really should be upset about it. I wonder how many people have read Henry Hazlitt’s “Economics in One Lesson”? Because anyone who read it and understood it would realize that Trump’s achieved a temporary and minor positive outcome, at the expense of a huge, negative price that our children and grandchildren will have to pay.I was unsure about the tax cuts and I still am.
First of all, to measure the strength of the economy with the stock market is ludicrous. The stock market is just a huge, legalized gambling apparatus, which does not produce anything. Second, the tax cuts were used by the companies not to expand the production, but to buy back their shares. Third, since the tax cuts were not accompanied with spending cuts, all it did was making the deficit even worse than it used to be.
Unfortunately most people are not “savvy” about economics so a few demagogues can mislead them. That is, of course a long term problem. We would need an economics class for every new generation.
The truth is that there are many people who could be very good leaders, but they are all busy cutting hair and balancing the family checkbook. There was a great quote: “No one, who wishes to be president should be allowed to have that office. The best qualified person should be dragged kicking and screaming into the Oval Office, where she would do a wonderful job, so she can have time off for good behavior”.
Just think about it: there is no other profession or job, which would not require some education, and some certificate to prove that she is qualified for that job - except a darned politician. All they have to do is bamboozle the nincompoops to vote for them! And that is a nightmare.