Possible Trump Win?

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Did she say riots? Or did she say protests?

There’s a difference.

A few town’s over from where I live was a BLM protest that was peaceful. And various people came to counter protest “get out of my neighborhood”.

Actually she didn’t say riots.

*I know there are protests still happening in major cities across the United States, I’m just not seeing the reporting on it that I had for the first few weeks," Colbert said.

“That’s right,” Harris replied. “But they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I’m telling you.”
Yes, you’re right. Thanks for the fact check.

I disagree that the protests need to continue. I think what needs to happen is work–in schools, in homes, in towns and cities, and in churches.

Protests were held in our city almost every weekend this summer, and the result was that a summer tradition, a “city marketplace” that happens on Friday night–had to close down and the vendors lost business. I think that’s awful. We are already in bad enough shape economically because of the COVID-19 shutdowns, and here was a chance for local vendors to sell their wares (mainly crafts, veges and fruits, t-shirts, homemade jewelry, and of course, food!)–but that was taken away from them by protesters who kept blocking the street, harrassing the vendors and the shoppers (they would line up, line arms and march through the marketplace, making it impossible for people to stroll through. There were also several incidents of gunshots and violence, which scared customers away and also scared many of the vendors–no one wants to get shot selling “peace” jewelry or home-grown/made-made raspberry jam.

Usually thousands of people attend this marketplace throughout the summer months, but this year, it shut down several weeks early because the customers (myself included) were afraid. I never went this year–did not want to end my life getting shot for the sake of shopping.

So the protesters accomplished something–destroying another opportunity to start a little business and make money. But after all, it’s easier to accept the government handouts, or to allow your protest organizatio to accept the movie star donations, than actually WORK.

We also saw violence against our police force all summer long–this did not endear any of the protesters to the public. These cops risk their lives constantly because the inner-city gangs (from Chicago) rule our streets and I think, our city as well. But according to the protesters, they should be de-funded. Yeah, right. It would be like living in an apocalypse.

They need to get to work–join and become active in organizations like NAACP and of course, in churches – the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King did much of his good work through his church and his ministry. The African American churches have been powerful voices for human rights through the entire history of the U.S… And of course, they need to emphasize the importance of working hard in school at all grade levels, and FINISHING high school and earning that diploma.
Her presidential platform seems pretty extremist to me:
There is nothing extremist here. She’s basically describing Canada and other social democratic states in Western Europe (e.g. Scandinavian countries, and even the UK under a Conservative government). The reproductive rights bit might be against Church teaching, but then most of the population isn’t Catholic. We can’t enforce reproductive rights on non-Catholics other than abortion, which transcends religious affiliation, but which most Western countries have alas ignored.

Really she’s just trying to align the US with most of the rest of the Western world. The US is the only Western nation without some kind of universal health care. Something to think about…
I disagree that the protests need to continue. I think what needs to happen is work–in schools, in homes, in towns and cities, and in churches.
Whether one agrees or not that protests need to continue, peaceful demonstration is a fundamental right is it not?
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That was so insane that even I understood it was crazy. People were advertising mortgages at 125%, and since those who “sold” mortgages quickly bundled them up and resold them, there was a huge motivation to sell mortgages to anyone.

Bad, bad policy.
I personally know people who were hurt by this policy. They bought homes, but were unprepared for home ownership. They had to file for bankruptcy, which is not pleasant.
What is so extreme or radical about universal health care for Americans, a minimum living wage for Americans, helping students whose families are not well off financially receive a higher education without accruing inordinate debt, requiring universal background checks for gun ownership to protect society, protecting our planet from the ravages of climate change which are now upon us, or giving women (many of whom are not Catholic) access to contraception to help them and their families? These are all basic, common-sense measures to help people and our country live better lives.
I am a male. And I understand your attending very liberal women’s groups for the music. Music is, after all, the universal language no matter what political ideology people may have.
I am opposed to excessive regulations on small businesses, and said so two posts up. However, I also believe that some regulations may be needed and do not think it has to be an all-or-none situation.
a minimum living wage for Americans,
Define this.
helping students whose families are not well off financially receive a higher education without accruing inordinate debt,
My daughter was able to put herself through college with no help from me (I couldn’t afford it). She was accepted at the state university ($12,000/year) and at a Jesuit university here in town ($40,000.00) 2009 prices. She had to choose the state university. She finished in four years. Her first job right out of college paid over $100,000.00 per year STARTING PAY. That’s more than twice what I make, and I’m a graduate of that Jesuit university. No need to accrue inordinate debt.
I applaud your daughter’s drive and determination. I bet she gets it, in large part, from her mother. Not all students, however, are as driven or mature as your daughter is, or come from such good families. They may need a little more help to have the opportunity to achieve success.

The minimum living wage may very well vary according to region. In New York City, for example, $15 at least; but, in other areas of the country, probably less.
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I applaud your daughter’s drive and determination. I bet she gets it, in large part, from her mother. Not all students, however, are as driven or mature as your daughter is, or come from such good families. They may need a little more help to have the opportunity to achieve success.
My son, on the other hand, flunked out of college twice. And he is extremely bright. He just wasn’t made for school. He is very happy working in the restaurant business. You don’t need to go to college to get a good job.

I don’t believe giving free money to people motivates them.
It’s not really giving free money to people, but rather not burdening them with debt. It took me 30 years to pay off my college and graduate school debt despite my hard work in the teaching profession. Someone was getting richer from my debt, but it certainly wasn’t me.
You got that right. Universities get rich from government funds.
And from alumni funds. I was appalled when I learned how much of McGill university’s alumni fund went to paying pensions (it’s my alma mater). I forget the amount now but it was at least 1/4.

I worked hard all my life, but retired without a pension. I saved into my RRSP (Canadian equivalent of a 401k), which allows me a decent but not wealthy retirement. I’ll be damned if I give a dime of that money to pay my profs’ pensions.

University is not free in Canada btw, but it is heavily subsidized. I agree with subsidizing but I also believe that students should pay as well. It shouldn’t be completely free except for the most needy.
My BIL completed his graduate studies there - linguistics. His thesis was “Word Order in Old English.” This prepared him for…teaching!
My understanding that free and reduced tuition would be for public colleges.

Private schools would not be affected.
It’s not really giving free money to people, but rather not burdening them with debt.
The strange thing is, nobody is forced to go to college. Also, there are ways to earn money for college, including military service. The GI bill pays tuition and a living stipend for a 4-year public university. I told my kids that they can go to any college they can afford. My son used the GI bill and an academic scholarship to attend a private college, and graduated debt free.
My BIL completed his graduate studies there - linguistics. His thesis was “Word Order in Old English.” This prepared him for…teaching!
In my case it was chemistry (B.Sc.). Worked for 20 years as an applied chemist/physicist in the paper industry before switching to health care IT for the rest of my career, with a brief interval in pharmaceuticals and forensics.
What is so extreme or radical about universal health care for Americans
Mainly the disparity in costs across the country and the inefficiency of federal government in managing programs like this. I think there should be a public option, but it should be handled by the individual states and limited to residents of those states.
minimum living wage for Americans
My main issue with this is that again, costs of living vary wildly across the country, so it should be handled on a state and local level.
helping students whose families are not well off financially receive a higher education without accruing inordinate debt
Again, I’m flexible here, I wouldn’t have a problem with 2 years at a community college being treated like a public education option. But free 4 year degrees at expensive universities with questionable marketability is silly.
requiring universal background checks for gun ownership to protect society
All new gun sales require a background check. Every single one.

Private sales would be completely impossible to enforce background checks on without first creating a registration, and then conducting periodic inventories of people with registered guns to ensure they haven’t bought or sold anything outside of proper channels. In a country with more guns than people it’s just logistically impossible.
protecting our planet from the ravages of climate change which are now upon us
I 100% support switching our electricity production to nuclear which releases no green house gasses. I don’t support the currently impractical solar and wind option.
or giving women (many of whom are not Catholic) access to contraception to help them and their families?
A pack of condoms is like $6.
Whether one agrees or not that protests need to continue, peaceful demonstration is a fundamental right is it not?
Of course. But breaking the law (e.g., blocking a street–this happened several times this summer in our city, resulting in the arrest of the protesters–and they are STILL whining about that and trying to get the charges dismissed because they think it’s part of their "right to free speech), and terrorizing fellow citizens (by forming a linked-together line and taking up an entire street or sidewalk so that others cannot pass through or get out of the way) is NOT a fundamental right.

Our city had a tough time of it this summer, and I personally think that the protesters did more harm than good with their “free speech.” I would have respected a series of pre-announced discussion forums (which our CITY put together, BTW) arranged by the BLM crowd more than Friday evening marches through the downtown marketplace that wrecked up one of the few opportunities we all had to get out of our stale houses and forget about COVID-19 for a whilte and go downtown for a few hours to buy some cute things and meet up with people that we know. Now the opportunity is lost, summer is over, autumn is a bust (freakin’ cold and snow flurries) and we are stuck back in our prison houses and being told that we shouldn’t even get together for holiday celebrations.

At least I got out for a while a few weeks ago when I had my knee replaced. And now, I’m back at work part-time. Peeps is too soft-hearted to allow her work-associates to continue to work short staffed, especially since two of the young mothers are quarantined because one of their day-care teachers tested positive for COVID.

I really hope Trump wins.
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