Prayer Requests #1

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A request for a friend…

Good MANE:

The wife of my Pastor (& the Pastor at St. Mary’s), Tanya, has had MS for the past 25 years. For the most part, the disease has progressed slowly, so that it hasn’t denied her the ability to do most of the things that we take for granted, until the last couple months. Since the beginning of the year, a couple of flare-ups have come and gone, with each one leading her in worse shape when it was over than when it started.

Tanya has in the middle of a particularly bad flare-up for the past 2 weeks. She’s sleeping 20 hours/day, has minimal mobility, and has lost much of the function of the hands and fingers (she can’t type, write and has difficulty feeding herself).

I’m asking for your heartfelt prayers, Masses, Rosaries, etc. on her behealf (and that of her very worried husband - Gregory).

Thank you for you thoughts and prayers.

Pax Vobiscum, Michael
Please pray for my father who will be undergoing open heart surgery within the next few ours. God bless and thank you.
Matthew, consider both him and you prayed for. I know that what you’re going through isn’t easy.

Blessings and Peace, michael
Tyler Smedley:
Please pray for my discernment, I have a couple weeks before I decide whether or not to go to seminary this year, and time is running out. Thank you.

Go, and pray while you’re going. And, if there’s a real problem with the Seminary (like they’re teaching heresy), go to another one!

May the Lord bless you and keep you. Michael
My husband and I have been seperated for a couple of months…Please pray so that we may work things out and save our marriage…GOD BLESS and THANK YOU! :gopray2:

Adriana & Freddy (Spouse):blessyou:
Adriana & Freddy,

If you can’t do anything else together, go to Mass together and sit or kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament together after the Mass. Do that EVERY SUNDAY LIKE A NOVENA!

Both of you may want to go to confession. It’s the Lord’s operating Room.

And, remember, you’re two different people, and don’t do anything hasty, unless it’s reuniting…

I went through what you’re going through OUTSIDE the Church (1/3 of the Triangle was very much missing). It’s even worse Out There!

Blessings and Peace. Michael
Please pray for my Mom [including my whole family] my Dad’s 1st Death Anniversary is on Apr 30, his birthday is March 30 and my Mom and Dad’s Engagement Anniversary is March 15 so tough times are ahead (though it already is effecting my Mom)
Thanks with much love
Please pray for…

My wife’s sister-in-law Aleta M., who is very anti-Catholic because of her father’s actions. She needs inner healing before she can see the Truth of the Catholic faith. Pray that she will hunger and thirst for the healing that only the Eucharist can bring.

My wife’s brother Steven M., fallen-away Catholic, who needs inner healing to help him overcome his own predjudices of the Catholic Church. Pray that he will hunger and thirst for the healing that only the Eucharist can bring.

My wife’s father Marvin M., who is suffering from liver disease. Pray that he receives a transplant soon.

My wife, Michelle, that she may grow in faith to Trust God in all things. Pray that she will hunger and thirst for the healing that only the Eucharist can bring.

My brother, Jeff, that he may see the harm that pornography and a life of selfishness and materialism is doing to his soul. That he will see the Truth of Jesus and convert.

His wife, Erin, that she may receive inner healing because of the harm her father has caused her. That she may seek to know God. Pray that she will hunger and thirst for the healing that only the Eucharist can bring.

My parents, Bill and Nancy, that they may feel the Holy Spirit drawing them to he Truth and abandon their lives of secular materialism for a greater commitment to Jesus.

Pray for the following who are enslaved by pornography addiction.
Paul G.
J.A. A.
Michael A.
Antoine M.
Darlene N.'s husband
Janet’s children
Terry M.
Micky H.
Dan Bear who’s girlfreind is involved in pornography
Mike in Midland
James husband of Jolla
Dale H.
Tony L.
Wayne W.
Dennis M.
Daniel N.
William M.
Michael B.
and their spouses for healing. Especially Linda A.

Finally, pray for my apostolate, True Knights. Pray that it may reach many men and call them back to be the Husbands and Fathers that God wants them to be. Pray that I may receive speaking engagements to witness the Glory of God. And pray that I can continue work on my book, True Knights: Courageous in Battle, Pure in Heart! That I may find a publisher and that EWTN will pick up my program proposal based on the book’s outline.

Pray that I may always be God’s humble and obedient servant.

God Bless,
Please pray for my husband to find a job, very soon. He’s been looking for six months now and his unemployment ran out. We have three small children., too.
I ask that you pray for me, my mother, and my aunt, that we may have a safe flight to New Jersey to see my brother before he is sent to the Middle East for military service. Please pray that God safely guide us there, and back home, as well as for my brother during his service. Also, please pray for my young cousin who is currently undergoing brain surgery in Minnesota. 😦

I cannot express in words how greatly your prayers are appreciated.

Thank You,

Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube is being slated for removal today. Please rememebr her and her family in your prayers.
My oldest son has had surgery for Cancer. The biopsy indicates they need to do more surgery to get the rest of the cancer.

They are sure they can arrest it as it is small enough they think it has not spread.

Thanks for the prayers,
Please pray for the families of those killed by the young man (who then committed suicide) in Red Lake, Minnesota.

Nine people’s lives were taken, including seven at his high school, five of them students.

This is a very sad and disturbing situation - please pray for all those affected.

Please add a prayer today for Terri Schaivo and her whole family including her husband Michael. They are all in need of God’s love and Mercy to touch them now.

I did read all the other requests and I will add my prayers to all of those requests. Hang in there everyone, God’s Mercy is INFINITE!
My friend Mike suffers from depression, He has grown stronger in his faith over the past few months and he is incredible. He has trouble believing that he will ever come out of this “slump of depression” and He really needs prayers! Please I beg all of you that you just say a quick prayer for him, I know God has great plans for him and prayers from you would help get the ball rolling. Please pray for a Spirtual Miracle in Mike’s heart.

God Bless
Please pray for my husband to find a job, very soon. He’s been looking for six months now and his unemployment ran out. We have three small children., too.
I will add you to my 54 day rosary novena that I am just starting now. I say it for all my family and friends that are out of work. God Bless your family.
My constant prayers are with you all. May I humbly ask urgent prayer for my partner, bedridden 24/7…no quality of life…who suffers with chronic pain & insonia, due to complications of overlapping diseases…HepC, chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia, diabetes, polycythemia vera(blood cancer), leg neuropathy, memory fog…and mean streak… verbally/emotionally abusive…and in financial ruin…He’s pushing me away, wanting to end our relationship, to ‘spare me’, he says. I pray to know God’s will. Thanks everyone. God bless you all! +
Please pray for my good friend. Her grandfather just died and his funeral was today. The priest who presided took the opportunity to preach to the mostly-lukewarm Catholic family the true, un-compromised Catholic Faith (God bless that priest!!!). Needless to say however, many of them didn’t take it very well. He spoke about the need to be open to life (2 children minimum, in his opinion), the reality of sin and its offense against God, and the Eucharist. He put it so perfectly: the Eucharist is not between you and God. It is about you and the Church. If you aren’t right with the Church, you should not be receiving Communion. He also denied Communion to one of my friend’s uncles (I don’t know if he was Catholic or not).

All in all I think the priest acted precisely the way he should have. Unfortunately, he upset my friend very much. She was raised in the Faith but hasn’t ever really practiced it. I’m afraid she may be put off by the Church. Please pray that the Holy Spirit might move her to true conversion of heart.
It’s me again…please pray for my *other *good friend who found out her grandfather had another stroke (he’s already had several). They’re afraid this time it might be the end. He’s 84.

This situation is all the more tragic because my friend already lost her father to suicide several years ago, and her grandfather is one of the last “father figures” left in her life. Please pray for both of them.
Please pray for the country of Monacco. The loss of their leader, Prince Reinier must be hard for the people of that country following so closely on the heels of the death of John Paul II.

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