Please, pray for Fr. Ralph’s health. He felt dizzy half-way through mass and was rushed to the ER. Thankfully, he was dismissed after a period under observation.
The neurologist diagnosed my son with “high functioning autism” this morning. I am so sad.My son has to go back to the pediatric neurologist tomorrow(8:30am, Eastern Time). He is being evaluated for autism, but he is so borderline that it is hard to tell. My stomach feels sick with worry. I hate this not knowing!
I don’t know what to ask for prayers for, whether it be that my son is not autistic, or for the doctor to have great discernment, or that we have an answer soon, even if it’s not tomorrow. Maybe all three?
A beautiful lady in my rosary group has had bone cancer for the last several years.
To make a long story short, I found out last night that the doctors told her she would make it through Christmas but most likely not see the New Year. Last night she told my cousin that she’s having a hard time accepting this.
Please Please pray for Carolyn.
Mom of One…I am so sorry. I will keep your little one in my prayers.The neurologist diagnosed my son with “high functioning autism” this morning. I am so sad.
I was just reading this…forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=90277 Does it describe your son? We have a grandson who may have Asperger’s…His Mom is having him screened for it before he goes to kindergarten…He is a preschooler now…Very smart, but he is a little “different” in some ways.The neurologist diagnosed my son with “high functioning autism” this morning. I am so sad.