Prayer Requests #2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Catherine_Grant
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From the thread Prayer Request
Hi, i don’t know if this is the most accurate place to put a prayer request, but i couldn’t find another one.

I am quite depressed and could do with a bit of outside help.
My prayers go to all those suffering from the overwhelming feelings of depression and anxiety.

Please can you pray for my tenant, Agnes in London, that she finds a suitable house to move into close enough to her kids’ school, and that everything goes smoothly for her scheduled last day in my house, the 13th November.

Thanks, one and all.

Lord, make us instruments
of your peace.
Where there is hatred
let us sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, union;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
Grant that we may not
so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood
as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving
that we receive;
It is in pardoning
that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are
born to eternal life. Amen
**Jesus I thank God for being given another day to pray. I thank God for the ability and determination to continue and not be discouraged . I Thank God in Your Name Jesus.

God Please send Your Holy Spirit to enter each person with a prayer request on this and all forums. May The Holy Spirit enter each person and meet all needs. This I pray in Jesus Name our Beloved Savior. In Jesus Name Father I ask that the thing not worthy to look to heaven be banished from the earth into the pit for all eternity. In Jesus Christs Name I Pray. Amen**
Please pray for me, because I’m an idiot who lied for no reason except to save myself a few moments grief, and I’m a complete wally, and I’ve really hurt my girlfriend who hates lies with a passion that I’ve never seen in any other human being.

Please pray for my girlfriend too, that she’ll be able to trust me again, and feel safe in our relationship.


Please pray for me and my family. We need family unity in the Lord, we ALL need to become closer to Him.

We need prayer for finances for our entire family. Our business has not done well the last 2 years. We need guidance as to should we get out, and if so what does God want for us?

My daughter and her family need prayers as well. They as well need to become closer to the Lord. They need to focus a little more on their 3 beautiful children and not so much on making as much money as they can.

I will keep you all in my daily prayers as well.

**In The Beloved Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray That Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls…

‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one’
In Jesus Holy Name may God Almighty touch each of us with Love, Peace and Grace. May His Miraculous Holy Spirit be ever present with us and may God intervene to bring peace throughout our troubled world. In Jesus Beloved Name I Pray. Amen
Please pray for my wife and are unborn baby. She is 14.5 weeks along, and is very scared and on-edge. We’ve been through four consecutive miscarriages, and this is the farthest along that we’ve ever gotten.

She is experiencing some intermittent slight cramping low in the abdomen, and she is freaking out over it. We’re going to the OB tomorrow…

Please pray for the safety and health of my wife and our child.

Offering prayers for you and your family, billpenn, and for all the intentions on this thread (including yours of course myangel hun)
Father I come again to pray for all the needs here. I pray in Jesus Name for Your Merciful Intervention . I pray in Jesus Name for Your Miraculous Holy Spirit to enter and meet all needs. I promise Father to Never Forget The Passion Of Christ . Amen
Please pray for my wife and are unborn baby. She is 14.5 weeks along, and is very scared and on-edge. We’ve been through four consecutive miscarriages, and this is the farthest along that we’ve ever gotten.

She is experiencing some intermittent slight cramping low in the abdomen, and she is freaking out over it. We’re going to the OB tomorrow…

Please pray for the safety and health of my wife and our child.

Please protect this family and heal the mother and the baby O St Raphael…
God Bless the new family…
In Jesus name I pray…
Please pray for the soul of my Grandmother. She died last night at 8:17 in her house with all but one of her children surrounding her. She truly did live a good life, and I am very happy she is not suffering anymore.
Thank you all.
In The Beloved Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray The Holy Spirit Enter And Meet All Needs. This I Pray In The Name Of Jesus Christ Our Savior Who Suffered Torture At The Hands Of Men So We May Be Forgiven. Amen
I would like to say thank you for one of my prayer intentions.
My test results showed that the blood clot in my leg is gone!!
Praise the Lord!!! The treatment worked w/o any complications.

I now have to make a difficult choice in choosing a maintenance therapy for my clotting disorder. All 3 choices carry some risks and I need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to assist me with this.

I will also be praying for all intentions posted here. :gopray:

God bless.
I would like to say thank you for one of my prayer intentions.
My test results showed that the blood clot in my leg is gone!!
Praise the Lord!!! The treatment worked w/o any complications.

I now have to make a difficult choice in choosing a maintenance therapy for my clotting disorder. All 3 choices carry some risks and I need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to assist me with this.

I will also be praying for all intentions posted here. :gopray:

God bless.
Father In Heaven Thank You For Giving Me Another Day To Pray And Worship Your Goodness. Dear Father I Pray For The Needs Here Of Which You Are Already Aware. I Ask That The Holy Spirit Enter And Meet All Needs. I Pray For Peace And Gentleness In Our Beloved Jesus Name . Amen
In Jesus Holy Name I Pray. Lord I Pray For All The Needs Of Your Children. I Pray That Your Almighty Holy Spirit Enter And Meet Every Aspect Of These Needs. With You Lord We Know To Expect A Miracle And We Ask For One Here. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen
“In The Name Of The Father, The Son And The Holy Spirit”

Hail Mary Full Of Grace The Lord Is With Thee
Blessed Art Thou Amongst Women And
Blessed Is The Fruit Of Thy Womb Jesus
Holy Mary Mother Of God Pray For Our Sinners Now
And At The Hour Of Our Death Amen**
I’m sorry I am posting again within just a few days. Asking for prayers again. Our family is in very serious financial trouble. We really need prayers for guidance as to how to straighten this out with our family business. I’m afraid we might have to file bankrupcy and move out of our home. I am trying to keep a clear head and not panic so much and to trust in God for only He knows where He is taking us. I have prayed a long time about this and other matters that are seeming to come together. The financial situation is hitting bottom very quickly, however.

Thank you sooooo much. I keep you all in my prayers daily.
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