Prayer Requests #2

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Hi, continue to pray. I’ll say a prayer for you.

I ask for prayers for the reconciliation of my relationship. I’ve seen improvement but we have not yet reconciled. Prayer has done wonders for me. Please pray for me, and my ex- help us to get the courage to say how we feel, and also for us to continue communicating frequently. Pray for me to have the grace to accept God’s will. Please pray for me…I"ve been praying faithfully and seeing progress- I ask for the progress to continue…Thank you all, will keep you in my prayers.
Hi ss828,

Will be praying for your complete reconcilliation. (have been down that road also)
Hi TeeLynn,

And like you my gamily has been through the same thing…we faced having to sell our house also. So I do know what you’re going through…things eventually worked out for us, and we recovered after a few years.

And thank you for your words. It’s a difficult situation with my ex, we still talk so well- and he’s the one that calls me 70% of the time, and we see eachother from time to time- but since he’s the one who broke up with me, I’m leaving the ball in his court. We had so many obstacles in our way- and sadly 2 of those obstacles were both of us! We went out for over 2 years- and I think it’s great that we still get along so well. I’m hoping that we can work it all out- but he’s lazy and other han calling he’s too scared to make any more effort. I’ve been praying a lot for the past 4 months- and the situation has gotten progressively better over the time.

Will say a prayer for you and your family- thanks again!
**‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one’

**Father by Your Mercy I am here to pray another day. I worship You Father as the Almighty God that You are. Thank You Father for sending Your Son to us in order to give us salvation. Your Wisdom and Compassion are needed everyday. I Pray Your Holy Spirit enter and meet all needs. In The Beloved Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray. Amen **
**Father by Your Mercy I am here to pray another day. I worship You Father as the Almighty God that You are. Thank You Father for sending Your Son to us in order to give us salvation. Your Wisdom and Compassion are needed everyday. I Pray Your Holy Spirit enter and meet all needs. In The Beloved Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray. Amen **
Thank you. I pray to have the grace to accept God’s will, and also for the reconciliation of my relationship. Love is the most precious thing…and I won’t give up as long as there’s a chance. Besides, the fact that we still talk so well, is a form of encouragement for me.

My father died at the beginning of the year- and ever since goign to Mass always made me sad- it got so bad I didn’t go for months. I am not proud of that, Mass should have been the first place I went to. But, I went back 3 weeks ago. And today was the first time that I haven’t come to tears at Mass. So the Lord is working for me- and all of us. Not to mention the situation with my ex is improving…I just needed to get my act together…

Have blessed day…will say a prayer for you too.
Another day has come and gone Father and I am here at Your Will. In Jesus Name I Pray that Your Miraculous Holy Spirit enter and meet all our needs. I Pray for Your Direct Intervention Father in all matters here. I trust only You to accomplish these miracles through Your Powerful Holy Spirit. In The Beloved Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray . Amen
Another day has come and gone Father and I am here at Your Will. In Jesus Name I Pray that Your Miraculous Holy Spirit enter and meet all our needs. I Pray for Your Direct Intervention Father in all matters here. I trust only You to accomplish these miracles through Your Powerful Holy Spirit. In The Beloved Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray . Amen
Thank you for your prayer.

Today I am so sad, my ex and I were to meet yesterday and we didn’t- he didn’t even call to say he wans’t passing by-- and he usually always does that. It’s like I see all this imrpovement, increased communication (from his end), but we never actually get anywhere. I know I have to have faith. But I just want this situation resolved. May be God doesn’t think it’s the right time yet-either way, for a reconconciliation or for me to give up. I feel like we are playing a great game of cat and mouse. I am not a born game player. I don’t know what to do- should I call him? SHould I wait for him to call me? SHould I ask him why he didn’t call? I just want to Lord to guide me accordingly- if this is not meant to be- to just allow me to let go, and if it is- then we should just be back together. I will continue to pray- there is nothign else I can do. I pray with an open heart. Please pray for me today, I will say a prayer for you as well. It’s nice to know people who I don’teven know are praying for me, makes me feel the world isn’t as badly off as it seems.
Thank you all for your prayers for my daughter. The tumor was benine. Praise the Lord.
Please pray for my friend Bob M and his family. He is in hospice and getting very weak.

Blessed Mother Teresa, we ask your intercession.
Thank you for your prayer.

Today I am so sad, my ex and I were to meet yesterday and we didn’t- he didn’t even call to say he wans’t passing by-- and he usually always does that. It’s like I see all this imrpovement, increased communication (from his end), but we never actually get anywhere. I know I have to have faith. But I just want this situation resolved. May be God doesn’t think it’s the right time yet-either way, for a reconconciliation or for me to give up. I feel like we are playing a great game of cat and mouse. I am not a born game player. I don’t know what to do- should I call him? SHould I wait for him to call me? SHould I ask him why he didn’t call? I just want to Lord to guide me accordingly- if this is not meant to be- to just allow me to let go, and if it is- then we should just be back together. I will continue to pray- there is nothign else I can do. I pray with an open heart. Please pray for me today, I will say a prayer for you as well. It’s nice to know people who I don’teven know are praying for me, makes me feel the world isn’t as badly off as it seems.
i dont know what to say except that may God give you the strength to handle the situation and guide you along the right way… I only hope and pray that you do not spend too much time going up and down emotionally as that can be very damaging…
may god give you the strength to take the right decision.
Father I Am Here To Pray In Beloved Jesus Name. I Pray For Your Aid And Guidance. These Are Difficult Days In Our World Father . You Know What Goes On And What Is Needed. I Pray Father That Your Miraculous Holy Spirit Be Sent To Us. We Need You For All The Needs Here And Around This World. In Jesus Christs Holy Name I Pray. Amen
i dont know what to say except that may God give you the strength to handle the situation and guide you along the right way… I only hope and pray that you do not spend too much time going up and down emotionally as that can be very damaging…
may god give you the strength to take the right decision.
Hi, Thanks for your words…I hope this emotional reollcoaster ceases soon. I just want to have things resolved. I pray for strength and courage, and the grace to accept God’s will! Please pray for me and for a reconiliation!
** Thank You For This Opportunity To Pray. God Bless You All…

‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one’

**Jesus, bringer and unifier of all life we need You.

Heal the people Jesus from all disagreement and turmoil cast upon them by the imperfections of the flesh. Jesus ease our souls and touch each and everyone with the power of the Holy Spirit. Please allow for us to see where the haze is thick so that we may not stumble and fall. Love us Jesus despite all our imperfections as I know You do. Give us the wisdom to know the differences and the power of the Holy Spirit to enforce our quiet contentment. Thank You Jesus for I know it is done.

Thank you for your prayer.

Today I am so sad, my ex and I were to meet yesterday and we didn’t- he didn’t even call to say he wans’t passing by-- and he usually always does that. It’s like I see all this imrpovement, increased communication (from his end), but we never actually get anywhere. I know I have to have faith. But I just want this situation resolved. May be God doesn’t think it’s the right time yet-either way, for a reconconciliation or for me to give up. I feel like we are playing a great game of cat and mouse. I am not a born game player. I don’t know what to do- should I call him? SHould I wait for him to call me? SHould I ask him why he didn’t call? I just want to Lord to guide me accordingly- if this is not meant to be- to just allow me to let go, and if it is- then we should just be back together. I will continue to pray- there is nothign else I can do. I pray with an open heart. Please pray for me today, I will say a prayer for you as well. It’s nice to know people who I don’teven know are praying for me, makes me feel the world isn’t as badly off as it seems.
Thank you all for your prayers for my daughter. The tumor was benine. Praise the Lord.
Please pray for my friend Bob M and his family. He is in hospice and getting very weak.

Blessed Mother Teresa, we ask your intercession.
**“In The Name Of The Father, The Son And The Holy Spirit”

Hail Mary Full Of Grace The Lord Is With Thee
Blessed Art Thou Amongst Women And
Blessed Is The Fruit Of Thy Womb Jesus
Holy Mary Mother Of God Pray For Our Sinners Now
And At The Hour Of Our Death Amen**
**“In The Name Of The Father, The Son And The Holy Spirit”

Hail Mary Full Of Grace The Lord Is With Thee
Blessed Art Thou Amongst Women And
Blessed Is The Fruit Of Thy Womb Jesus
Holy Mary Mother Of God Pray For Our Sinners Now
And At The Hour Of Our Death Amen**
Thank you for your prayers SunMessenger. You are in mine as well. Please continue to pray for a reconciliation between my ex and I- I see progress- we spoke almost everyday this week. And most importantly pray that I get the grace to accept the Lord’s will!
**Lord, make us instruments
of your peace.
Where there is hatred
let us sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, union;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
Grant that we may not
so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood
as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving
that we receive;
It is in pardoning
that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are
born to eternal life.

In The Beloved Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray The Holy Spirit Enter And Meet All Needs. This I Pray In The Name Of Jesus Christ Our Savior Who Suffered Torture At The Hands Of Men So We May Be Forgiven.

**In The Beloved Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray That Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls…

‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one’
Thank you for your prayers SunMessenger. You are in mine as well. Please continue to pray for a reconciliation between my ex and I- I see progress- we spoke almost everyday this week. And most importantly pray that I get the grace to accept the Lord’s will!
Jesus I thank God for being given another day to pray. I thank God for the ability and determination to continue and not be discouraged . I Thank God in Your Name Jesus.
God Please direct Your Holy Spirit to enter each person with a prayer request on this and all forums. May Your Holy Spirit enter each person and meet all needs. This I pray in Jesus Name our Beloved Savior. In Jesus Name Father I ask that the thing not worthy to look to heaven be banished from the earth into the pit for all eternity. In Jesus Christs Name I Pray.
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