Hi Maggie,
I will definitely let all of you know if Frankie comes home or not. Thank you for hoping he comes home soon, too. And I certainly don’t blame you one bit about worrying about your Skittles when she doesn’t answer your call right away, especially after your Munchie has gone missing. Things are never the same after one loses their kitty. I’m not sure one can ever get over it fully, especially if there is no resolution. At least if one finds their body I would think it would be easier to accept. Not knowing what happened is the worst, I think. Either way, one has to accept it, and that is not so easy at all. I’m having a pretty hard time accepting Frankie’s absence even though I know I must trust that God has him right where he wants him right now. Wherever Frankie is, he is with God and I know God is taking care of him in ways I never could. Sure wish I could though…
Thanks so much for your kind posts, Maggie, and give Skittles a pet from me!