Preemption for All!

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**Has President Bush lost his grip on reality? **

**In his Dec. 1 speech in Halifax, Nova Scotia, President Bush again declared his intention to preemptively attack “enemies who plot in secret and set out to murder the innocent and the unsuspecting.” Freedom from terrorism, Bush declared, will come only through preemptive war against enemies of democracy. **

Truth seekers continue here:
Peacemonger said:
Has President Bush lost his grip on reality?

**In his Dec. 1 speech in Halifax, Nova Scotia, President Bush again declared his intention to preemptively attack “enemies who plot in secret and set out to murder the innocent and the unsuspecting.” Freedom from terrorism, Bush declared, will come only through preemptive war against enemies of democracy. **

Leftist Propaganda seekers continue here:

I fixed your web site reference. It mentioned truth, which your reference is about as far from as I’ve seen. For more information regarding this type of posting, see here.
I fixed your web site reference. It mentioned truth, which your reference is about as far from as I’ve seen. For more information regarding this type of posting, see here.
I take it you didn’t read the article. Why is that?
Has President Bush lost his grip on reality?
No, he hasn’t. If you don’t attack terrorists preemptively, you end up having to clean up after 9/11s.

That is simply a hard fact of life.
I take it you didn’t read the article. Why is that?
Because that website, much like Michael Moore, is to biased to be considered objective. I don’t have to read the article to know that it is going to be slanted. Why do I want to fill my head with information I know ahead of time is going to be either inaccurate, slanted, os misrepresented? That’s like going to a Michael Moore movie thinking it may be objective. It won’t, because Michael Moore is not objective.
Because that website, much like Michael Moore, is to biased to be considered objective. I don’t have to read the article to know that it is going to be slanted. Why do I want to fill my head with information I know ahead of time is going to be either inaccurate, slanted, os misrepresented? That’s like going to a Michael Moore movie thinking it may be objective. It won’t, because Michael Moore is not objective.
The fact that you want even read an article because you feel it’s too biased to be objective says more about you than the article/web site in question. Do you consider conservative web sites to be objective and free of any bias? I enjoy reading books and reading articles from all sides of the political spectrum, but then again, I have critical reading skills. I can seperate the “meat from the bones” and learn something in the process.
Go ahead…read the article.
Peacemonger said:
Has President Bush lost his grip on reality?

Do you ever say anything that is not confrontational or sarcastic?
Bob Baran:
Peacemonger said:
as President Bush lost his grip on reality?

Do you ever say anything that is not confrontational or sarcastic?
Obviously you haven’t read all of my posts. I’m not here to intentionally bash anyone. The fact that conservatives are so sensitive and offended by the truth can’t be helped. I try to spread the truth behind America’s immoral war with as much charity as possible. Praise God that I’m here.
Obviously you haven’t read all of my posts. I’m not here to intentionally bash anyone. The fact that conservatives are so sensitive and offended by the truth can’t be helped. I try to spread the truth behind America’s immoral war with as much charity as possible. Praise God that I’m here.
I am not offended by the truth. I am offended by **** that presents itself as the truth. Its the devil’s favorite tactic.
Obviously you haven’t read all of my posts. I’m not here to intentionally bash anyone. The fact that conservatives are so sensitive and offended by the truth can’t be helped. I try to spread the truth behind America’s immoral war with as much charity as possible. Praise God that I’m here.
I’ve read many of your posts and they all seem to have the same tune. I search for the truth…and yes, I’m sensitive to those who bend the truth to suit their own ideals.
This is how liberals look at terrorism.
To them, it’s a law enforcement issue.

Police spend 90 percent of their time doing investigation and paperwork AFTER the crime.

Action after the rape.

Action after the murder.

Action after the theft.

Action after the kidnapping. etc etc etc

All Bush is saying is that we need to spend more time PREVENTING crimes. All options are on the table.

Playing to win, instead of playing “not to lose”.

Terrorists may be mad, but they certainly aren’t comfortable as they used to be! No more training and staging in a taliban regime, and they aren’t skimming the UN oil-for-food program anymore with Saddam Hussein.

We may not be safe, but we are safer!!
I enjoy reading books and reading articles from all sides of the political spectrum, but then again, I have critical reading skills. I can seperate the “meat from the bones” and learn something in the process.
I question your sencerity on this. Your posts lean one way and that’s ok except they are extreme in nature and in no way seem open minded or objective.
"No talk of peace, justice, truth, or virtue is complete without a clear understanding that certain individuals, movements, and nations must be met with measured force, however much we might prefer to deal with them peacefully or pleasantly. **Without force, many will not talk seriously at all, and some not even then. **Human, moral, and economic problems are greater today for the lack of adequate military force or, more often, for the failure to use it when necessary. " –James Schall

Hat tip: Cigars in the Sand.
Obviously you haven’t read all of my posts. I’m not here to intentionally bash anyone. The fact that conservatives are so sensitive and offended by the truth can’t be helped. I try to spread the truth behind America’s immoral war with as much charity as possible. Praise God that I’m here.

“Praise God that I’m here.” !!!

Who do You think you are? Who do you think **we **are? Humility is a virtue, and I sympathize with the poster somewhere above me that used profanity.

“Praise God that I’m here.”

With your slanted views and biased posts, I gather you belong to the Pax Christi group. In fact, I believe what you just said is blasphemous and vain!!!

You have just destroyed any credibilty you think you had, or even deserve from the rest of the members of the forum, conservative, liberal, or others.

I don’t believe I am the only one that has their feathers “ruffled a bit.”

And I’ve had enough with your self-righteous tirades! “Praise God I’m here,” you said. Stop!!!
Bob Baran:
I’ve read many of your posts and they all seem to have the same tune. I search for the truth…and yes, I’m sensitive to those who bend the truth to suit their own ideals.
I beg to differ. I don’t bend the truth. I simply put it out. Most people on this forum, when it comes to everything concerning the war in Iraq, ignore the truth. You willfully ignore the facts, spin, and tap dance around the bloodletting happening in Iraq. Some of you even think we’re winning the war on terror! Thanks to the Bush team, the world is a much more dangerous place, America is isolated and hated like never before. And conservative Christians are the biggest cheerleaders on this “Highway to Hell” that GW has us on.
I beg to differ. I don’t bend the truth. I simply put it out. Most people on this forum, when it comes to everything concerning the war in Iraq, ignore the truth. You willfully ignore the facts, spin, and tap dance around the bloodletting happening in Iraq. Some of you even think we’re winning the war on terror! Thanks to the Bush team, the world is a much more dangerous place, America is isolated and hated like never before. And conservative Christians are the biggest cheerleaders on this “Highway to Hell” that GW has us on.
Peace, what do YOU ignore??? Come, now.
CaptSC said:

“Praise God that I’m here.” !!!

Who do You think you are? Who do you think **we **are? Humility is a virtue, and I sympathize with the poster somewhere above me that used profanity.

“Praise God that I’m here.”

With your slanted views and biased posts, I gather you belong to the Pax Christi group. In fact, I believe what you just said is blasphemous and vain!!!

You have just destroyed any credibilty you think you had, or even deserve from the rest of the members of the forum, conservative, liberal, or others.

I don’t believe I am the only one that has their feathers “ruffled a bit.”

And I’ve had enough with your self-righteous tirades! “Praise God I’m here,” you said. Stop!!!

Take a chill pill CaptSC! Take a walk around the block or something! This forum is so pro war and right wing that is NEEDS me to try and balance it out. Hopefully someone will see the truth that I present and not get so huffy.
jlw said:
Peace, what do YOU ignore??? Come, now.

I ignore people who call me or say I’m anti-American, a pacifist, liberal, ignorant, self-righteous, anti-soldier, sad Saddam is no longer in power, don’t care about the people of Iraq. I’ve been called all these on this forum and more! But I just let it slide…because I know me and God knows me.
I ignore people who call me or say I’m anti-American, a pacifist, liberal, ignorant, self-righteous, anti-soldier, sad Saddam is no longer in power, don’t care about the people of Iraq. I’ve been called all these on this forum and more! But I just let it slide…because I know me and God knows me.
I hear you.

But based on my brief experience of your posts, you…

DON’T give America the benefit of the doubt usually

ARE against war on almost any grounds

ARE liberal in your worldview (except on abortion, thank goodness)

ARE ignorant of many facts about Iraq and the global war on terror

ARE self-righteous as anyone else dedicated to to his position, in spite of the facts presented


ARE anti-soldier only because your criticism of the mission *IS NOT *supportive of the soldiers in harms way.

In regards to your enlightened self-awareness and your hope that God agrees with your worldview…

Pray for more humility. I know I need to.
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