Really? A balanced, thinking person sees only the hackneyed litany of left-wing, progressive pseudo-reasoning blasted out…um… in an ELECTION YEAR. Wow! What an utter coincidence!
More like utter nonsense.
Did anyone note that the Church teaches that each nation has a right to control its borders?
Apparently not.
Yes or no: Do the “migrants” have a responsibility to petition the government for legal entry?
Yes, they do.
OBAMA and the Democrats had eight long years in complete control to fix immigration, and did nothing. And now President Trump, who has inherited the mess, is being demonized by those who are more more political than religious? Give me a break!
Another gross distortion: Does anyone seriously think that the massive, benefit-seeking wave of paid “migrants” was “forced” from their homelands?
Gee, why weren’t they “forced” to migrate during the eight long years of OBAMA and the Democrats doing nothing? Riddle me that one, Batman!
Only the blind see no radical progressive plan here.
“Whadda we do? Fixing the election failed. Blocking the appointments of Catholic and traditional judges failed. Impeachment failed. I know! Let’s drag out the well-used “immigrant” situation! That’ll finally get him!”
The average American is becoming increasingly weary of the leftist lies and distortions.