Pres Trump’s brutal, anti life refugee polices

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Oh please! The Holy Family was endangered by their own King, thus they fled to Egypt. When they got there they did not go on the dole of the Egyptian government but instead survived on their own labors. This is quite unlike today’s “refugees” who get free medical care, food stamps, WIC and other government assistance. As a nation that is deeply in debt, we simply cannot afford to take in every person or family unit that wants to come here.
Oh Please, think of the statement that artist is making. We are Catholic, we are called to care for those in need. Regardless of the secular politics involved.
Really? A balanced, thinking person sees only the hackneyed litany of left-wing, progressive pseudo-reasoning blasted out…um… in an ELECTION YEAR. Wow! What an utter coincidence!

More like utter nonsense.

Did anyone note that the Church teaches that each nation has a right to control its borders?

Apparently not.

Yes or no: Do the “migrants” have a responsibility to petition the government for legal entry?

Yes, they do.

OBAMA and the Democrats had eight long years in complete control to fix immigration, and did nothing. And now President Trump, who has inherited the mess, is being demonized by those who are more more political than religious? Give me a break!

Another gross distortion: Does anyone seriously think that the massive, benefit-seeking wave of paid “migrants” was “forced” from their homelands?

Gee, why weren’t they “forced” to migrate during the eight long years of OBAMA and the Democrats doing nothing? Riddle me that one, Batman!

Only the blind see no radical progressive plan here.

“Whadda we do? Fixing the election failed. Blocking the appointments of Catholic and traditional judges failed. Impeachment failed. I know! Let’s drag out the well-used “immigrant” situation! That’ll finally get him!”

The average American is becoming increasingly weary of the leftist lies and distortions.
YES! Thank you for a breath of reasonableness and for pointing out that the CCC teaches that countries do have a right to control their borders.

I know that all of us who are Catholic Christians, and many other Christians as well, want to obey the Lord Jesus and feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc. But we also have a responsibility to our fellow citizens and our country. We need to be wise in our attempts to help those in need. Those who are single and alone in the world might give away all that they own to help others, but those of us who have families and responsibilities (e.g., mortgage, insurance, bills, etc.) would not give all that we have away.

There are plenty of reasonable methods to help refugees that don’t put us in danger or stress our country’s resources to the point where no one is being helped.

Finally, I have gotten to a point where I do not trust ANY secular media anymore to report “the truth” about Pres. Trump and his administration. I suggest caution when it comes to claims about how Pres. Trump is a monster. I’m guessing that if we trace the source of many of these articles, we would find a very liberal, anti-Christian organization fronting the message.

"The overriding principle of all Catholic social teaching is that individuals must make economic, political, and social decisions not out of shortsighted self-interest, but with regard for the common good. That means that a moral person cannot consider only what is good for his or her own self and family, but must act with the good of all people as his or her guiding principle.

While individuals have the right to move in search of a safe and humane life, no country is bound to accept all those who wish to resettle there. By this principle the Church recognizes that most immigration is ultimately not something to celebrate. Ordinarily, people do not leave the security of their own land and culture just to seek adventure in a new place or merely to enhance their standard of living. Instead, they migrate because they are desperate and the opportunity for a safe and secure life does not exist in their own land. Immigrants and refugees endure many hardships and often long for the homes they left behind. As Americans we should cherish and celebrate the contributions of immigrants and their cultures; however, we should work to make it unnecessary for people to leave their own land.

Because there seems to be no end to poverty, war, and misery in the world, developed nations will continue to experience pressure from many peoples who desire to resettle in their lands. Catholic social teaching is realistic: While people have the right to move, no country has the duty to receive so many immigrants that its social and economic life are jeopardized.

For this reason, Catholics should not view the work of the federal government and its immigration control as negative or evil. Those who work to enforce our nation’s immigration laws often do so out of a sense of loyalty to the common good and compassion for poor people seeking a better life.
In an ideal world, there would be no need for immigration control. The Church recognizes that this ideal world has not yet been achieved."
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We are over 20 trillion dollars in debt - we are not wealthy any more.
Yes we are… our GDP dwarfs all other counties and there is more concentrated wealth here than anywhere else

Our current administration unfortunately put massive tax cuts in place for the wealthy that add immensely to the dept… immensely.

Still we can afford to allow asylum seekers…there should be zero doubt about that
GDP is only one side of the equation.

I don’t think people are anti refugee. But there has to be a good way to determine who the real refugees are.

The Catholic Church teaches that a nation has the duty to protect it’s citizens and has a duty to secure itself. It is not antiCatholic to limit immigration if the nation deems it isn’t safe and could be detrimental to the nation.

Don’t confuse immigration and refugees. We should always help those fleeing persecution.
I thought the article wasn’t very good. It showed to much bias. Don’t agree with the premise anyway.

The Holy Family stayed within the Roman Empire. So I don’t think the comparison is apt for the current policies at the boarder.
From the Catholic Teaching on Immigration and the Movement of People:
The New Testament begins with Matthew’s story of Joseph and Mary’s escape to Egypt with their newborn son, Jesus, because the paranoid and jealous King Herod wanted to kill the infant. Our Savior himself lived as a refugee because his own land was not safe.
It looks like to me that the US refuge policy, is now similar to the Catholic Church policy on letting someone enter the ministerial branch of the Catholic Church.

Years ago I wanted to go the seminary with the hope of becoming a priest, I was denied, for what reason I do not know.

With the abuse in the Church with sex offenders, the Catholic Church maybe should have vetted the applicants like what our country is doing now and not just let anyone in.

Sound like a lot of you think we should let anyone in the the ministerial branch of the Church, open it up to anyone, with out question. Maybe a Protestant should be able to enter the ministerial branch of the Church without question?
It is amazing how often dissent to Church teaching on immigration comes down to money or politics, as opposed to morals. But then with the above, this is the first time, that is the first time I have ever seen child sexual abuse used! I guess for some, everything is child sexual abuse.
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It is amazing how often dissent to Church teaching on immigration comes down to money or politics, as opposed to morals.
Money and politics are a couple of many considerations when discerning what is the moral thing to do for the good of both natives in a country and those who want to enter for various reasons. It’s naive to think those considerations can be left out when discerning the morality of a situation from all sides.
We cannot afford to take in everyone from those countries who want to come here and we have the right to control our own borders and to take care of our own citizens first.
The wealthiest country in the history of the world can’t afford to help women and children Asylum seekers at our southern border… during a long, long period of economic expansion? sad day when our Catholic values are set aside for money.
Time for an “oh please” of my own.

Oh please.

The argument goes: This is a land of plenty. We can afford to feed, clothe, and house anyone who wants to come here.

The fact is, we’re not a land of plenty, or at least not all of us have plenty.

We don’t even do what we should for Americans who need help, such as our seniors and veterans. We can take care of Americans before we roll out the red carpet for everyone who wants to come here.

After we take care of all our Americans who are in need, then maybe we can have a discussion on saving the whole world.
Right. Funny how the open borders crowd locks their doors shut each night for fear of crime.

Open borders they shout!

Bring in all your terrorists, guns, diseases, crime!

Funny how NO other civilized nation just “let’s people in” and actually conforms to their own solidarity by enforcing immigration by penalty of law.
We don’t even do what we should for Americans who need help, such as our seniors and veterans. We can take care of Americans before we roll out the red carpet for everyone who wants to come here.
Unsurprisingly this also aligns with what the church teaches.

Wherefore in matters pertaining to nature we should love our kindred most, in matters concerning relations between citizens, we should prefer our fellow-citizens, and on the battlefield our fellow-soldiers. Hence the Philosopher says (Ethic. ix, 2) that "it is our duty to render to each class of people such respect as is natural and appropriate. (Aquinas ST II-II 26,8)

On the contrary, Augustine says (De Doctr. Christ. i, 28): "Since one cannot do good to all, we ought to consider those chiefly who by reason of place, time or any other circumstance, by a kind of chance are more closely united to us.

But the bestowal of benefits is an act of charity towards others. Therefore we ought to be most beneficent towards those who are most closely connected with us
(II-II 31,3)
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I will also thank you both for the rationale and reasonable responses. Those that run around screaming “You are evil mean-spirited anti-Christians who don’t love the Lord and hate refugees and want to see them all die because you won’t have 100% open borders and require the government to tax nasty rich people and the middle class to death so we can care for illegal migrants” can only focus on feelings and emotion.

I’m tired of being called a bigot and a racist by the progressive left. Their policies and arguments fall flat and simply go straight to ad hominen attacks.
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This is a land of plenty.
This was a land of plenty when any pioneer with the gumption to farm 40 acres of unoccupied public lands could go from being a penniless indentured servant to being a well-off land owner.

That land and those days are long gone.
Yes, the class warfare argument. Appealing right to the heart of emotion. We are rich, they are poor, thus we must be evil not to share.

The global world wealth is estimated to be around $350 trilliion. The US with all of its debt and liabilities, including social security, medicare, is aroudn $110-120 trillion. If the US took EVERY dollar from the top 1%, it wouldn’t make a dent in our debt. Then what?
Glad to have you and your mom or dad here with us!
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Does a country have the right to exclude ANYONE?
This seems like exactly the right question to ask to clarify the situation. Almost no one would consider answering no, but if it is agreed that somewhere there is a limit then most of the arguments currently employed in favor of porous borders simply melt away.
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