Where was Donald Trump five years ago on this issue?
Where was he 10 years ago?
Where was he 20 years ago?
He never was Pro-Life until he decided he wanted to run for President.
Total phony!
He was running his business 5, 10, 20 years ago.
And I would guess that many MANY pro-life people, including myself, sir, were once pro-choice because we didn’t know the facts. We are NOT total phonies!
And Pres. Trump has nothing to gain politically from being pro-life. All of our recent Republican Presidents have professed to be pro-life, but did very little to help put an end to legal abortion, and did not speak up for the unborn as Pres. Trump does. He loses a lot of support from celebs because of his pro-life stance, and many of the powerful national women’s organizations, along with almost all of the women journalists, utterly denounce Pres. Trump and Vice President Pence in the strongest and most unflattering language.
Even a lot of church denominations denounce Pres. Trump because these denoms are pro-choice!
And even many in the medical community are pro-choice and condemn Pres. Trump’s denial of a woman’s “reproductive freedom.”
In other words, being pro-life in the U.S. is a definite “minority” stand that only ignorant people take up–and yet Pres. Trump has aligned himself with the unborn. In my mind, he is a hero–a true hero works to help those who can’t pay him/her back.
He is taking an incredible gamble–if the only people who actually vote for him are doing so because of the abortio issue–will there be enough of us to get him re-elected? According to many statistics, no.
He will lose the election if he’s counting on pro-lifers, especially considering that many Christians refuse to vote based on the life issue, and insist that we have to be willing to vote for pro-choice people because they are advocates for many humanitarian programs that help all people, not just the unborn. God help us!
Rather than calling Pres. Trump a phony, you would do better to call him “stupid,” because to many people in the U.S., that’s what he is because he is supporting oppression of women and denying that they have a right to choose what to do with their own bodies.
And remember, if he’s a phony, so are many of us who once were “pro-choice.”