It certainly is the urging of The Holy Spirit and the workings of Grace in that we are each created in the image and likeness of GOD our Creator that the pursuit of more opportunity for work, helping families have a living wage in the providing a more just society.
There are those working on pro active ways to foster an increase of this.
And others. These type of human dignity centered ideas are part of the Gospel of Life faithful witness to bring back the better ideals in law and practice based on The Founding Creeds, Self-Evident Creator Given Rights, and Bill of Rights of our land.
So is providing help as Good Counsel Homes, Sisters of Life, Guiding Star, Project Rachel for post abortive healing.
This is far more than ‘one issue,’ with so many being related to this by virtue of the God given dignity, value, and Sacredness of every single human being; that we all intrinsically have, like every child in the womb, every sick or elderly person - and every dad & mom who deserve an atmosphere that fosters and encourages an informed conscience on this; conscience freedom not to participate in child killing, freedom of speech - with much oppression going on right now in our open society.
The Lord Jesus Christ commanded fostering a hope for more of The Kingdom of GOD to be present, with a Grace led self-giving assertive attitude.
Life, truth, love: words full of stimulating suggestions for human efforts in the world. They are rooted in the message of Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, but they are also impressed upon the hearts and yearnings of every man and woman."
" 3. The evidence shows with increasing clarity how policies and laws opposed to life
are causing societies to decline, not only morally but demographically and economically. The Encyclical’s message can therefore be presented not only as true and authentic guidelines for moral rebirth, but also as a
reference-point for civil salvation.
Thus, there is no reason for that type of defeatist mentality which claims that laws opposed to the right to life - those which legalize abortion, euthanasia, sterilization and methods of family planning opposed to life and the dignity of marriage - are inevitable and now almost a social necessity. On the contrary, they are a seed of corruption for society and its foundations.
The civil and moral conscience cannot accept this false inevitability, any more than the idea that war or interethnic extermination is inevitable."
excerpts from:
This is extremely apropos in the decades up until now, and now. The urgency of now, (ref. Letter From Birmingham Jail), should not fall away to gradualism.
We need to be proactive, and join proactive ministries. Peace.