Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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Nah, he didn’t want to offend the racists that vote for him. He needs them to have any chance of winning.
That seems rather offensive to those of us who vote for Pres. Trump.

He has an excellent chance of winning. A few weeks ago, the early morning Farm Show (comes on at 4 a.m.) reported the results of a poll of American farmers–at that time, 85% were planning to vote for Pres. Trump.

Now I realize that the number of farmers in this nation is a lot less than the number of Christians who belong to one of the “Reformed” Churches (wow, now that’s a denomination that has lost a lotta folks–and they used to be the largest Protestant denomination in the country!).

But there are plenty of other “groups” in this country who support Pres. Trump. I play piano for a small Protestant church that is part of a respectably-sized denomination, and that church membership is %100 for Pres. Trump.

My brother is a welder, and he says that almost everyone he knows will be voting for Pres. Trump, not because they love the man, but they love their jobs and they hate taxes.

Heck, my gay male music teacher is a Trump supporter–now explain that!!

I think there are also a lot of supporters of VP Biden and Sen. Harris, so the race will be close. I honestly think that the U.S. is currently split pretty evenly.

SO…what it will all come down to is WHO will actually vote?

Lots of younger folks (likely to be Biden/Harris supporters) lack the basic organizational skills and intestinal fortitude and courage to step away from their phones for an hour and head down to their local voting location and vote. (“What if the person next to me isn’t wearing a mask?!”) And I think that these same folks also lack the ability to follow through and vote by mail.

OTOH, Trump supporters are willing to walk barefoot through a blizzard at 5 a.m. and wait for an hour for their turn to vote. And those who plan on voting by mail (e.g., my parents-in-law) have already gotten their ballots filler out and mailed them in.

We’ll see. But please don’t make the error of assuming that everyone hates Pres. Trump because you and your friends do.
I just saw a count of the interruptions…
Trump 71 times
Biden 22 times

I want the next debate to have zero.
I was very interested in Mr. Biden’s reply to would you expand the Supreme Court and abolish the filibuster. We did not get an answer to that. It was sidestepped. That is very important. Of Supreme importance, pardon the pun, as it would change the face of our country.
I don’t trust candidates who stonewall fair questions. Looks like they have something to hide. Note, I said fair questions. That one was.
We don’t want him to be “presidential” (whatever that means). The great thing about Trump is that he is genuine and speaks the truth, unlike most of the out of touch and condescending politically elite Democrats. Trump is willing to stand up to them, and he’ll tell it like it is, he’s not afraid. Trump is for the people, Joe Biden is for the elitists.
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I don’t watch MSNBC because they’re fake news. If you’d stop listening to their fake news you’d understand how corrupt and evil the Democrats are. I watch alternative media, media which speaks the truth, not mainstream fake news, maybe you should give it a try. Ben Shapiro and Michael Knowles speak the truth.
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No, it is usually how Trump operates. That’s all.
No, it’s how the corrupt and vile Democratic party operates. They will do anything to get power, anything. They will subvert the system and slander their opponents just like they did to Brett Kavanaugh and just like they’re now doing to Amy Coney Barrett and just as they have always done to Donald Trump.
What Trump is r
He shows up at every debate and absolutely destroyed Joe Biden at last night’s debate. He wasn’t just going to sit back and let him spew his lies and falsehoods. I applaud Trump, he did great last night! Sleepy Joe Biden did terrible! He is cognitively inept.
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Sure doesn’t seem to have prevented the surveillance of Carter Page or any of the “outed” people.
Unless any of the people you have in mind show someone can be legally put under surveillance without probable cause or going before a judge for a warrant, without the information being considered “fruit of a poisonous tree”, they are not relevant to the earlier exchange.
But he did debate and he won. Stop lying.
He did not debate. He showed up. He interrupted, lied, deflected, trash-talked, heckled, refused to follow the rules of the moderator. But there is no way anyone could call what Trump did a debate.
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May I ask, how do you know who speaks the truth? In my experience, extreme positions are rarely, if ever, the truth.
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He did not debate. He showed up. He interrupted, lied, deflected, trash-talked, refused to follow the rules of the moderator. But there is no way anyone could call what Trump did a debate.
All Joe Biden did was lie and insult Trump, he acted terribly and like a complete idiot and took contradictory positions in order to appease his party which is split between radicals and the establishment Dems. Trump wasn’t going to take that, he stood up to him. Trump is for the people, Biden is for the elite. Admit it, your party is evil, your party is corrupt, your party lies.
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Maybe because I look at the facts and think about them logically. I don’t just mindlessly go off of emotions like the left does. People on the right actually think with logic and reason. People on the left do not, for example, like in the Jacob Blake case. They also openly lie and spread falsehoods to the people in order to gain power, because that’s all Democrats want. Power.
Are you serious? Take a step back and look at yourself. Trump did debate, you just don’t have any good arguments for your position. Trump did what we love him for doing, he stood up to Biden. I’m simply telling you what it is. You’re deflecting, you won’t acknowledge some of the vile and false rhetoric that Joe Biden was promoting last night, some of which is truly evil, like promoting the idea that America in 2020 is systemically racist, which is blatantly untrue and all it does is cause division and hatred of America . . . .
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So then someone who also looks at the facts and thinks about them, but does not arrive at the same conclusions as you is not telling the truth, lying, corrupt, and evil? Do you have any tolerance for different perspectives, different ways of seeing things, different interpretations which may not agree with yours?
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