Pressure Builds on DeLay

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DeLay, DeLay…what can I say? He has a whole lot of ethics- redistricting in Texas and all. Man, I remember when they did that in the old South…oh, wait, it still happens in Texas! I recall a question from “America: The Book” saying ‘There are several counties in Texas that have experienced a sudden uprising in minority population. Can you, using only five lines, redistrict them and consolidate white power there? If you can, call Rep. Tom DeLay, R-TX.’
DeLay, DeLay…what can I say? He has a whole lot of ethics- redistricting in Texas and all. Man,
If there is illegal activity, let the justice system hold him accountable. Bringing up past legal activity that some do not like is a bait and switch. If others follow this line, I will doubt that anything of substance exists. Truth needs not such tactics.

As far as him representing Texas in Congress, that is of no concern to those unfortunate not to be Texans.

At least he doen’t support killing the handicapped.
The Democrats dislike Mr DeLay because he’s so effective. He thus has a real chance to advance the Culture of Life by holding the judges who executed Terri Schiavo acountable. Since the Democratic Party represents the Culture of Death, they will try to destroy him.
Actually we dislike DeLay because he’s a crook and a power hungry arrogant right wing extremist nutcase. And he’s a DOMIONIST.
Actually we dislike DeLay because he’s a crook and a power hungry arrogant right wing extremist nutcase. And he’s a DOMIONIST.
DOMIONIST? are you sure this is a word?

If I were you I would only speak for myself…

In fact you dont’ know this man… Be a Dem if you want but this is just immature :rolleyes:
Lisa N:
However you equated morality with voting out Republicans and voting in Democrats. Given their pro-death platform I am curious what strange morality you refer to.

Lisa N
Some of our posters here seem to have a cognitive reasoning problem. About Mr Delay…I like him and don’t know enough of the facts to decide …but its very obivous why the dems don’t like him :rolleyes: I mean, they might try to come up with something besides the same old song…which even the most seasoned Dem knows is absurd.
DOMIONIST? :rolleyes:
I couldn’t find this in any dictionary. I have seen in the last elections that democrats aren’t on the same page as America, but I didn’t know they used a different dictionary. 😃
All this talk about Delay is making me hungry for a big fat rib-eye steak. Think I will go fire up the grill.

Actually we dislike DeLay because he’s a crook and a power hungry arrogant right wing extremist nutcase. And he’s a DOMIONIST.
  1. Provide proof that he is a crook.
  2. Provide proof that he is more power hungry than John Kerry.
  3. How is he an extremist?
  4. How is he mentally unstable?
DOMIONIST? are you sure this is a word?

If I were you I would only speak for myself…

In fact you dont’ know this man… Be a Dem if you want but this is just immature :rolleyes:
What? Do you have newwordphobia? Why don’t you be a little more tolerant? :rolleyes:
What? Do you have newwordphobia? Why don’t you be a little more tolerant? :rolleyes:
Does anyone know what DOMIONIST means? I am not trying to be phobic, just ralectic.
Does anyone know what DOMIONIST means? I am not trying to be phobic, just ralectic.
Dominionism is a trend in Protestant Christian evangelicalism and fundamentalism that encourages not just active political participation in civic society but also attempts to take over and dominate the political process. Wikipedia

The proponents of Domionism are actively working to establish an Old Testament inspired theocracy in the US.
Dominionism is a trend in Protestant Christian evangelicalism and fundamentalism that encourages not just active political participation in civic society but also attempts to take over and dominate the political process. Wikipedia

The proponents of Domionism are actively working to establish an Old Testament inspired theocracy in the US.
Thank you for clarifying.

You do realize that the concept of a theocracy is unconstitutional, impossible and treasonous do you not? To acuse some one of working to establish a theocracy undermines the credibility of the accuser and places one in the camp of a myriad of other conspiracy theorists and wackos.
You do realize that the concept of a theocracy is unconstitutional, impossible and treasonous do you not?
Not treasonous in any way.
To acuse some one of working to establish a theocracy undermines the credibility of the accuser and places one in the camp of a myriad of other conspiracy theorists and wackos.
Only if there is no such movement. I would not put anything past those right-wing Evangelicals who want to “make America a Christian (or an Old Testament) nation.”
It’s about time!

Read the article at:
This is all part of a vast left wing conspiracy to disgrace the Republican party. Why isn’t there a stink being made about Robery Byrd, the former KKK member? Nancy Pilosi and Harry Reid have blemishes on campaign contributions, but you don’t hear a peep about that do you? Nope, but the second a Republican farts in public, there is a firestorm of media controversy about how he/she need to be taken down. Its a terrible double standard that liberals play and if you believe in fairness (ahem Richardols, Catholicvegan, Matt25, et al) then you should be outraged about Democratic improprieties as well.
This is all part of a vast left wing conspiracy to disgrace the Republican party. Why isn’t there a stink being made about Robery Byrd, the former KKK member? Nancy Pilosi and Harry Reid have blemishes on campaign contributions, but you don’t hear a peep about that do you? Nope, but the second a Republican farts in public, there is a firestorm of media controversy about how he/she need to be taken down. Its a terrible double standard that liberals play and if you believe in fairness (ahem Richardols, Catholicvegan, Matt25, et al) then you should be outraged about Democratic improprieties as well.
This is why I will continue to move towards accepting an alternate party in the Republicans continue to cave to the virulent Democrats. It is shameful that a few Republicans joined them rather than chastizing the Democrats for having no agenda except interference with the will of the people, from judges to elected representatives. They are effectively communist.
This is all part of a vast left wing conspiracy to disgrace the Republican party. Why isn’t there a stink being made about Robery Byrd, the former KKK member?
A vast left-wing conspiracy? The Illuminati are undoubtedly involved as well.

Byrd, the former KKK member. When did he leave the Klan? Just before last year’s elections? Or was it during Clinton’s second term?
the second a Republican farts in public, there is a firestorm of media controversy about how he/she need to be taken down.
Pols like Rep Shays and Sen Santorum want DeLay out. Left wingers, are they?
A vast left-wing conspiracy? The Illuminati are undoubtedly involved as well.

Byrd, the former KKK member. When did he leave the Klan? Just before last year’s elections? Or was it during Clinton’s second term?
He left?
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